Join us for the Kubeflow Doc Sprint, July 10–12

Sarah Maddox
Published in
4 min readMay 17, 2019

Sarah Maddox, Kubeflow technical writer

The Kubeflow community invites you to a Kubeflow Doc Sprint! Join us to build some super-useful tutorials and examples that will help people use Kubeflow to its utmost potential. Hear tips on UX design and effective technical writing. Chat with other Kubeflow community members.

A doc sprint is an event where people get together to write tutorials, fix documentation bugs, and chat about user experience (UX). Many open source communities run doc sprints as a popular, effective way of building documentation. For our sprint, we’ve added some “learn while you sprint” sessions too, where you can learn effective UX and tech writing techniques.

Event details

When: July 10–12, 2019 (three days, Wednesday to Friday).

Where: Google’s offices in Kirkland, WA (across the lake from Seattle) and online (from your desk or couch).

Who: You! Kubeflow community, engineers, tech writers, product managers, UX researchers, designers, …

Keep an eye on the Kubeflow website wiki. It’s your source of truth for details of the doc sprint.

Focus areas

The primary goals of the doc sprint are:

  • Create getting-started guides for specific platforms. Our wish list already includes Microsoft Azure, OpenShift, and IBM Cloud Private. Add your requests to the wishlist (link below).
  • Build end-to-end tutorials for top use cases: Kubeflow on prem, Kubeflow across hybrid environments, pipelines, and more. Add your ideas to the wishlist (link below).
  • Create how-to and trouble-shooting guides for those tricky issues that require the attention of an expert: authentication, storage, hyperparameter tuning, etc. We hope that, by bringing many of the community members together to focus on the docs, we’ll have those experts on tap! authentication, storage, pipelines, Kubeflow on prem, etc.
  • Fix bugs. We’ll create a hot list of bugs that are spoiling people’s experience of Kubeflow. If you spot a bug in the docs, log an issue now! Include a comment that you think this is a good candidate for the doc sprint.


  • Can the tutorial be in a Jupyter notebook? Yes! We’ll add a doc introducing the notebook and telling people how to run the notebook on Kubeflow.
  • Where will we put the tutorials and other docs? The main location is on Tutorials for Kubeflow on prem or hybrid will go in the use cases section of the docs. Getting-started guides will go in a specific section, such as one for Microsoft Azure. We’ll also create tutorials in notebooks and create a page in the docs that introduces the notebook.

We’ll refine our goals together in the tutorial wishlist before and during the sprint.

What will you get out of it?

Camaraderie and…

  • Wear it with pride: A designer, limited-edition, Kubeflow Doc Sprint T-shirt.
  • See your name in lights: The Kubeflow docs and samples are on GitHub. Your username will appear as author of your contributions.
  • Be part of something big: We’ll write up our results on the Kubeflow blog.
  • Learn while you sprint: You’ll hear mini tutorials from UX researchers to help you shine up the way people experience Kubeflow. Technical writers will present tips on writing effectively. You’ll also be able to tap the knowledge of the members of the Kubeflow community who’ll be sprinting with you.
  • Help other people use Kubeflow: We know Kubeflow is great, and we know how to use it. Help other people know too.

How can you take part?

There are many ways you can take part in the doc sprint:

  • Join us on site for one, two or three days, or participate online. You can mix and match, part on site and part online. (We’ll include the online conference details in the calendar invitations.) The on-site doc sprint offers the best experience, as you can chat to the other participants in person, attend the mini learning sessions, and get the most out of having the experts in one room at the same time.
  • Write sample code and docs, and fix doc bugs.
  • Review pull requests (PRs) containing docs and code written by others.
  • Act as an on-call expert for one or more areas of Kubeflow, to advise people when they’re building the tutorials and fixing the docs.
  • Take part in the sprint demos, to show all participants what you’ve achieved and to cheer others on.

Sign up and tweet

Complete the signup form to let us know you’re interested.

Spread the news and tweet #KubeflowDocSprint.

In a doc sprint, every day is launch day. So join us at the inaugural Kubeflow Doc Sprint if you can!

