How UX services help big corporations and 5 benefits of hiring a nearshore provider

The Ksquare Group
The Ksquare Group
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2020

In this 2020 the perspective used to identify, evaluate and correct business problems is shifting from a purely operational scheme to one related to design and systems thinking, especially in these difficult pandemic times when our interaction with technology is becoming increasingly close and critical.

The evolution of the balance between functionality and design.

Despite the rise of the subject nowadays, the interest in knowing how we relate to the objects around us is nothing new. In fact, experts on the subject place the beginnings of UX design in the times of the Roman civilization who in addition to creating new figures and buildings, also took many old inventions to redesign and improve them. More recently, the emergence of the first personal computers brought the dilemma: how to make the equipment friendlier to new and inexperienced users? The beginning of a whole field of science was emerging.

UX services today and its rapid importance in the corporate world.

No product is an island. […] It is a cohesive, integrated set of experiences […]” (Norman D., 2010).

This holistic view in the process of creating products, services, and experiences opened the door to design and system thinking. According to the Interaction Design Foundation, User Experience (UX) design involves a systematic effort of several professionals from a company in creating “meaningful and relevant experiences” to the users of their products.

While there are still entrepreneurs who think that these concepts are too “edgy” for their organizations, the reality is that UX starts from the interaction people have with the company’s website. Surprisingly, it is still possible to come across data like the following (SmallBizGenius, 2019):

  • More than 70% of small business websites do not use the call to action buttons.
  • 70% of online businesses that fail do so because of bad usability.

Why leave the UX issue to the experts?

As we have seen, there is a lot of work that companies have to do. Many of the arguments are that they don’t have the specialized staff needed, however, the recent times of quarantine stand as an opportunity to try with remote consultants. Here are some of the benefits of hiring a nearshore provider:

  1. The cost-benefit ratio of such outsourcing is usually pretty attractive for any company, especially those located in places where manpower is increasingly expensive.
  2. You will have a depth and holistic analysis of your company, products, and services, before a redesign of your business model and without interrupting the day-to-day work (remember you will be working with remote consultants). This last process is essential to accelerate your growth!
  3. The UX consultants that you hire will also spread to your company and collaborators the concepts of innovation and result-oriented thinking.
  4. You and your collaborators will get continuous advice and training, which will allow your team to take care of these subjects by themselves eventually.
  5. You will save years of market research, getting from your UX consultant team the knowledge of what other companies in your industry are doing right now.

While the whole world is in an unprecedented crisis, the business sector now has new challenges but also new opportunities to be reached using technology as a bridge. Now more than ever, optimizing the user experience with your brand will be a continuous process.

Many companies had the vision to start this process earlier, but yours is still on time. Reach one of our consultants to find a technology solution tailored to your needs: 972–746–5327 /



The Ksquare Group
The Ksquare Group

We are technology innovators. Creating, designing, and building digital solutions.