Problems we have in the Film Production !

No one is connected !

5 min readJun 2, 2023


Amidst the chaos of the production team searching for actors, the aspiring talents find themselves in a relentless pursuit of job opportunities.
In the fast-paced world of film production, connectivity is more than just a buzzword — it is the lifeline that breathes life into the industry. However, amidst the chaos of production teams scouting for actors, an alarming disconnect exists, leaving aspiring talents in a relentless pursuit of job opportunities.

1. Opportunity and Aspiring Talents : Connectivity serves as the gateway to opportunity for aspiring talents. In an industry driven by word-of-mouth recommendations, staying connected is crucial for gaining access to auditions, casting calls, and networking events. Without these connections, talents find themselves at a significant disadvantage, struggling to showcase their abilities and break into the industry.

2. Limited Pool and Biased Recommendations : The absence of connectivity exacerbates the problem of a limited pool of opportunities. When individuals are disconnected, relying solely on word-of-mouth, it creates a narrow circle that perpetuates biased recommendations. This lack of diversity in recommendations hinders the industry from discovering fresh talents and embracing a broader range of perspectives and voices.

3. Inadequate Representation : The scarcity of connectivity leads to inadequate representation in the film industry. Marginalized communities, underrepresented groups, and diverse talents often face significant challenges in accessing opportunities. This results in a lack of representation on screen and behind the scenes, hindering the industry’s ability to tell inclusive and authentic stories that resonate with a global audience.

4. Constrained Growth and Development : Connectivity is the catalyst for growth and development within the film industry. It fosters collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and the exchange of ideas. When connectivity is absent, talents are deprived of valuable mentorship, industry insights, and learning opportunities. This hampers their professional growth and stifles the innovation and creativity that the industry thrives upon.

5. Meeting Rising Demands : With the rising demands and evolving landscape of film production, connectivity becomes even more critical. As the industry expands globally and embraces new technologies and platforms, being connected enables talents and production teams to tap into a vast network of opportunities, bridge geographical barriers, and stay abreast of emerging trends.

Old school payment system !

In the traditional payment system of the film industry, compensating actors, crew members, and other entities involved in the production process was a convoluted and outdated process. It typically involved manual paperwork, paper checks, and various intermediaries, resulting in several complications and inefficiencies. Here are some of the challenges and complexities associated with the old payment system:

1. Manual Paperwork : The traditional approach relied heavily on paperwork, including invoices, contracts, and tax forms. This manual process was time-consuming and prone to errors, leading to delays and discrepancies in payments.

2. Multiple Intermediaries : The involvement of numerous intermediaries, such as payroll companies and financial institutions, introduced additional layers of complexity and increased administrative costs. This fragmented structure made it challenging to track and manage payments effectively.

3. Inefficient Tracking : With limited technological infrastructure, tracking and reconciling payments across different departments, locations, and projects was a tedious task. This lack of visibility created difficulties in ensuring accurate and timely payments to all parties involved.

4. Compliance and Taxation : Meeting legal and regulatory requirements, including tax obligations, became a daunting task. The complexities of taxation in the film industry, which often involved multiple jurisdictions, added further challenges and potential complications.

5. Lack of Transparency : The absence of a transparent payment system made it difficult for individuals to validate and verify the accuracy of their payments. Disputes and misunderstandings were common, leading to strained relationships between the production team and talent/crew members.

6. Delayed Payments : Due to the cumbersome nature of the old payment system, delays in payments were prevalent. This created financial hardships for individuals working on projects, impacting their livelihood and causing dissatisfaction within the production process.

Consequences of No Transparency in Film Production !

In the captivating world of film production, transparency plays a crucial role in fostering trust, collaboration, and equitable outcomes. However, when transparency fades away, a multitude of repercussions emerges, impacting various stakeholders involved in the filmmaking process. Let’s explore the consequences of a lack of transparency and uncover who ultimately suffers from this shadowed reality.

1. Talent and Crew Members : Without transparency, actors, actresses, and crew members find themselves vulnerable to exploitation and unfair treatment. Ambiguities surrounding contracts, compensation, and working conditions may lead to delayed or insufficient payments, long working hours, and unsafe environments. These talented individuals bear the brunt of the lack of transparency, enduring financial, physical, and emotional hardships.

2. Independent Filmmakers : Independent filmmakers often face funding challenges and rely on investments from backers. In the absence of transparency, these filmmakers are at higher risk of encountering unscrupulous investors or hidden agendas. Lack of clarity regarding budget allocation, profit-sharing agreements, and financial reporting hampers their ability to make informed decisions, potentially jeopardizing the success of their projects.

3. Investors and Financiers : Transparency is crucial for investors and financiers who contribute substantial capital to film productions. Without a clear understanding of how their investments are being utilized, they face increased risk and uncertainty. Lack of transparency may lead to disputes, strained relationships, and financial losses, dissuading potential investors from participating in future ventures.

4. Audiences and Filmgoers : Transparency serves as a foundation for audience trust and engagement. When transparency is compromised, audiences may question the integrity of the film industry and the authenticity of the stories presented. This loss of trust can impact box office performance, viewer satisfaction, and the overall perception of the film industry.

5. Industry Reputation : The film industry as a whole suffers from a lack of transparency. Negative experiences, scandals, and controversies stemming from hidden financial dealings, unfair practices, or exploitation tarnish the industry’s reputation. This erodes public trust and can impede the growth and development of the film industry as a creative and economic force.

Humans are still neccesarry to create the majority of film production




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