Interview with Blockchain Charity Organization: the Fight Against the Epidemic is to “See the goodness of the heart and resist the harshness of reality”

By Mars Finance

Krypital Group
Krypital Group
13 min readFeb 20, 2020


Since the beginning of 2020, the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak, also known as COVID-19, NCP(Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia), has been emotionally affecting the hearts of the people across China. The explosive growth in the number of patients, the contradiction between the shortage of supplies in the epidemic area, and the shortage of protective equipment for medical staff has exacerbated the situation.

Fortunately, a lovely group of ordinary heroes are rising up in the face of difficulties. They chose to work together with hospital staff to battle the epidemic on the front lines. They work together and race against time, regardless of day or night.

In the blockchain industry, there is also a group of “warriors” who are constantly rushing to the front lines to support Wuhan. To restore these touching details and moments, Mars Finance contacted Maggie Wu (Krypital Group), Jane Luo (Krypital Group), Chen Xi (volunteer / Bank of Communications Wuhan Financial Service Center), and Jay Chen (Hydax Exchange). Mars Finance asked them to talk about the stories behind the outbreak, and how they established the construction of the “Blockchain Charity Organization” at the beginning of the Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China.

Mars Finance: “What was your first reaction after the outbreak in Wuhan?”

Krypital Group Maggie Wu: I have experienced SARS in 2002, so I am more alert to such incidents. When the epidemic broke out, I worried about the people in Wuhan and the medical staff. At the same time, I was thinking that I could do something for them.

Krypital Group Jane Luo: Wuhan is my hometown. Most of my family and friends still work and live in Wuhan. My mother is also a front-line medical staff at Tongji Hospital. At the end of December, I heard about the epidemic, and I have been paying attention to it. Until the epidemic broke out in January, I was very anxious and felt I had to do something, even though I was overseas, I wanted to do my best to protect my family and friends.

Hydax Exchange Jay Chen: Before New Year’s Eve, I saw that the epidemic situation was getting worse and there was a shortage of medical supplies in Wuhan, so I really wanted to do something for Wuhan. We got in touch with Maggie Wu, CEO of Krypital Group, and we thought that the advantages of our overseas distribution of members, the overseas procurement of resources, and the characteristics of the blockchain can benefit society. As a blockchain practitioner, we should set a good example and promote the implementation of blockchain. Eventually, as the first batch sponsors, we started to prepare for the entire event.

Mars Finance: Why did you want to support Wuhan by establishing a non-profit blockchain organization instead of adopting a majority rescue method — — -donating to the foundation?

Krypital Group Jane Luo: After I decided to take action, I searched for various non-profit organizations and donation channels in North America and participated in a North American Chinese organization’s donation of 80,000 medical face masks to major hospitals in Wuhan. During the operation, I became familiar with the entire donation process and the difficulties I might encounter. So the day we set up our non-profit organization, I shared my experience with the team. Eventually, everyone thought that peer-to-peer donation could really help the first-line hospitals the most.

Krypital Group Maggie Wu: We have donated to the foundation before, but it’s really hard to track. It feels like the management of traditional foundations is not open and transparent at the moment. However, all of us participating in donations hope that it will ultimately help the people who need it. When this epidemic broke out, we saw that many front-line medical staff were in danger because of the extreme lack of medical supplies, so we hope that our donations can reach these medical staff efficiently and accurately. At the same time, there is a group of like-minded partners willing to contribute together, so we finally chose a self-organized approach to public welfare, and everyone integrated their resources to really help people in need.

Hydax Exchange Jay Chen: This time we have realized the advantages brought by blockchain technology. All the fundraising occur on the chain, and financial records are clearly visible. This greatly enhances the trust of peers in our organization. However, we also found that it’s really hard to clarify all the data on the chain, such as procurement, transportation, and reception. This is also one of the directions for the future development of the blockchain industry. If they can all be chained, it will make the entire charitable donation process more transparent and efficient.

Mars Finance: During the Spring Festival preparations for this urgent and unforgettable event, have you ever been worried or nervous? What feedback does your family have on your ideas?

Krypital Group Maggie Wu: Not at all, several of our partners have rich experience in public welfare, so they have a deep understanding of the basic process. From organization to implementation, the whole process was smooth. Of course, we also understand the responsibilities involved. In the past ten days, we have been fully engaged, and our family members have given great support to me, especially with housework.

Krypital Group Jane Luo: So far, this situation kept me in suspense. I just want to quickly meet the real demand of the front-line medical staff. But at the same time, I am full of gratitude for my teammates in this charity event. I saw the goodness of the heart, and together with my partners, I resisted the harshness of reality. My family and friends are also very supportive of this event. They also wear masks, take the initiative to isolate themselves, take the initiative to disinfect, and use different actions to reduce the pressure on the frontline medical staff.

“In addition to protecting the front-line medical staff, we also want to protect the community health service staff.”

Mars Finance: In the early days of setting up this non-profit organization, how did you link people in the industry, such as Huobi, Canaan, and Genesis Group, to join this rescue activity? Are there any details worth sharing?

Krypital Group Maggie Wu: In the beginning, most of the donors were my friends in the blockchain industry, including SKY, Kevin (Canaan), Fengchi (Genesis Group), and Ciara Lele (Huobi) etc. They are very enthusiastic about supporting us for this charity event.

Mars Finance: Why set a figure of 100,000 US dollars as a donation target for non-profit organizations? At present, public welfare organizations have over raised funds. What do you think of it?

Krypital Group Maggie Wu: This is a reasonable estimate based on the speed of our fundraising and the level of volunteer participation. Thanks to the efforts of all volunteers, we received donations from 116 caring people.

Mars Finance: How much time did it take to generate ideas, implement them, and organize people?

Krypital Group Jane Luo: In fact, it only took about 3 days from idea generation to the start of the operation. The gradual combing of the entire staff organization framework to the actual implementation of the materials took about 7 days. The blockchain’s global distributed office, the speed of 24-hour non-stop work and extreme sensitivity to market changes are captured entirely in this “anti-epidemic” activity.

Mars Finance: Before preparing to support the epidemic area, what criteria do you use to select hospitals that need to deliver materials?

Bank of Communications Wuhan Financial Service Center Chen Xi: After some discussion, our team conducted statistics and sorted 136 hospitals with registered needs. This included the number of hospital medical staff, whether it is a designated hospital, the status of patients registered, material reserves situation (very urgent: less than 3 days, urgent: 3–7 days, normal: more than 7 days), and material distribution (number of materials such as masks that can be distributed per medical staff per day). According to the statistical results, we will give priority to the designated hospitals marked as “urgent”.

In addition, with the quarantine of Wuhan, vehicle restrictions, and the establishment of a community triage system, the pressure on community health service centers has increased sharply. Therefore, we appropriately adjusted our procurement strategy every day and put community health service centers in the “first echelon” of material distribution. Materials such as disinfectant and disposable surgical gloves will be supplied to the service staff of the center, which will help solve daily disinfection and protection problems in the community.

“It is countless doctors who have built a city wall and kept our health and life.”

Mars Finance: What is the daily work rhythm of the participating partners? Ever thought of shrinking or giving up halfway?

Krypital Group Maggie Wu: We mainly have volunteers in the two time zones of the United States and China. Everyone is basically seamless. Many people are so busy that they don’t have time to have a meal. Several volunteers are tired. Nonetheless, there was no intention of flinching or giving up. Because compared to those front-line healthcare workers, what we can do is a very small part. The epidemic situation is urgent and human lives are in danger. We just want to do more and do it as fast as possible.

Krypital Group Jane Luo: Our daily work routine is “3 am to 3 am”, 24 hours a day. Everyone may have made adjustments to their volunteer work every day due to their own jobs, but no one wanted to give up. Especially the logistics and ground pick-up volunteers, who are in the epidemic area in Hubei, full of fighting spirit under extreme physical and mental stress, which guarantees the success of our operation.

Mars Finance: What is the greatest difficulty you encountered in the process of preparing donations to fight the epidemic, and how did you solve it? What are the moments that touched you the most?

Krypital Group Jane Luo: In this “anti-epidemic” process, I was mainly responsible for coordinating the distribution of materials, logistics and grounding, and some management work for volunteers. The biggest difficulty I encountered was how to adapt logistics and ground connections to the changing policy directions every day, and comply with regulations quickly, then send materials to the hospitals. Our main logistics leaders, Yu Jia and Zoe, and the main ground manager, Chen Xi, get the latest policy requirements with front-line organizers every day. Then, they prepare and follow up with all necessary materials, and interface with hospital demand and material distribution teammates. The overall framework and processes of our organization are very clear and efficient, so we can always reach the target in time.

What touched me the most was that in the face of the catastrophe, a group of people chose to come forward, rescue the wounded, support the front lines, and at the same time guard each other silently. For example, in the case of the same shortage of materials, many hospitals still think of each other in terms of material distribution; front-line medical staff (also my friends) who often work continuously for 28 hours are still thinking about recovery after being infected and isolated. Although some of our team members were not in perfect condition, they were still fighting efficiently to support the epidemic area. The delivery man gets up early every day and becomes the most beautiful hero in the city who swam against the tide; ground pick-up volunteers are in the warehouse holding a batch of rescue supplies for three or four hours … These touching moments are staged again and again in ten days, which has made me feel really insecure, from protecting my family and friends to becoming full of energy and hoping to help more people in danger.

Mars Finance: I believe that in the process of supporting Wuhan, you have suffered a lot of pressure, such as tight logistics and soaring prices. How did you adjust your test-taking mood during this “great test”? Ever worry about whether you will be infected with the virus?

Krypital Group Maggie Wu: I think everyone’s ability to resist stress is very strong. Sometimes it is tough though, our team members still encourage each other. Most of our volunteers were working in a safe environment, so they are more concerned about front-line medical staff.

Mars Finance: While you were participating in procurement and distribution, presumably you have contacted many logistics personnel and medical staff who are also struggling to support Wuhan. Now, can you use your perspective to restore to us how these people work?

Bank of Communications Wuhan Financial Service Center, Chen Xi: I have a friend who is a doctor. She does not work in designated hospitals, but because of her special position (radiology), she has been in contact with suspected patients for a long time. “There are more and more patients. The depressing sound of coughing in the crowd is disturbing.” For 28 consecutive hours of work, because she was wearing protective clothing, she tried not to drink water as much as possible. She was also very hungry. Just take the time to eat two crackers before continuing the fight.

I asked her if she was scared. She said she didn’t have time to process everything. She just wanted to take more CT scans for some patients every day and report earlier so that the patients could get treatment as soon as possible. In her opinion, “the hardest part in this disaster is patients.”

She told me that the epidemic came quickly and urgently, and the supplies could not meet the demand. At first, they only had two N95 masks in each department, and they were disinfected with ultraviolet light after work and reused the next day. The whole department only had one protective suit. Whoever could wear it had to reuse it after disinfection.

Under high-intensity work and high-density contact with fever patients, she also fell ill. After four days of isolation at home, her condition got worse and she was finally admitted to an isolation ward. There are some doctors with “work injuries” like her. It is they who build a city wall and keep our health and life.

“After the epidemic, hot-and-dry noodles in Wuhan will be my first choice”

Mars Finance: As the initiator and organizer of this charity event are actively fighting the epidemic with front-line medical staff, I believe your feelings during this “epidemic war” are more profound than anyone else. At this moment, what experiences do you want to share?

Krypital Group Maggie Wu: In the face of this natural disaster that should never have taken place, I think everyone felt a lot of sadness and helplessness. But things have happened, we must respond positively. I believe that as long as everyone can take it seriously, whether it is self-isolation or dedication, this epidemic will definitely be over soon.

Krypital Group Jane Luo: To use a popular phrase from the Internet: “When a generation’s ash falls on a person’s shoulder, its pressure is as large as a mountain.” In other words, something trivial and insignificant can become so burdensome on the individual. No matter what position and living environment you are in, it is possible to endure great pain and despair in this epidemic war, however, the individual is powerless. At this time, I hope that when we cry for help, our companions are willing to hear us, all walks of life can play to their advantages, reach out and help each other. In the face of the “epidemic war”, only scientific solutions and radiant humanity can lead us to victory.

Mars Finance: After the epidemic is over, what words you want to say most?

Krypital Group Jane Luo: Return to China as soon as possible. Take some precious 1860 masks as a gift. Hold a party with our volunteer team and the medical staff we have supported. Eat a bowl of hot and dry noodles with eggnog and mianwo at home!

Mars Finance: From the perspective of industry development, which segments of the blockchain industry do you think the epidemic has the most impact on?

Hydax Exchange Jay Chen: In general, the impact of blockchain companies may not be as obvious as traditional enterprises. However, the impact is still there. For example, public relations market activity has been greatly affected, and some blockchain weeks around China have also been canceled or postponed.

In addition, the production of cryptocurrency miners are also affected, because enterprises such as Canaan and Bitmain are affected by holiday delays. Production will be reduced as well.

But to our surprise, under this epidemic, Bitcoin has surpassed USD $10,000. It can be seen that Bitcoin’s hedging properties have magnified its attractiveness in the market.

Mars Finance: In the future, will Blockchain Charity Organization continue to exist? And how will unspent funds be handled?

Krypital Group Maggie Wu: The reason why we organized this event to achieve the goal in such a short time. In addition to thanking all the donors, we need to say thank you to all of the selfless and dedicated volunteers. All of us cherish our “epidemic war” friendships between each other. In the future, we will also be distributed. Although they will return to their respective jobs, I believe that if society needs us one day, we will never be absent.

In addition, many of our blockchain media friends in our volunteer team have also helped a lot. The media is a channel to promote positive energy. The practitioners in the blockchain industry are not idly standing by, but devoting their own strength during this “epidemic war”.

At present, our charitable actions are continuing, and we will continue to do related work such as procurement and delivery until every single donation has met the demand. At the same time, we will continue to publicize all the progress, you can learn more details through our community or follow our Weibo @区块链公益组织.

Reference: “专访区块链公益组织:抗疫的过程是“目睹人心之善,抵御现实之恶”” by 梁雨山| 火星财经 | Link:

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