A preview to Kruuu’s first steps.

Published in
8 min readJun 4, 2023
Step 1

After 204 commits on the Kruuu-App repo and 80commits on the Kruuu-Core, we are happy to introduce the MVP version of Kruuu.

Download Kruuu IOS by following these simple steps
1. Complete our Google form here.
2. Download Testflight.
3. Open the link provided in your email to download on your IOS.
4. Open the App and register.
5. Join our telegram here to receive a OTP code.
6. Activate your account and you’re good to go.

Singapore : Kruuu Pte. Ltd
Indonesia : PT Kruuu Technology Indonesia

Malaysia : In Progress

KRUUU : Employer View

Welcome to KRUUU, the comprehensive ecosystem that revolutionizes the way employers and talents connect and collaborate in the entertainment industry. At this time, we will walk you through the various features and functionalities available to employers.

Top Up Project Budget :

Welcome to KRUUU! In this documentation, we will explain how you can top up the project budget for your created projects. The project budget is an essential aspect of managing job payments within your projects on KRUUU.

After creating a project, you have the option to either pay outside the app or within the app using the project budget. The project budget allows for seamless and convenient payments for jobs created within the project.

Video on Top Up Project Budget is created together with “ Create Project “ video

Create Project:

KRUUU enables employers to create projects, which serve as the foundation for organizing job opportunities. With the “Create Project” feature, you can provide detailed information about your project, such as the title, description, required skills, duration, and budget. This helps talents understand your project and encourages them to apply for relevant jobs.

Create Job:

Within each project, you can create specific jobs that need to be filled. Use the “Create Job” function to define the job title, description, required skills, and payment terms. This allows talents to browse and apply for the available jobs that align with their expertise.

Accept Job:

Once talents apply for a job in your project, you can review their profiles and qualifications. The “Accept Job” feature allows you to select the most suitable candidate for the position. After accepting a talent, you can proceed with further communication and coordination.

Finish Job:

When the job is successfully completed, employers can mark it as finished using the “Finish Job” option. This indicates that the talent has fulfilled their responsibilities, and it also triggers the payment process, transferring the agreed-upon payment to the talent’s account.

Finish Project:

Once all the jobs within a project have been completed and the associated payments have been made, you can choose to close the project. Closing a project signifies the successful conclusion of your engagement with the talents, allowing you to focus on other projects or create new ones.

KRUUU : Talent View

Welcome to KRUUU, the comprehensive ecosystem designed to support talents in the entertainment industry. In this documentation, we will guide you through the various features and functionalities available to talents on KRUUU.

Apply Job:

KRUUU offers a wide range of job opportunities for talents. As a talent, you can browse through the available jobs listed on the platform and apply for those that match your skills and interests. By selecting the “Apply Job” option, you can submit your application along with your portfolio, resume, or any other relevant information required by the employer.

Shout-out to the incredible Lisk SDK 🔥 for its invaluable contribution! While numerous tools exist for decentralized applications, there is a scarcity when it comes to building blockchain applications. Each approach has its pros and cons, with some advocating for the potential of alternative Layer 1 blockchains. At kruuu.com, we firmly believe that configuring Layer 1 is pivotal for scalability and efficiency in constructing web3 social media. Enter Lisk SDK, the perfect solution to turn our vision into reality!

User Experience holds immense significance for us, as it serves as a key driver for mass adoption of web3, as we mentioned earlier. Lisk SDK emerges as our ideal ally in achieving this goal. With a plethora of remarkable features, the flexibility and accessibility offered by the Lisk SDK truly stand out. As an SDK designed explicitly for building Blockchain Applications rather than Smart Contract Applications, we have the power to configure every aspect, including the ability to set transaction-specific fees. The possibilities are endless with Lisk SDK as our guiding light!

As new features are introduced, we will enhance and update the aforementioned documentation accordingly. It is important to note that this documentation is designed to offer clarity during the current stage of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) development. Subsequent iterations and updates will be made to ensure accuracy and relevance as the platform evolves.

Let me share with you some of the exciting sprints of development using LISK SDK 🔥🚀 in the near future.

Have a look into our Technical write up here

  1. NFT Certificate Module
  2. Engagement Module
  3. Custom Fee / Transaction Module

Why we do what we do?

Blockchain meets Entertainment Industry

In anticipation of the upcoming transformations, Kruuu aims to position itself early to leverage blockchain technology in various potential use cases. While there are numerous possibilities, let’s explore a few potential applications:

Difficult Entry

In the film industry, power brokers have exerted control, resulting in restricted entry to the investment and creation process. Consequently, the viewing public has been deprived of meaningful involvement in content creation, investment opportunities, and the ensuing profits.


Blockchain technology offers the remarkable capability to create Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). NFTs are digital assets that can symbolize tangible assets like art, music, films, and various forms of creative content. It’s important to note that “fungible” assets can be interchanged or traded for one another, whereas NFTs hold unique value.

Unlike currencies where one unit is always equal to another (e.g., one dollar equals another dollar), NFTs are distinct and unparalleled. They can be purchased and sold online, often using cryptocurrency, and are typically encoded with the same underlying software as digital currencies. Each NFT possesses a distinctive identifying code, rendering it one-of-a-kind.


By leveraging Lisk SDK modules and the seamless speed of transactions, the payment of funds and revenue sharing based on these modules becomes an automated process, eliminating the need for intermediaries. This paves the way for a fully automated and transparent business model, free from any reliance on third-party involvement.

Rights ownership

For decades, the film industry has grappled with the complex matter of rights management for its content. The question of ownership often lingers: Who truly possesses the film? However, with the advent of this revolutionary technology, every facet of intellectual property can be digitized and stored within a master database. This enables meticulous tracking of Intellectual Property Rights on a global scale, with comprehensive records available for verification. Utilizing blockchain technology, copyright owners can now monitor each individual digital asset effortlessly. Whether it’s a script, artwork, or a digital video file, each item maintains its own encrypted file, ensuring secure and traceable ownership.

Film Funding

In the realm of film finance, multiple parties and entities are involved, leading to a complex web of financial relationships. This includes copyright holders, equity investors, banks, funding bodies, grant entities, tax incentive entities, film commissions, unions, guilds, and talent. The flow of funds and revenue in the film industry is meticulously outlined in legal contracts that all parties sign and uphold. These contracts specify the availability and requirements for funds, as well as rules and conditions tied to revenue generated by the final product.

The emergence of blockchain technology, along with the implementation of Lisk’s Modules and decentralized principles, revolutionizes the landscape of film financing and revenue collection. Blockchain enables the fulfillment of two crucial obligations in rights collection:

1) Secure and timely payment based on pre-agreed revenue splits and reporting. With blockchain, these transactions occur in real-time, without the need for intermediaries.

2) Transparent and accurate reporting. Blockchain ensures that all transactions are automatically executed and recorded in real-time, guaranteeing transparency and accuracy.

By harnessing the power of blockchain, the film industry achieves greater efficiency, security, and trust in financial transactions and reporting, ultimately transforming the way films are financed and revenue is collected.

New Era of Film Financing

The film industry can leverage blockchain technology to introduce an innovative business model for financing film projects. By connecting cryptocurrency and digital tokens to a blockchain, new opportunities arise for fundraising in film production. This enables producers to access alternative sources of revenue, while the public gains the ability to invest in projects that may not be available through traditional funding avenues.

Tokens can represent ownership interests in a project and are categorized as security tokens by financial regulators. These tokens can be custom-designed by the issuing entity and become part of the project’s valuation through Lisk’s Modules. These Modules defines the terms, rules, and performance of the token transaction within the blockchain, including its acquisition, use, and disposal. The value of a token is established at the project’s inception and may fluctuate based on its popularity and success.

Each asset or film content can be assigned a unique digitized identifier through tokens. These tokens can be tracked, and databases can be created to monitor the authorized use or sale of content, determining its value and enabling monetization through cryptocurrency.

One of the unique features of blockchain is its capacity to provide a new distribution channel within the blockchain itself. Film producers, content creators, and rights holders can leverage the transparency and immutability of blockchain technology to identify authorized viewers and distributors of their film products (intellectual property). This not only helps protect intellectual property rights but also aids in combatting piracy, offering enhanced security and control over the distribution process.

🔥🔥 Congratulations 🔥🔥

on making it this far! We appreciate your interest in Kruuu and would love to connect you with our amazing Founder and CEO. If you have any burning questions or simply want to learn more about our vision and offerings, we encourage you to book a meeting with our Founder. Nino will chat with you and provide all the answers you seek.
To schedule a meeting, simply click this 📠 Link and choose a time slot that works best for you. We can’t wait to hear from you!
here’s a lil intro to 👤 Nino Fernandez

Any suggestions? email us : nino@kruuu.com

A heartfelt thank you to the amazing team at Lisk for their unwavering support throughout our journey. Your expertise and collaboration have been invaluable. Together, we’re revolutionizing the industry. Thank you, Lisk!




KRUUU: Empowering creators with access to job opportunities, efficient budget management, timely attendance, a secure marketplace, check-in , chat functionality