Biweekly Dev Update: April 3rd, 2024

KryptoGO Global
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2024

Hey friends, and welcome to another biweekly update.

Progressing our Wallet SDK

Yet another week of focusing on our Wallet Software Development Kit (SDK), which if you recall from last week, is:

a new offering designed to seamlessly incorporate KryptoGO wallet features into existing applications. We’ll post a much more comprehensive update once version 1 of the SDK is complete.

Our Wallet SDK currently supports the following features:

  • Login
  • Asset list
  • Wallet balance
  • Wallet overview
  • Transaction history
  • Select wallet
  • Send operation
  • Receive operation
  • Swap operation

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fixed a bug where the decimal point was not displaying in the total balance.
  • Fixed a bug where the decimal point was not displaying for individual assets.
  • Added better error handling for the Swap operation and for the Earn page.
  • Fixed a bug where the keyboard wouldn’t collapse on the Earn page.
  • Fixed a bug where tokens on the Polygon chain could not be withdrawn on the Earn page.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in incorrect Tron gas fees.
  • Fixed a bug that caused popup modals to collapse prematurely during a payment request.
  • User-inputted 12-word seed phrases will now be automatically trimmed of extraneous spaces and new lines.
  • Positioned and pinned the action button on certain pages correctly at the bottom of the screen.
  • Updated the old KryptoGO icon in the DApp browser.

Have feedback, or encountered any issues with any of our products? Don’t hesitate to contact us via Discord, or via any of our other social media links listed below.

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