Learn & Earn: SmartSwap — Quiz Result and Winners List

Watson — Krystal DeFi
Krystal Wallet
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2022

Dear Valued Krystal DeFi Users,

In this article, we will reveal the correct answers to the SmartSwap Quiz and provide the list of 50 lucky winners (randomly chosen from more than 3,000 responses with 3/3 correct answers that were submitted within the campaign period) to win $20 each.

I — Quiz Results:

Question 1
Question 2
Question 3

II — List of 50 lucky winners:

In order to ensure transparency, we picked up 3,371 eligible wallet addresses that have full 3/3 correct answers above that were submitted within the campaign period to run the “randomize range” script in Google Sheets. We also removed submissions that did not correctly state their BSC wallet addresses. Then 50 wallet addresses that are on the top of the Sheets are selected as winners to receive $20 each.

🎉 Finally, we would like to congratulate 50 lucky winners as below: 🎉

  1. 0x166Bd92c828c0aA48fe6B9BFBEe1827E5907AF4e
  2. 0x308928cbA94206D8A3f28eBE6bD37a2f5a01e967
  3. 0x7036e459804686Ad4C2D46DA8c0D3292E808BC8d
  4. 0x210D69865538575844Ea0586b42D0457F0f2B4e5
  5. 0x23c9dbd8D3826dD80ff4701B37357d454C8ABF64
  6. 0xCA2bA14b316A8E567772eA0f2fA9Ee0d52C1Cf9b
  7. 0xce6549FCB6631F8930ca98efA44Dc934Bf74EAcC
  8. 0xf7cd8F8c3112f4B48cf4FAFccfbDFF81d7D73D66
  9. 0x90B0Cd45e99d8184d5C70925a87e18fd98c8EB7E
  10. 0x4529cc6F6B864E1b262162ccA50c83e356D327F7
  11. 0x183AABC515EdD4611d4Deb128d545c5E3ed49B4B
  12. 0x3b796280D771b90528f5173116da6b6dEEcb7F1D
  13. 0x6b3fbaE41057ecb6d1719d75191dAAdbC8dC358f
  14. 0xE771DF9D2F9f72D45984623709122E11E49F0abA
  15. 0x22Bbc07E1504C0f19e8f3C6b5b3327f73E235649
  16. 0xc19E868729C44b77a3c0d1283C9Ea672358e884f
  17. 0x813a93ba3C94F03d9a6F3B27f1d9A841593C2c3a
  18. 0x83A1BF690B26E44A7Ad1c6a22F984fAEb6Bc2998
  19. 0x4E3912B2e94Ea4D258AF0934940598888604eC9A
  20. 0xC29F66A206C761EdBDc803273755B9D8Ff479685
  21. 0x66d1c8E58Da870c86B4c80297De4F5ef52b1C303
  22. 0x9eF4cCDD34160570f2bA20f0D0E804f4EC74e4f2
  23. 0x23294cE017DF308BCc49A4e26F296971e0361b2b
  24. 0xDaBD45058AaEE2Ca8F56E6FC1f20E1B45bB5fD35
  25. 0xDbc3898A38D225Db308b4f0fA091D207F2a258F9
  26. 0xc9D96086cf3c19A47FEfC0e87B16f514c13E76c4
  27. 0xbbE80dB8f6528250536D84F665c8894cBF04804E
  28. 0x78A0D9fed8d3571788f0dF3b023E9a26c261ABC7
  29. 0x7E4720F01F72F8e0F6044a1e2Ea66acBb98c54d7
  30. 0xE7d632240dfc4Ae5737B156224b7ec342e9E7651
  31. 0x2B6bAd618EcD778a4b22c71Ce1BAD6CA90b5670c
  32. 0xb3ED1f70efB9Aa3E78eA1ffF3Bb020C4B981f5f3
  33. 0xB02e37C1cFfb5188f8902d769f2cCA172e79bf97
  34. 0x865DF43A6B7Eb4Faed8eAE0A31fd188176FD1ce4
  35. 0x4d93059a5a8361E355f6923701Fa1044908bC4fb
  36. 0x497b5933cfD4747EEf38D758270346bd784f544f
  37. 0xc2d1504C0Da0299a0c3BEbAbd6A4d00B534516CF
  38. 0x703Aa26Cf5C14B82a21F332E9a38D329Ef39cDef
  39. 0x7d4d26F3E79a391658C1cb5b5078f53383506Be4
  40. 0x0f6387cb8C9a3c45c2F9a4140E576A7905daf71b
  41. 0x2CDA7AA42183351332a93c83e67BaBCc89D96beB
  42. 0x35703F7b6d8904A01d555502F362ad8B9597441a
  43. 0x76e30df91Ca4a514cAFE27EaBFD381F2e50d32bb
  44. 0x3a9b3A2e5229d5E1ac717D32a99aEC57608d01bB
  45. 0x0b23f9BDcF3B0A8eD49b4df760d48F2F81B93E18
  46. 0x180E8f1C9b2495b47dFEe021a0C14b817496D1Ee
  47. 0x04cB2216491868847bA3ea18Eb09451E6e2213A9
  48. 0x813C6C87ea56F796106b394D16cab70Eb4b54694
  49. 0xef153381248E0A6E5D6f20735982fd3F95fA4C6C
  50. 0xBD459AD70f51B5C3053fDb2c6E136841A9bF7BAf

To winners — your winnings will be available to claim within the next 5 working days. It means you cannot claim your rewards now. We will announce when you can claim in a separate announcement on telegram!

After that announcement, you can start claiming your winnings by following the below steps:

1. Download Krystal Mobile App

2. Import the SAME wallet on Krystal Mobile

3. Go to the Explore tab -> click Reward

4. Claim your prizes in BUSD (Binance Smart Chain)

