Peak of the year! (December 2018)

Kuba Michalski
Kuba Michalski blog
3 min readJan 3, 2019

So here it is, 2019. If I were to describe my whole year as hills and valleys December for sure would be a peak of the mountain. A lot of stuff going on, in many different areas. It’s not going to be a technology/programming related post at all. I mean, you will read about Syl but that’s just few lines as I had more important and amazing things going on this month.

So here it is:


I visited my brother and his fiancee in Edinburgh for a week. It was a great time, besides I also visited some places (like my favourite Arthur’s Seat) including few I haven’t seen before (like Christmas Market), learned some piano jazz licks (they have really out of tune piano, neighbours had to love it!) and washed the dishes 😃

I also bought sweater from the cover image but I couldn’t find my size so I checked every single sweater. I also wanted to check a blue ones with snowman. The only size that was lacking was mine and this way I remembered all of the sweaters and whenever someone came over to find his/her size I just told them if it’s available and where they can find it. One guy even thought I work there and asked where he can find his (and I told him).


It was my first Christmas when I managed to buy gifts for all my house members. It turned out UK is not so expensive (at least some things). It was very calm, warm and family time, I also took many driving lesson and accidentally stopped the car in the middle of a crossing so no one could drive.


So my friend told me about a Christian camp where there are supposed to be many people of our age and students from USA. So I decided to give it a try, poster seemed to be a bit suspicious because of 14–16 sign but whatever, he said there are going to be many people with different age. And he was partly right, when we arrived at the place in the evening of 27th they turned to be much below 14. American students — however — were of our age and long story short we wanted to leave in the first day but eventually we stayed there and took a leadership of one group. Right now when I write this post I feel unbelievably sad because of the camp end. I talked more English than during my week in Edinburgh and I met some really amazing people. I’m not sharing with you all of the things but I gotta tell you it was a rollercoaster of emotions for me for many reasons. New Year’s Eve was pretty nice, we had some goofy, weird, normal and too-fast-to-learn-it dances which I liked a lot.

If you read any of my previous articles you can probably notice this one is a bit different. More spontaneous, easygoing and relatively short.

Before the end I would like to tell you that my Syl is finally getting some shape, I mean she starts talking more! And I got few cool ideas for her…

And going with the flow of New Year’s resolutions, I wish you to make yours true this year. I have few (for different areas) as well as few goals/plans that I’d really like to do this year if God lets.

You will experience a lot of trouble, pain and sorrow and there are going to be hard times like every year. But after valleys there are hills or even mountains so my final wishes are: keep that in mind and climb those mountains!

Thanks for reading!



Kuba Michalski
Kuba Michalski blog

I write a little bit about my life and things I’m interested in.