Why taking breaks is important on a long journey?

Samantha Williams
Published in
4 min readJun 23, 2017

Oh, how we love long journeys to faraway places, after all, they take us on exotic trips and incredible destinations.

As much as you love the thrill and experience of a long journey, it can come with its fair share of setbacks, one of them being tiredness and fatigue that get the better of you.

This is especially true in the case of the driver. Many individuals feel that taking breaks along the journey only prolong the duration of the travel and so prefer not to make stops along the way.

Some drivers don’t think it is necessary to take a break and get some rest during the journey. However, we beg to differ. It is imperative that you take breaks during a long journey.

Here are a few reasons why you should take a break on a long road trip:

You will be refreshed and alert

When you make adequate stops along the way, your mind functions well as it gets the ample amount of rest to work efficiently again. The road can be unpredictable and your mind needs to be at the top of its game to tackle all kinds of obstacles. A break every now and then beats the monotony and continuous mobility. So even if a wild cat runs in between of the road or there are boulders falling from above, you are alert and prepared.

No breaks will leave you with driver fatigue

If you think that traveling without making pit stops along the way will actually help you reach your destination faster, you are wrong. Journeying without taking breaks affect your attention span and you can’t focus on driving to your maximum potential. You can fall asleep behind the wheel and even collide with another vehicle. Even though you may begin the journey fresh and alert, you are bound to get driver fatigue if you do not stop along the way for a break.

You can develop pain and aches in your joints and bones

When you are stuck in a vehicle, it restricts your flexibility. You cannot move your arms and ankles freely. Sitting in this position for a long time may lead to chronic pain in your knees, spine, and legs. It can also slow down your metabolism levels and affect your posture. Taking a break to stretch out and release the tension from your joints helps to exercise your body so that cramps and lethargy can be avoided.

Without breaks, your tolerance level decreases

You might have experienced irritability and crankiness, especially from children when on a particularly long road trip. This is nothing but the exertion and boredom talking. The longer the drive between stops, the longer the resting period need to be. So rather than taking longer breaks less frequently, you can halt for around 10 to 15 minutes every few hours or so. You need to take into account the driver as well as the passengers, especially if there are children and pets with you. Remember, everyone’s tolerance level to driving, without rest differs.

You get to check out amazing stops along the way

Who says stopovers are just meant for rest? You can schedule stops in such a way that let you explore the places you want to see. You can hit two birds with one stone. For instance, if you are driving through the countryside, you can stop at a breathtaking scenery and even get a few fabulous pictures while there. Stopping at a beach or near a lake gives everyone a break and fresh air while it is also fun at the same time.

Your vehicle needs the rest too

Continuously driving not only tires passengers out, the same can be said about your vehicle too. Your vehicle deserves a break-off and on as driving continuously will heat up your engine. You need to keep a track of how old the vehicle is. Be sure to check the fuel tank too, and see how much gas it has consumed. Also, make your stops in such a way that you do not run out of gas in the bargain.

The longer route may be more fun

If you are going to make many stops along the way, it is best to take the longer route rather than the shorter one. After all, nobody says that the shorter route is more enjoyable. You may end up having a great time on the longer path with all the amazing stops and mesmerizing views and experiences on the way. Faster is not always better you know.

If you are on tablets on account of an illness, be sure to check if they cause drowsiness. It is always best to check the precautions mentioned on the pack. After all your safety is in your hand.

They say a good destination is a place that makes even the journey to get there enjoyable and finding great spots along the way where you can unwind and relax.

