Agitate a new spark of technology!Industry and academia co-create a blockchain intellectual property platform

Statecraft Tech
Statecraft Tech
Published in
8 min readJul 30, 2020
Image source: Statecraft

【Published by: BlockTempo | Editor: Jason Liu | Translator: Statecraft 】

Since the rise of YouTube, independently created audiovisual works have become popular, but due to the fierce market competition, the rights of creators are often squeezed. How to protect their copyrights is a very important issue; in Taiwan, the founder of The Digital Technology Research Center of Asian Popular Music, Professor Wen-Pin Hope Lee After various efforts to integrate legal, technical and human resources, he and his team announced that he will build a platform for copyright management through blockchain technology.

Professor Wen-Pin Hope Lee (left 1), Professor Fan Chien-Te (middle) and Professor Hwang Gwan-Hwan (right 1). / Source: BlockTempo.

Professor Wen-Pin Hope Lee of Department of Music, National Taiwan Normal University, Professor Fan Chien-Te of Blockchain Law & Policy Center, National Tsing Hua University, and Professor Hwang Gwan-Hwan, chief scientist of International Trust Machines Corporation (ITM), in June 2020 in the middle of the month, an explanation meeting was held to discuss the combination of audiovisual intellectual property rights and blockchain ledgers, and it was announced that a service management platform for maintaining audiovisual intellectual property rights would be established.

Professor Hwang Gwan-Hwan, the chief scientist of ITM, first pointed out in the briefing that the central government of Taiwan spends up to NT$80 million per year to perform manual verification of green energy certificates, and the cost is used for transportation and manpower expenditures. Confirm whether the power plant really uses solar panels or wind drive generators; however, some power plants were later accused of using city power to mix solar panels, which means that the traditional audit mechanism is not only costly but also unable to achieve real results.

「Whether the content of the traditional centralized database is true and correct, basically only the account room itself is clear, and the two parties of the transaction will fall into a contradictory cycle of mutual mistrust.」

New trust mechanism for the audiovisual industry

On the contrary, the distributed ledger technology (DLT) of the blockchain is that all node participants have a ledger, and the changes of the data need to be recognized by everyone, so as to ensure that the data cannot be tampered with.

However, this has also become a pain point for the blockchain to be criticized, because the confirmation of the data must be approved by everyone and placed in the audio-visual industry, that is, every transaction has to go through the music label, agent publisher, Copyright agencies, collection agencies, financial institutions, and digital audio and video platforms are difficult to compare with centralized databases in terms of operational efficiency, and intermediate costs are also passed on to creators.

Therefore, the purpose of the audio-visual intellectual property rights service management platform is to combine the trust mechanism of the blockchain to create more efficient operations, help creators get rid of the complicated layers of media in the middle and reduce the cost to the layers of intermediaries, and then produce More excellent content. To put it simply, it is to pull creators out of an environment where intellectual property rights are monopolized so that they can receive the benefits more immediately.

Professor Hwang Gwan-Hwan explained the technical application of the audiovisual intellectual property rights service management platform. / Source: BlockTempo.

Platform design

Professor Hwang Gwan-Hwan emphasized that, unlike the music coins that have appeared before, the project of audiovisual intellectual property service management platform guarantees that it will definitely not involve currency issuance.

He pointed out that the consensus of the team is that consumers are still inclined to use cash payment, or credit cards, third-party payment platforms and other well-known payment methods. Therefore, whether it is paid by consumers or distributed to creators, the income will basically not exceed the range of NTD or USD.

Professor Hwang Gwan-Hwan also raised several issues to be resolved regarding the use of blockchain as a technical base.

The first point is that since it does not intend to complete the construction of the platform with a private blockchain, it will encounter some difficulties in terms of efficiency; for example, Ethereum, the world’s second largest public blockchain,

Transaction per second (TPS) is only about 15, compared with up to millions of TPS such as Visa and Wechat, scalability is an urgent problem to be solved.

Second, every transaction must be recorded on the public chain, and a certain transaction fee must be paid to the miner. Taking Ethereum as an example, the cost is about 0.1 US dollars; this means that in addition to solving a large number of the blocking of transactions for micropayments also has to reduce the cost of miners’ fees.

Finally, there is the issue of transparency of the ledger. The platform must allow anyone to easily see the transaction records.

Currently, it is technically provided by International Trust Machines Corporation (ITM) co-founded by Professor Hwang Gwan-Hwan. He explained that when consumers want to download or purchase, these requests will be connected to JKOpay, LINE Pay, etc. The gold flow processing system transfers the transaction data to the off-chain database and generates cryptographic evidence; in this way, one million data can be condensed into 1–2 cryptographic evidence, and then uploaded to the blockchain.

Professor Hwang Gwan-Hwan said that the company responsible for bookkeeping can conduct a liquidation once a day, which means that the more transactions they complete each day, the lower the cost; in addition, their team also designed a mobile app to provide consumption The author verifies whether the transaction record is on the Internet, and the creator can also find out how much compensation he can receive.

At the same time, because there may be a large team behind the creators, taking the orchestra as an example, there will be song creators, orchestra members, and sponsors behind, etc., so the platform has also designed a split-run mechanism for the creators to directly formulate The profitable distribution ratio, and any future income related to the copyright will be automatically distributed in accordance with the distribution mechanism.

However, the part about instant cash settlement, that is, when the profit is distributed to the creators, also involves some cost issues, so they are still in internal discussions. Professor Hwang Gwan-Hwan said that the current assumption is to be a creator It can only be claimed when a certain amount of money has been obtained, but this is also related to the rights of the creator, so the platform strategy is still being planned.


On the other hand, the Copyright Law stipulates that the copyright owner should bear the burden of proof. Professor Hwang Gwan-Hwan said that the information on the audio-visual intellectual property service management platform is not controlled by a few people, which meets the most stringent privacy protection standards in Europe-”Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)” has the power of legal proof and scientific evidence, and the creator can use it as proof material to the court.

Professor Fan Chien-Te of Blockchain Law & Policy Center, National Tsing Hua University pointed out that in addition to technical support for the platform, the platform also has an important feature, which is to become a solution to copyright disputes.

There are several main target audiences for the audiovisual intellectual property rights service management platform, firstly the creators, and then the rights holders such as centralized management groups, as well as the use of copyrights by brokerage companies, streaming platforms, and secondary creations And so on, the platform will jointly protect the rights of creators through cooperation with Celtis Intellectual Property Operation.

In general, because the cost of litigation-related fees is too high, including the cost of proof, the cost of lawyers, etc., even if the copyright is infringed, most of the copyright owners will choose to swallow it after measurement; now, the audio-visual intellectual property management platform not only provides the digital evidence will also actively help the creators to find out whether there is a copyright infringement on the internet so that it can also prevent plagiarists from daring to take the risk of litigation to infringe the copyright of others.

Professor Fan Chien-Te even stated:

“After the blockchain came in, the lawyer disappeared; plus AI, even the judge will disappear.”

Professor Fan Chien-Te explained how the platform should protect the copyright of the creator. / Source: BlockTempo.

Brokerage and resource integration

After strong support from technology and law, Professor Wen-Pin Hope Lee integrated the resources of the music industry and provided strong brokerage capabilities.

Professor Fan Chien-Te explained that Professor Wen-Pin Hope Lee, who has been in the music industry in Taiwan for many years, contains a rich academic base and industry energy. In recent years, he has been committed to promoting popular music through digital technology. Observe and try to connect people in technology, law and the music industry, and promote blockchain technology to establish the intellectual property management database of music creators, shape the transparency mechanism and the transparency of the copyright distribution account book. It is to provide contract content, authorization and management of audio and video copyrights, personal asset management (such as the drafting and management of individual contracts) and legal intellectual rights consultation.

Based on the innovative technology and legal services of the blockchain, in the integration of brokerage services and industry resources, Professor Wen-Pin Hope Lee also strives to introduce emerging technologies and invite strategic partners to form alliances. For example, the platform plans to stream music with KKBOX and other In addition to strategic cooperation between platforms and other players, it is also expected to introduce emerging technologies, such as VR teams that need content materials, even brokerage companies, Youtuber, etc. Applying emerging technologies and business models to provide users who join the platform with the most current Marketing and promotion services.

Professor Wen-Pin Hope Lee explained how to introduce emerging technologies such as VR to the platform. / Source: BlockTempo.

Professor Wen-Pin Hope Lee hopes that through the holding of the briefing session, there will be more channels for sharing and communicating with the music creators. The briefing session will also further understand the actual needs and suggestions of the creators. It is hoped that through the promotion of the audiovisual intellectual rights service management platform, a new industry chain medium will be connected in series to create a more complete creative environment for the majority of creators.

■ Source: BlockTempo

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