Energy saving service industry has a good momentum of development. Four aspects of integration of blockchain to promote green development.

Statecraft Tech
Statecraft Tech
Published in
6 min readFeb 1, 2019
Image source:Statecraft

【Published by Ming Shao

How does blockchain industry promote the development of energy-saving service industry?

With the transformation of China’s economy from high-speed development to high-quality development, the extensive development mode of energy consumption before is being abandoned by all parties in the industry, and conservation and environmental protection is becoming the general trend of the development of most enterprises. December 11, 2018, the United Nations Climate Change Conference held, energy conservation and emission reduction has become a hot topic of discussion. The United Nations has proposed to use blockchain technology to deal with global climate change, to achieve green energy conservation and emission reduction, in the face of global warming challenges, blockchain in the field of energy conservation and environmental protection, what role? Where exactly is the contribution of blockchain?

The era of green energy saving belonging to blockchain

With the continuous acceleration of China’s economic transformation, the original not recognized energy conservation and environmental protection has gradually become the focus of attention, the country has also included energy conservation as an important part of the medium-and long-term national economic and social development planning, according to the Prospective Industrial Research Institute issued by the “China Energy-saving service industry market foresight and investment strategic Planning Analysis Report” Statistics show that as of 2017, China’s energy-saving service industry output value of 414.8 billion yuan, the country engaged in energy-saving services 6,137 Enterprises, Industry employment of 685,000 people, Contract energy management investment to form an annual energy saving capacity of more than 38 million tons of standard coal, annual emission reduction of carbon dioxide exceeded 100 million tons, energy-saving service industry continued to maintain a good momentum of development. Energy-saving service industry not only plays a vital role in the application of energy-saving technology and investment in energy conservation projects in China, but also plays a positive role in promoting energy-saving transformation, reducing energy consumption, increasing social employment and promoting economic development, and has become one of the important grippers of transforming development mode, raising quality and increasing efficiency economy and building ecological civilization in China.

Statistics and growth of China’s energy saving service output in 2011–2017 years:

Image source: bg.qianzhan (前瞻产业研究院整理)

Quantity statistics and growth of energy saving service enterprises in China in the 2011–2017:

Image source: bg.qianzhan (前瞻产业研究院整理)

What contribution can internet technology make in the field of energy conservation? Blockchain and energy saving are not known compared to other technologies. Blockchain projects, such as the early adoption of the POW consensus mechanism, consume a lot of energy and produce large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions without generating value to the real economy. However, blockchain technology has also gradually begun to promote the industry from the “high energy consumption blockchain” model to a comprehensive “energy-saving blockchain” in the direction of evolution, in the field of energy conservation rapid expansion.

How does the blockchain reconstruct the energy saving highland?

The transformation of energy-saving industry by blockchain does not start from the endowment of energy-saving industry, but from the transformation itself. This is the most different place when most Internet technology is applied to energy-saving industry. Therefore, the application of blockchain in energy-saving industry is to change itself, enabling industry:

Energy saving transformation of blockchain

For blockchain, the most important first step is to solve their own problems of high energy consumption, the traditional blockchain needs to synchronize information with all nodes, extreme consuming power resources, resulting in a great waste of energy. On this basis, to Baidu as the representative of a new generation of super chain blockchain has begun to explore energy conservation from the underlying network design and consensus mechanism, through the design and supervision of supercomputing node node on the blockchain, improved DPOD consensus, self TDPOS developed a consensus, according to this algorithm, the whole network through license holders can vote for the candidate, the candidate selected by the final vote as a super node involved in accounting, others as a supervisory node, greatly reducing the cost . Only need to lower energy consumption can maintain the operation of the entire blockchain network, to achieve the transmission of information, thereby significantly reducing power consumption blockchain themselves to achieve the energy development of the whole network in the field of self-development blockchain

Promoting the process of industrial energy conservation

After addressing its own energy-saving problems, as reported by the CSIS in the United States, blockchain can achieve energy-efficient layouts from balanced smart grids through the supervision of industrial energy consumption at each stage, while the Chinese blockchain can draw on the American experience, with the help of blockchain distributed architecture, tamper-proof and collaborative consensus features, The problem of industrial energy saving can be fully intelligent contract, will be dispersed in the industrial upstream and downstream of different enterprises in the energy-saving information to focus on, truly break the field of energy-saving connected to scattered environmental data silos, the construction of the entire industry chain and even the region’s energy-saving trusted data monitoring and collection network. Then through the industrial production process of energy consumption of various links of blockchain and IoT, through the low-cost internet of things to form an information collection system, to break the industrial production of energy consumption black box, so that the monitoring of energy consumption can be phased, divided into production links, sub-supply chain is collected and processed, So that enterprises can be in all production links in order to effectively achieve energy conservation and emission reduction. The combination of blockchain and the internet of things can reduce enterprise costs as much as possible, thus driving the efficiency of energy conservation and emission reduction.

Promote the upgrading of energy-saving regulation

In addition to the enterprise’s own energy-saving and emission reduction, another important area of energy conservation is the regulation of energy conservation and emission reduction, because energy conservation and emission reduction is often in the enterprise’s own operation, regulators often have difficulty in real-time and effective supervision of enterprises, more difficult to understand the most authentic situation. However, this problem, which is difficult to solve in the traditional field, has a different solution in the hands of the blockchain. Blockchain can be applied to enterprises from raw material collection, operation and production, logistics and transportation and other links, through the blockchain of the credible consensus mechanism to make the enterprise’s energy consumption information into tamper-proof data, truly from the enterprise to the regulatory authorities. In this way, regulators will be able to understand the real situation of energy conservation and emission reduction in enterprises in the first place, and even can make rapid accountability and responsibility for energy conservation and emission reduction, so as to better control the problem of excessive energy consumption and waste.

Achieve real landing carbon economy

All along, the state and academics have been discussing through carbon emission rights approach to the management of energy saving, but because of the lack of real data to make the determination of carbon emissions carbon economy has become a cannot achieve good vision, IBM introduced in China in 2017 carbon asset management platform by enabling new super chains will blockchain with anti-tampering prominent, carbon emissions data direct chain of blocks, so as to promote the management of carbon emissions, promoting carbon trading market after that construction, real energy saving carbon management landing.

Blockchain, a unique way of self-revolution and empowering the industry, indicates the upgrading of the blockchain industry itself. The era of high-energy consumption blockchain has passed, and the energy-saving era of green blockchain is coming faster than we think. Let’s wait and see.

Source: hbzhan

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