Kryptomon — The $KMON IDO

4 min readJul 30, 2021


💭 Update:

[3rd August 2021] We want to make it clear that this article is still being updated when more information becomes available. This lays out the steps you will have to take in order to participate in the IDO when it is available. A list of all updates made can be found at the bottom of the article.

At the present moment, the Kryptomon IDO is not live on Poolz and you won’t be able to complete the steps.

Hello trainers, welcome back to the wonderful world of Kryptomon. You’ve been eagerly waiting for it and today we wanted to give you an update on all the progress that has been made towards launching our IDO!

Since our last update, we’ve been working with our advisors and partners to get everything ready for the big day. With market sentiment steadily recovering from it’s all time low, we feel it’s finally time for our trainers to get your hands on your very own bag of $KMON.

Okay that sounds great! But how do I go about participating in the IDO?”, I hear you asking. Great question and I’m glad you asked because that’s precisely what this article will delve into.

We’ll continue updating this article when more information becomes available so make sure you check back often!

So without further ado, let’s jump right into it!

Poolz Finance

To make sure the IDO goes off without a hitch, we’ve partnered with Poolz Finance, a well established cross-chain IDO platform with plenty of experience in the sector. The IDO has been confirmed for the 23rd of August 2021, but there are a couple of pre-requisite tasks that need to be completed before the day of the IDO so make sure you don’t leave these till the last minute!

1️⃣ Get whitelisted

As much as we would love to make sure every trainer gets a small bag of $KMON, the IDO will only sell 50,000,000 $KMON tokens at $0.0066 each. As such, the first step would be to head on over to the Kryptomon tab on the Poolz website and follow the instructions to get your wallet address whitelisted.

At this point make sure you have either 500 Poolz in your wallet or 250 Poolz staked in the pools on Poolz. This step is required in order to qualify for the whitelist. You can find the pools here.

Once you’re done, you’ll be in the running to win a chance to participate in the IDO! The Poolz team will then randomly pick out the lucky winners 24 hours in advance and notify you via their social media platforms.

2️⃣ Register your wallet

If you’re chosen as one of the lucky few to participate in the IDO, congratulations! As part of Poolz’s Smart IDO System, the next step would be to register your wallet. Head back to the Kryptomon tab on the Poolz page, which should then show you something that looks like the below:

Example from the Bunicorn page

Make sure your Metamask wallet is connected to the BSC Mainnet and hit the purple “Sign Up” button. Simply accept the transaction on Metamask (which should cost about $0.30 in gas fees) and you’re done!

3️⃣ Get your KMON!

This is the easiest step. On the day of the IDO, simply head on back to the Kryptomon tab on the Poolz website and make sure you’re connected with your whitelisted Metamask wallet.

Hit the “Join” button and enter in the amount of BNB you’d like to exchange for $KMON and confirm the transaction on the Metamask popup. That’s it!

Remember: The maximum amount of $KMON purchasable by any one wallet during the IDO is $750 worth. That’s a max ticket size of 125,000 $KMON.

Frequently Asked Questions

What cryptocurrencies will be accepted in the IDO? Can I use Poolz or BUSD?

Investors will only be able to participate in the IDO by depositing BNB. No other currencies will be used. Poolz or BUSD will not be accepted

How much will be the gas fees cost when registering and participating in the IDO?

As explained before in BSC Basics and Gas Fees article, neither the Kryptomon nor the Poolz team will benefit from the gas fees you pay. The amount is completely dependent on the BSC during the IDO and not something we can control. However, since these will be relatively simple transactions, we estimate that the gas fees will be less than $1 each.

Will the amount of Poolz I have staked or held in my wallet affect my chances of winning an IDO participation slot?

Great question! While you do need a minimum of 250 Poolz staked in the pools or 500 Poolz held in your wallet in order to qualify for the whitelist, any additional Poolz staked or held will not have any effect on your chances of winning. Everyone will have an equal chance of being selected as winners so long as you meet the minimum requirements .

Closing Thoughts

That wasn’t too bad was it? Congratulations once again for being one of the lucky few to purchase $KMON at the IDO price. If you weren’t selected, don’t fret! We’ll be listing $KMON on PancakeSwap very soon at the same price of $0.0066 each.

You’ll have to be quick though since once $KMON is listed, the fluctuations in price will be out of our hands and completely based on the market forces of demand and supply.

Signing off for now, see you in game fellow trainer!


[9th August 2021]: Article was updated to reflect the confirmed IDO date — 23rd of August 2021

