katie zhu
kt zine
Published in
1 min readMay 11, 2015


To be clear, this is not about the money.

I consider myself ridiculously lucky to be in my current position. Neither my personal satisfaction nor happiness is determined not by the amount of money I make, but rather, how I feel about the work itself, my relationships with colleagues, the opportunities to learn and grow, and other imperceptible things.

Money is not what drives me, not the bar of success I hold myself to, not what makes me happy or fulfilled.

Income inequality is an uncomfortable, socially taboo topic. But I firmly believe that an open, honest dialogue is vital to move us forward. That’s all I meant in sharing. Not to perpetuate frivolous cycles of comparison, to make anyone feel bad, to suggest money is how we should judge ourselves.

I only aim to be thoughtful, help others, strive to improve, and work hard.

