Down the Zero-Knowledge rabbit hole

Kryha Labs
4 min readJun 21, 2023


The struggle of keeping up with the ever-evolving Web3 landscape and the technical jargon that come with it is real. A big buzzword in the Web3 world is Zero-Knowledge (ZK), and one we’re giving some serious attention to at Kryha. Wondering WTF ZK is? Fret not! Whether you’re still in the dark or eager to expand your knowledge, you’ve come to the right place. Join our chat as we embark on an exploration of the world of Zero-Knowledge (and cryptography), led by the Software Lead of Kryha, Ramiro Ramirez. And rest assured, we’ll try and keep the technical lingo to a minimum. Are you ready to unlock the mysteries of ZK? Let’s dive in!

Can you explain what ZK is in “simple terms”?

ZK is a cryptographic protocol that allows you to prove that something is true without giving away any specific details. Think of it as a clever way of demonstrating your knowledge or solution to someone without revealing the entire process behind it. It’s like saying, “Hey, I’ve got the answer, and I can prove it, but I’ll keep the fine details to myself”. It’s an ingenious way to strike a balance between demonstrating knowledge and preserving confidentiality.

So, in a nutshell, ZK lets you prove your point without giving away all the secrets. Pretty impressive, right?

How does it work, and what are some common use cases?

To understand how it works, you need to consider two key entities: the prover and the verifier. The prover takes your data and generates proof. This proof is then passed to the verifier, who performs a mathematical computation to determine a “yes” or “no” response.

The concept was first introduced in 1985. Since then, both in theory and practical applications have progressed significantly, making it a hot research topic today. That’s mostly because of its versatility. It can be applied to various aspects of our daily lives, offering an added layer of privacy. A common use case is connected to a blockchain: where every transaction is public. However, with privacy features enabled, it becomes possible to transfer a specific amount of, for example, money without revealing the account’s identity. This demonstrates how ZK can be utilised to protect sensitive information while still benefiting from the transparency and security of blockchain technology.

What are the benefits of incorporating ZK in Web3?

It offers several significant benefits. The main objective is, of course, to enhance privacy on the blockchain while ensuring the security of program states and enabling the existence of “private properties.” This focus on privacy extends beyond the blockchain to address the intersection of ZK with machine learning, a current hot topic. The discussions centre around concerns about data sets, including their origin and usage in training models. Transparency becomes crucial in this context. By leveraging ZK, it becomes possible to provide evidence that the specific version of the model users are paying for is being used, bringing much-needed transparency and accountability to the process. This advancement enables the full deployment of blockchain-based programs and harnesses the power of ZK to strengthen privacy and address concerns related to data sets in machine learning.

So, why do you think ZK is the next big thing?

It’s the game-changer we’ve been waiting for. It’s the next big thing because it brings forth an unprecedented layer of privacy and trust. Picture this: a world where sensitive information is shielded from prying eyes, where regulators and companies find common ground. ZK swoops in and bridges the gap, reducing the friction between the two. Regulators hunger for information, while companies yearn for operational freedom, free from excessive regulations. ZK harmonises these conflicting interests. And let’s not forget about privacy — it’s not just a nice-to-have, it’s a must-have.

ZK ensures privacy is fully embraced and put to work. It’s the mandatory ingredient for our digital interactions, providing us with peace of mind and control.

So that’s why ZK, in my opinion, is the catalyst that unleashes a new era of privacy, trust, and collaboration.

After going down the ZK rabbit hole with Ramiro, one thing becomes crystal clear: the possibilities are limitless. We firmly believe that ZK has the potential to revolutionise all kinds of industries like finance, supply chain, gaming, and more. It offers a secure and transparent solution for handling sensitive data, ensuring confidentiality while promoting collaboration. Together, we can shape a world where individuals have full control over their personal information, and trust is strengthened across all sectors.

Want to see ZK in action? Check out Boloney! Explore how we apply this technology in gaming, gaining a clear understanding of its practical use and full potential.

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Originally published on



Kryha Labs
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We’re a Web3 studio accelerating our transition to trusted, accessible and human-centred decentralised technology.