Lore Piece: Beyond the Shores of Kryptomon

Kryptomon Fan-Made Lore
4 min readJun 21, 2021

My first experience sailing out with my father is one worth looking back at, one that reminded me how a bond of a kryptomon and its trainer is so strong, that even the tightest of ropes harpooned to diving whales cannot compare.

My father specifically said not to bring myself to deck as I would be one more mouth to feed, and one more injured sailor-wanna-be to take care of in the unforgiving sea, but this one's hard-headed. Father was out at 3 a.m. to prepare the ship's supplies and equipment, and I snuck out without him noticing.

Of course I brought my kryptomon with me, an electric axolotl. It was one of my prized possessions, worth more than the whale blubber Father collects in every expedition. My kryptomon has a green hue, with visible reddish scales around its limbs and neck. Its tail fins were shaped like branching coral, all white and sparking with electricity. Aside from its tail, the fins in the face are also white, with occasional yellow sparks coming out. I always keep my kryptomon in a little wooden box where it can breathe. I still don't know if my electric axolotl can fight, as this kryptomon is still not that old to fight others, but I'm still taking it with me, and I promise to never let it go.

When Father was set to sail, I hid behind barrels and crates of food to avoid being caught by his men. The ship set sail before the sun rose above the horizon, and what magnificent sight it was to see, the blue sun shining over the dark hued sea. It wasn't long till I was caught.

"Captain! A little rat hid behind the barrels and decided to come with us!" a man said loudly while grabbing me by the collar.

When I was brought upon the my father, he just facepalmed.

"Haven't I told you to stay at home? What are you doing here lad? This is very dangerous! You even brought your pet here!"

"But father, I want to come with you and fight whales! You even taught me rope knots!"

He only dropped his head in shame.

"Fine! Go scrub the deck with my men, and oil the harpoons well! My ship, my rules!"

"Yes father"

"It's Captain, boy. Now go!"

I proceeded to scrub the wooden planks of the ship, named the Red Trident, for the 3 tall pointed masts of the ship. She was an old ship, one passed from father's grandfather. Now she needs a lot of maintenance. Every day I would scrub damp planks on deck, and maintain the harpoons. At night, we'd sing sea shanties, the other crewmates would drink, but Father was busy reading the map and observing the stars. I would play with my kryptomon, tap on its fins and tail so that some electricity would zap me.

After a week out in the sea, I woke up to a big disturbance on the ship. The ship almost tipped over, and the ship swayed even more side to side. I grabbed my kryptomon and got up to the deck. I asked my father what happened, and he told me a herd of hybrid narwhal-whales were pushing the ship off course. Everyone on the ship was ready to fire harpoons to catch the pesky hybrids. After one more shake, the captain signaled to shoot the narwhal-whales. Every harpoon shot was met with a great ramming force from the hybrids, almost capsizing the ship, as I was holding on tight to the masts. Father got his own harpoon and shot a hybrid at the front of the ship, but before the harpoon was able to penetrate, the ship was rammed again, and this time, Father fell down to sea.

I shouted in panic, and I ran to the side to help my Father. A crewmate stopped me from diving down, but I was always hard headed. I took my electric axolotl and put it in my pocket, and dived down. I saw my father, tied to the harpoon while fighting the hybrid. I swam near to him, and I could see in his eyes the shock of seeing his son risk his life. I helped with untying the harpoon rope on his foot, but before I could finish, the narwhal-whale stabbed my side. It was the most painful feeling I imagined, and I almost lost air screaming in pain.

I then sensed my electric axolotl wiggle out of my pocket, and it swam around me, maybe it was panicking. With blood around me, I was sure to die here right now, and a couple of hybrids were on the way to attack me and my father again. Until my kryptomon swam in front of me, building up a discharge. Bright electric bolts came out of its fins and electrocuted the incoming hybrids. The underwater explosion created a large vacuum than warded off the other hybrids. The light was so bright that I thought it was an exploding star. The next thing I know, I was on deck being resuscitated by my father.

He hugged me, and I looked at my pocket, and saw my little electric axolotl all happy to see me alive. That night, with the help of my kryptomon, the hybrids were caught and the blubber was delivered back to the port. And that was the night that my kryptomon grew to be a strong electric type, with an experienced pirate trainer by its side.

