2020 Taiwan Medical Blockchain Application brief introduction.

Statecraft Tech
Statecraft Tech
Published in
6 min readSep 24, 2020

Abstract | The five characteristics of the blockchain, including decentralization, anonymity, non-tamperability, emphasis on consensus and encryption, have been applied in different industries.

Image source: Statecraft

【Published by: DIGITIMES | Editor: Huang Kuan-Kai | Translator: Statecraft】

Medical data includes summary of medical records of outpatients, hospitalizations, and discharges. In the era of technologically assisted medical care that emphasizes personalization and efficiency, through the decentralized and highly-consensus blockchain method, it is expected that the sharing of medical process data, insurance claims, Treatment consent forms have more different efficiency improvements and cross-border application opportunities. This article will introduce 1.What is the blockchain 2.The content of the medical information that can be used in cooperation with the blockchain 3.If medical institutions want to introduce blockchain applications, which personnel process integration should be paid attention to 4.Hospital application cases, business models, and introduction opportunities and challenges. Share concepts with readers and hope to Ignite the flames of the smart medical industry.

What is the blockchain?

The origin of the blockchain comes from the Bitcoin invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in Japan because the underlying technology of the entire blockchain is used as Bitcoin. It is maintained by a decentralized database and maintained by the community to make the entire blockchain data more Reliability can also be understood as that everyone can participate in the electronic bookkeeping, and the transaction process data are accurately recorded. The entire blockchain has five major characteristics: decentralization, anonymity, non-tamperability, consensus and encryption, and is currently used in various fields such as finance, medical care, education, agriculture, retail, and manufacturing.

What kind of medical information can be used in conjunction with blockchain?

Currently, Taiwan’s electronic health record (EHR) is relatively complete as a “health passbook.” “Health Passbook” is an online health information query system developed based on the concept of storing one’s own health information. People can apply for downloading their own “health passbook” through the Internet, using natural person certificates or health insurance cards, and after passing identity verification. The relevant medical inquiries are as follows: outpatient information, residential information, dental health passbook, Chinese medicine health passbook, allergy information, Test result data, image or pathological test report data, summary of discharged medical records, organ donation or hospice and palliative care medical will, adult preventive health care passbook and vaccination passbook.

In addition, currently Taiwan’s “health passbook”, electronic medical records, and declaration data all adopt “centralized database management” to achieve information security and privacy, but how to use “distributed database management” to achieve information security and privacy depends on Identity recognition and processing are carried out in blockchain technology, so how to perform digital fingerprinting and verification through identity verification is an important issue. It is hoped that through blockchain application of medical information security, the ability to establish a decentralized record management system will reduce the gap between patients and records. Manage access needs through other organizations and take advantage of the healthcare support blockchain to verify the authenticity of data in real-time or automatically identify data.

The essence and promotion conditions of medical blockchain

Taiwan Health Insurance promotes a 2% reduction system for graded medical care and outpatient clinics and is supported by Ministry of Health and Welfare. It is established by hospitals through the support of “cloud medical records”, “health passbooks”, “electronic medical record exchange system” and “health insurance declaration database” vendors The public chain connects clinics in various community medical groups with regional hospitals to establish related private chains, so that patients can be identified through the blockchain, and further obtain information so that it is convenient for the public to seek medical treatment, and the related smart contracts are based on setting up processes such as chaining, packaging, uploading, rules and situations.

Considering the public’s medical treatment, the difference between medical treatment and the past blockchain is that the upper limit cannot be set first. In addition, medical behavior is different from the traditional database structure, so similar network concepts will be used to develop related technologies. The entire medical information blockchain network architecture must adopt a decentralized network approach, and the field setting must be based on the hospital, and be integrated with the community medical groups and townships. When people go to different regional hospitals, the hospitals and Only by transmitting and combining relevant data between hospitals can the entire medical blockchain be used effectively.

Medical blockchain application cases at home and abroad

At present, the actual application case of the entire medical blockchain can be divided into three parts:

1. Medical information sharing platform

Taiwan is currently supported by Ministry of Health and Welfare, and other hospitals and clinics such as Taipei City Hospital, Taipei Municipal Wanfang Hospital, Far Eastern Hospital, Tri-Service General Hospital and Lienchiang County Hospital have established an entire medical data-sharing platform. In the contract part, patients can authorize the clinical medical team to access medical record data and can obtain relevant medication records, test values, electronic medical records, and image reports to assist the clinical medical team in making judgments.

2. Faster insurance claims process

At present, the insurance industry and hospitals are both negotiating with a single hospital respectively. After using blockchain technology to allow the people to authorize, they can directly transmit the relevant documents required for insurance claims to the insurance company, making the entire claims process faster.

At present, Taipei City Hospital can use the blockchain certificate mechanism and object-oriented programming of the consent form, make the signing of the consent safe and private.

Opportunities and challenges of medical blockchain application in Taiwan

The challenge facing the medical blockchain is that if there is no government to lead and share relevant information and technology, Taiwan’s medical institutions can still only stay in their own hospitals, their community medical groups, and third-party companies for data transmission and Cooperation.

The medical blockchain business model and opportunities can be discussed in three levels:

Phase 1: Patient Care Information Integration Platform

With the support of the government, the relevant supporting policies are clearly formulated, and through the combination of social administration, health administration and civil administration, people-centered, combined with family and community-based, medical and health care data from different places, authorize through the blockchain care platform and mobile phone or computer and provide the clinical medical team with a basis for diagnosis and decision-making, so as to improve the overall quality of medical care.

Phase 2: People’s independent authorization platform

Authorize to third-party companies through self-data, such as insurance companies, academic units, and private companies, rather than clinical medical teams.

Phase 3: a big data platform for public medical treatment

With the use of blockchain privacy protection technology, through the de-identification part, the data of multiple persons can be shared and shared, allowing clinical medical teams and third-party companies to conduct related clinical research, claims analysis or other commercial purposes.


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