It all starts with a simple Egg.



Introducing the Kryptomons’ world

Back in the gold old days there were two main games that shaped the life of the 90’s kids like us:

Pokémon & Tamagotchi

I do still remember the first time my first Tamagotchi hatched and asked for food, as well as the first time I’ve entered the Pokémon world back in June 2020 with the Yellow version.

That was simply magic.

In 2017 a new concept hit the market “Cryptokitties” the idea behind it was simple, but genial at the same time. Leveraging the Ethereum Blockchain and the ERC721 (NFT) Protocol to create a Digital Kitty with it’s unique genetic code.

Unlike regular cryptocurrencies, Non-Fungible Tokens, or NFTs, cannot be directly exchanged with each other. This is because no two NFTs are identical — even those that exist on the same platform or in the same collection. You can say with absolute certainty that you are the owner of your digital collectible. There is only one specific manifestation of your collectible on the blockchain and the blockchain publicly tracks every transaction so ownership cannot be challenged.

We loved Cryptokitties or the newly launched Polkamons, but let’s say it is a little bit too static, at the end of the day you can buy / breed your kitty and you have a very nice and unique .png / .gif (😅)

Kryptomons time

It’s a NFT, but it’s alive!

Take a Cryptokitty and mix it with Tamagotchi & Pokémon then you have a Kryptomon!

Kryptomons are unique digital creatures, linked to a NFT, all of them with their unique genetic code. Instead of being a very fancy .gif Kryptomons are alive, this means that you’ll need to take care of them, feed them, heal them & train them to improve their stats and make them stronger.

Kryptomons will have a predominant element and talent either for attack or defense. All these genes will define how you will use your Kryptomon in the upcoming battles when it will hatch!

But it’s not only Element and Strength, each Kryptomon have also personality and health traits like a real creature. For example a Kryptomon with high level in affection will need more attention from you or (as for the example above) a low constitution will implies that the probability for it to get sick or injured after a battle will be way higher.

As Pokémon and Tamagotchi’s fan we wanted to mix the two concepts and bring them to the Future.

So when and how Kryptomons will be available ?

Let’s start by “how”

Kryptomons will be available to buy on our Website and from there you will also be capable to take different actions when the egg will hatch. We will issue an ERC20 Token, that it will be used to not only buy the Kryptomons egg, but it will be the currency of the Kryptomon’s world, with that you can buy powerups, items and also like in the Pokémon games bet coins against other players and win them by winning the battles.

Let’s start by “when”

Our development timeline is split in three phases:

  • Phase 0 — 10.000 Eggs available to buy.
  • Phase 1 — The hatch event will occur and all the Kryptomons’ eggs will hatch and from that moment you will need to take care of your creature.
  • Phase 2 — Battle system integration!

We have limited the number of Kryptomons eggs available to buy to 10,000 — once the limit is reached is not gonna be possible to buy an egg from the Smart Contract anymore, but only from other players who can breed Kryptomons.

To answer the question “when?” the answer is very soon! We are currently polish our system and soon it will be available! You can also try our testnet version.

So in order to stay tuned and get access to the testnet version join our Telegram Group, we will love to see you there and listen your ideas for the future development!

Lots of love ❤

Kryptomon team.

More informations on Kryptomons are available on our website with details on their use cases.

