The first case in Taiwan: Yunlin County will introduce blockchain to create a meat traceability system

Statecraft Tech
Statecraft Tech
Published in
4 min readOct 22, 2020
Image source:Statecraft

Published by: Yunlin County Government / News Department-Public Relations Division | INSIDE / Editor Chris & MindyLi | Translator & compilation : Statecraft

In order to protect people’s health and safeguard the rights and interests of pig farmers, the Yunlin County Government, after promoting the “Zero Clenbuterol Alliance”, signed a letter of intent for cooperation with the Blockchain Application and Development Institute of General Chamber of Commerce of the R.O.C. (hereinafter referred to as Blockchain Institute) on the 21st of this month. Yunlin County will become the first county to tailored Taiwan’s “Exclusive Meat Traceability System for Domestic Pork”. It has established a transparent process from feed mills, livestock farms, cutting and processing plants to dining tables, so that people can buy and eat with peace of mind, and Improve the competitiveness of Yunlin Liangpin Pork.

The Yunlin County Government and the General Chamber of Commerce of the R.O.C. today signed a letter of intent for cooperation on the “Zero Clenbuterol Alliance Pork Blockchain Traceability Project”. / Photo Credit: Yunlin County Government

The principle of the “Blockchain Food Safety Traceability System” of the Blockchain Institute is actually very intuitive. It will identify the farm source details, batch numbers, processing plants and processing data, expiration date, storage temperature and transportation of agricultural, fish, and livestock products. Details and other product information, as well as the information of each process, are recorded on the blockchain database; through the system, the origin of the agricultural, fish, and animal husbandry products it distributes and the process of each intermediate transaction can be checked at any time to ensure the product All have been tested and strengthen consumer confidence.

Yunlin County Magistrate Zhang Li-Shan said that today the county government has cooperated with the General Chamber of Commerce of the ROC to become a field where blockchain is applied to agricultural products. It builds on the technology of the Blockchain Institute to create a traceability system for Yunlin’s pork, Using the blockchain’s non-tamperable and multi-party verification features to ensure that consumers can eat safe, safe, and healthy Yunlin County’s excellent pork. It is hoped that this technology can also be used in other products in the future to comprehensively improve Yunlin agricultural products the value of.

Yunlin County Magistrate Zhang Li-Shan hopes to use blockchain technology to strengthen the traceability of Yunlin’s pork products so that people can buy and eat with peace of mind. / Photo Credit: Yunlin County Government

Lai Zheng-Yi, chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce of the ROC, said that food safety is the most important thing for Chinese people. As a native of Yunlin County, he hopes the use of blockchain technology combined with the talents and resources of the industry, government and academia will bring opportunities for transformation to the hometown and turn Yunlin Pork into a brand, so that everyone knows that Yunlin Pork does not contain clenbuterol and can be eaten safely and healthy.

Lai Zheng-Yi, chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce of the R.O.C. said that hoping to use blockchain technology has turned Yunlin Pork into a brand. / Photo Credit: Yunlin County Government
The signing ceremony of the letter of intent for the “Exclusive Meat Traceability System for Domestic Pork” cooperation was signed by Yunlin County Magistrate Zhang Li-Shan (right), with the General Chamber of Commerce of the R.O.C. chairman Lai Zheng-Yi (left). / Photo Credit: Yunlin County Government

And this time the system will adopt the “NCHC Blockchain Service Platform” of the National Center for High-Performance Computing (hereinafter referred to as NCHC) in the “Advanced Artificial Intelligence Big Data Computing Host and Storage System” project. In the future, the Blockchain Research Institute is also willing to assist county and city governments in establishing a blockchain food safety traceability mechanism.

Yunlin County itself is the most important pig-raising county in Taiwan. It raises nearly 30% of Taiwan’s pigs. It is hoped that the latest information technology can be integrated with existing agricultural production. Through the use of blockchain, consumers can eat It is 100% Taiwanese pork and serves as an auxiliary tool for Taiwan’s pork export.

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Source: INSIDE, Yunlin County Government

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