Blockchain combined with AIOT architecture Gradually move towards industrial-grade applications

Statecraft Tech
Statecraft Tech
Published in
9 min readDec 6, 2019
Image source: Statecraft

【Published by:UDN | Editor: Lan Guan-Ming | Translator: Statecraft 】

Since the “mining” has gradually disappeared from Taiwan’s industry news, the news of the blockchain is not so frequent. However, when the high water receded, Staying on the beach is often the most beautiful shell. Nowadays, the decentralization technology of the blockchain is gradually being fermented and gradually deepened into industrial applications outside the virtual currency.

As far as the current development is concerned, the operational thinking of the blockchain in industrial applications is centered on the “impossible modification”. In the era when the dialogue is to be recorded and the video is to be screened, there is a mechanism that can’t be modified by the build. It really solves the problem of trust between each other.

The Internet of Things will be the most important application area of the blockchain, not only because of the necessity of import but also because of its excellent practicability. The inter-column of the blockchain and the Internet of Things will continue to occur in all walks of life.

BiiLabs’ Sentinel Appliance uses blockchain technology to help businesses and governments monitor water quality data through DLT. / Source: BiiLabs

BiiLabs is a blockchain application startup company that is optimistic about this trend. It was founded by Zhu Yi-Zhen, Huang Jing-Qun and Lin Hong-Quan. It is a new creation, but these three people are completely irrelevant to the “new”. Everyone has very deep industry experience and technical ability, and is a leader in the field of a new creation.

Blockchain is a screw of the new era. How to use it is the problem

BiiLabs CEO Zhu Yiz-Hen said, “The blockchain is a tool, just like there was no cloud before, but now there is a cloud. However, the protagonist is not the cloud, but the application domain.” He also used “screw” as a metaphor to illustrate When the new technology comes out, the most difficult thing is how to prove its practicability.

Zhu Yi-Zhe, CEO of BiiLabs / Source: Lan Guan-Ming

“It’s just like the person who invented the screw. It’s useless to say how good his product is, unless he really locks it for you and really improves the value of the whole production.” Zhu Yi-Zhe said.

He explained that the screws can be used in many places, as long as there are scenes that need to be connected, including cars and ships, and the market is very large. But the person who does the screw does not know how to do the car and the boat, only need to focus on the function of the screw itself. The same is true for blockchains.

“I think the blockchain is the screw of the new era.”

He also believes that the current market is still in the early stage, the main point of work is to let the market fully understand the function of the blockchain, and will not ask what the blockchain is. Just like the cloud, maybe people can’t explain perfectly what the cloud is, but at the very least there is no doubt.

Back to BiiLabs itself, they are using blockchain technology to solve problems, and it is a problem in the Internet of Things.

“We have observed that the Internet of Things may have some problems. In the era of the Internet of Things, communication and dialogue between tens of billions of devices will be challenged, that is, the current TCP/IP specifications will not be able to respond.” Zhu Yi-Zhen pointed out.

He believes that to solve the problem of these tens of billions of device dialogues, it is necessary to adopt P2P and decentralized mechanisms to be a reasonable solution. Just as IPv4 went to IPv6 in the past, it was faced with a completely different magnitude problem, so a new technology would be needed.

And this communication specification may collapse after they verify the IEEE, it also confirms that the IEEE is actually aware of this hidden crisis, and is thinking about launching a new protocol to solve.

The concept of BiiLabs coincides with the IOTA organization in Germany, so it began to use IOTA code for development and application.

So simply speaking, there is a problem with the Internet of Things, and this problem will appear in the communication protocol. A new communication protocol will be needed at this point. The concept of blockchain will solve this problem, but the topology of its own chain structure is not fully applicable and needs to be adjusted. BiiLabs is looking for the possibility between the Internet of Things and the blockchain.

He emphasized that “quantity, decentralization, and the value of the interests of the Internet of Things” is the application spirit of the blockchain. And it should be viewed from the value of data and the network, rather than focusing on pure equipment sales and the big cloud.

“Become Red Hat of the blockchain industry is our goal,” said Zhu Yi-Zhen. He pointed out that customers are not required to build a blockchain from scratch when using the service, but only need to use the API to integrate into his original system. At present, they have packaged their services into PaaS for customers and will be packaged in the form of SaaS in the future. They only need to be available through subscription.

BiiLabs focuses on the blockchain, making the reliability, stability and reliability of the infrastructure of the blockchain service well and providing customers with a complete business service.

What problems can be solved by the combination of blockchain and Internet of Things? Zhu Yi-Zhen clearly pointed out that it is “the trust of data” because blockchain technology is very close to the edge device and can be transmitted to the blockchain almost at the same time as the data is generated to ensure the integrity and correctness of the data. Sex. Of course, there are still possibilities for being altered, but the overall path is very short, so the risk is relatively small.

Combining AIOT, Taiwan Master students solve the pain points of agricultural loans

The same thinking and spirit are also used in a project that Dr. Steve Liao is currently working on. Dr. Steve Liao is an associate professor at the Nation Taiwan University Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering. He is the A2B (Android, Blockchain and Big Data) lab and the chairman of the APAC Blockchain Development Association.

Dr. Steve Liao (left), associate professor of Nation Taiwan University Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering, and Yang Chang-Ru (right), co-developer of Time Capsule. / Source: Lan Guan-Ming

The project directed by Dr. Steve Liao was developed by a group of doctoral students and conducted on-the-spot research, which they called the “Time Capsule”.

The concept of Time Capsule is very simple. It is to put “time” into the “Capsule”. But this is not to say that people want to travel through time and space, but to allow the data to be completely preserved, and the core technology to achieve this perfect storage is the blockchain.

Steve Liao said that this Time Capsule is being used in agricultural loans. Through wisdom sensing combined with blockchain technology, it can actually reflect the farmer’s farming situation, so that the agricultural loan can be closer to reality. I changed the situation that the farming situation was not in accordance with the claim.

“If you plant one-eighth, you will get one-eighth of the money; You Plant Two-eighths, give you two-eighths of the money.” Steve Liao explained.

This is actually an IoT device that provides a similar intelligence supervisor and then combines blockchain authentication techniques for smart funding. Through this wisdom sensing and blockchain verification technology, the new operation mode of financial services is provided. Everything is clearly recorded.

“I think this can change the world.” Liao Shiwei said confidently.

According to Steve Liao, their system architecture is called the “AIoT Blockchain” application, which solves the problem of intelligent supervisors and is currently being used in the business of agricultural loans. Very similar to the air box of Edimax Technology Co., Ltd., but their solution is smarter and combines the technology of blockchain.

The practical application of Time Capsule in agricultural land. / Source: Steve Liao

In addition, a startup company based in Taiwan University has adopted a similar structure for car insurance. The company uses blockchain technology to pass the mileage of the car to the blockchain, avoiding human tampering and setting a clear basis for the amount of insurance.

The focus is on “not to be modified.”

Time Capsule was developed by a team led by Dr. Steve Liao. The members include: Yu Ying-Wei, Liao Pin-Zhen, Wu Song-Lin, Wu Xian-An, Yang Chang-Ru, Liao Yu-Cheng, Xie Yu-Yue, Wang Zan-Qi and Zhang Yu-Sheng. The manufacturer is ASUS. Because it uses the hardware specifications of smartphones, it is very power-saving, can also support photography and photography, and can fully grasp the status of the agricultural site.

Its operation method is that Time Capsule senses the field data, and the hash value is processed by the blockchain technology and then uploaded to the cloud, so the original data is stored in the cloud, but these values ​​cannot be tampered with. The back-end managers only need to look at the information, is there any seeding, is it sprouting and flowering? Fully master the situation of farming and make allocations accordingly.

“The former agricultural finances needed to go to the country to actually visit, but now they can be handled through the intelligent supervision of Time Capsule. And the farmland is often in a desolate place, and it is difficult to carry out on-site visits,” Steve Liao pointed out.

He also pointed out with the utmost conviction that the blockchain should not be used only in financial products such as “cryptocurrency offering”, but in the field of industry, which can be used to solve problems and solve pain points.

Simplify Difficult to implement, Institute for Information Industry pushes “products have to record on Blockchain ledger when they go out factory”

At present, Institute for Information Industry has partnered with Realtek and MyTek to launch a “microcontroller IoT uplink management technology” solution / Source: Lan Guan-Ming

Since the blockchain has its practical effects in the application of the Internet of Things, it is imperative to help it to play in various fields at an early date. One way to do this is to kit it into a so-called turnkey solution.

At present, Institute for Information Industry has partnered with Realtek and MyTek to launch a “microcontroller IoT uplink management technology” solution, which integrates wireless chip, Microcontroller Unit (MCU) and blockchain software technology to achieve the so-called “products have to record on Blockchain ledger when they go out factory”.

Its operating principle is to let the distributed auditing technology be matched with the MCU chip to achieve the function of the product leaving the factory. It is combined with the information service provider Decentralized Application (Dapp) to compress a large number of high-frequency IoT data slices into a layered chain; Decentralized Identifiers (DID)-based trading network framework to develop multi-level data authorization management smart contracts.

This program can be applied in the fields of medical records, production history, smart contracts, etc., and strengthens the trust of data through features such as decentralized books, decentralization, and non-tampering.

■ Source: UDN

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