New Year Resolution: Soil, Water, and Air

usha devi venkatachalam
Krishi Janani
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2018

Krishi Janani has been on a tree planting spree. We planted 500+ trees in 2017 in the Miyawaki agroforestry method.

Now that we are confident that we can a) plant trees and b) they will survive (*yay*), we have decided to up the ante.

First work day of 2018 :)

For 2018, as part of organization-wide planning and goal setting, we decided that we will also have enterprise-wide resolutions for nourishing our soil, water, and air. Note that these are in addition to the impact + profit that is mandatory for all our business activities. These are for us to get our hands dirty. Quite literally! :)

So, what are Krishi Janani’s new year resolutions for 2018?

Soil / நிலம்:

  • 25 vermicompost pits to fortify the soil (3 in 2017)
  • நில வளம் மேம்பட 25 மண் புழு உர குழிகள் (2017-இல் 3).

Water / நீர்:

  • 10 rainwater harvesting structures to improve water wealth (0 in 2017)
  • நீர் வளம் மேம்பட 10 மழைநீர் அறுவடை கட்டமைப்புகள் (2017-இல் 0).

Air / காற்று:

  • 5,000 trees to fight air pollution (500+ in 2017)
  • காற்று மாசுபடுவதை எதிர்க்க 5,000 மரங்கள்​ (2017-இல் 500+).

We got a head start on our regenerative targets on the first work day of 2018. Our 3-hour planting spree ended with 54 tree saplings in the ground.

54 down. 4946 to go. :-D



usha devi venkatachalam
Krishi Janani

techie | idealist :) Work & passion: social change, technology (ict4d), women & girls, rural livelihoods, agriculture. misc: food, reading, travel, spirituality