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KU School of Business reaches another record enrollment

KU School of Business
KU Business


First-time freshmen enrolled in the KU School of Business increased to a record 731 in fall 2022, bolstering the school’s overall enrollment to 3,556 students.

The fall 2022 enrollment is an all-time high for the school and includes 2,921 undergraduate students and 635 graduate students. The school’s undergraduate enrollment grew by 125 students from fall 2021.

First-time freshmen in the School of Business represent 16.4% of the entering freshman class at KU. The university also recorded its largest freshman class since 2008 this fall with a total of 4,457 new students.

Find more KU enrollment data at aire.ku.edu/ku-fact-book.



KU School of Business
KU Business

Stories about the students, alumni, faculty and staff of the University of Kansas School of Business.