Frontend before React

The evolution of front-end development

Weave Media Team
9 min readSep 28, 2023



In the last decade, front-end development has morphed from static HTML pages to dynamic, user-centric experiences, reflecting global tech evolutions. From 2010’s simpler web structures built on the HTML-CSS-JavaScript foundation to today’s immersive web applications, understanding this transformation provides insights into where technology is headed, as user demands and industry standards continuously reshape our digital landscapes.

Source: Toptal


The late 90s and early 2000s witnessed the genesis of front-end development as we know it. Rooted in the HTML-CSS-JavaScript trinity, this era was a simpler time where the primary concern was structuring content.

Foundation: The HTML-CSS-JS Trinity

Web pages in the 90s were static, with clunky layouts, garish color palettes, and minimal interactivity. In its infancy, HTML was the skeleton, CSS was the superficial skin, and JavaScript was merely the twitch in the web’s fingers.


From Brochures to UX

Websites began as online brochures.

Ebay in 2000s

“Websites are the shared knowledge of humanity.” — Tim Berners-Lee

The objective was clear: convey information. By the 2000s, the dial-up era, the challenge wasn’t just presenting information but doing so engagingly. The introduction of CSS animations and JavaScript interactivity laid the foundation for this.

Some purists argue that the web was better during its “brochure” days. Without today’s distractions of pop-ups, ads, and overly complex user interfaces, web pages were direct and to the point. Jakob Nielsen, a web usability consultant, criticized the loss of simplicity in his 2000 article, “Why You Only Need to Test with 5 Users,” emphasizing the importance of user experience and straightforward design.

Consider the website of Apple in its early days — it looked more like a flyer. By the mid-2000s, with the proliferation of the iPod and later the iPhone, the website transformed, showcasing sleeker designs and more interactive elements.

The Web-Tech Revolution

Navigating the evolutionary timeline of front-end development is akin to tracing the growth rings of a tree. Each layer represents an era, each shift marked by technologies that weren’t mere additions but transformative milestones.


Enter 2006: A time when browser inconsistencies were every developer’s nightmare. jQuery promised salvation. By offering a simplified way to interact with the DOM, it reduced browser-specific headaches. Yet, this ease came at a cost. Paul Irish highlighted the potential pitfall:

“With jQuery, developers often shoot themselves in the foot — easily and frequently.”

Its very simplicity sometimes led to bloated code, compromising performance.


Fast forward to 2011. As mobile browsing gained traction, the web’s design paradigm needed an overhaul. Bootstrap’s grid system made responsive design accessible to all. However, its convenience spawned a side effect: homogeneity. Critics like Jen Simmons pointed out that Bootstrap, albeit unintentionally, ushered in an era where many websites bore a striking resemblance to one another, stifling originality.

Modern Frameworks

The mid-2010s were dominated by the rise of React, Angular, and Vue.js. These weren’t mere libraries or frameworks; they represented a paradigm shift in building web applications, particularly SPAs. They brought structure, reusability, and performance enhancements. Yet, they also introduced complexity.

“Not every website needs to be a single-page application.” — Jeremy Keith

The ubiquity of these frameworks sometimes led to their misuse, especially for projects that demanded simpler solutions.

Important Paradigm Shifts

The world of front-end isn’t just marked by technological progressions but by paradigm shifts that changed the ethos of how we approach web development. With each shift came new champions and critics, underscoring the dynamic, ever-evolving nature of the field.

Responsive Design

The introduction of the iPhone in 2007 was more than just a tech launch; it was the dawn of a mobile-centric world. As mobile browsing became more prevalent, Ethan Marcotte coined the term “Responsive Web Design” in his 2010 article, heralding an era where websites adapted to various screen sizes. Yet, some criticized this shift. Luke Wroblewski’s popular phrase “Mobile First” was sometimes misinterpreted, leading developers to prioritize mobile design at the cost of the desktop experience. A critical view argues that we should think of “Mobile Priority” instead, ensuring each platform delivers an optimal experience.


Single Page Applications (SPAs) and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) changed our interaction with the web. Sites became faster, and more dynamic, with app-like experiences. Twitter, transitioning to a SPA in 2017, exemplified this trend.


“SPAs often break the back button and require more memory.” — Alex Russell, a Google engineer

While PWAs, like Starbucks’s order site, enabled offline access and home screen presence, detractors pointed out that they often consume more storage and can’t entirely replace native app experiences.

The launch of The Verge’s website in 2014 was built as an SPA, aiming for a seamless user experience. However, they faced backlash for heavy memory usage and sluggish performance, exemplifying that embracing new paradigms requires more than just adopting new tech — it demands optimizing it for real-world usage.

The Verge in 2015

Performance Wars

As the digital age matured, the battleground shifted from mere presence to performance. It wasn’t enough for websites to be online; they had to be lightning-fast, optimized, and efficient. This drive led to innovations but also spurred controversies and critical conversations about the true cost of “speed.”

The Quest for Speed

“Performance is a feature,” said Jeff Atwood, co-founder of Stack Overflow. Websites aren’t just about aesthetics or functionality — they’re about delivering both, quickly. However, as businesses vied for milliseconds of improvement, some argue that the essence of the web got lost. A case in point: AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages). Introduced by Google in 2015, it promised faster mobile web browsing. Yet, critics like Tim Kadlec pointed out its walled garden approach, saying —

“AMP keeps users within Google’s domain and diverts traffic away from individual websites.”


Server-side Rendering & Static Sites

Ironically, as the web became more complex, many turned back to older practices for performance. Server-side rendering (SSR), especially with frameworks like Next.js, combines the best of both worlds: dynamic data with optimized delivery. On the flip side, we saw a resurgence of static site generators like Jekyll or Hugo. But every silver lining has a cloud. noted,

“While SSR can improve the time to interactive, it also adds server overhead and can make sites flicker if not implemented correctly.” — Patrick Hund

Major e-commerce sites offer a window into the tangible impact of performance. Amazon found that every 100ms delay in page load time led to a 1% loss in sales. However, the relentless pursuit of speed sometimes resulted in stripped-down versions of sites, like the “Lite” versions of Facebook or Twitter, leading critics to question: At what point does optimization compromise experience?

Performance isn’t a mere metric — it’s an ethos. The wars waged over it underscore the web’s delicate balancing act: delivering rich experiences promptly without losing the web’s democratic, open nature.

Breaking the Mold

Innovation is often a double-edged sword, carving pathways into uncharted terrains while challenging existing norms. The most disruptive technologies in the web ecosystem weren’t merely incremental improvements; they fundamentally altered our understanding of what’s possible within a browser.

WebAssembly (Wasm)

Launched in 2015, WebAssembly offered a new bytecode format, allowing languages like C, C++, and Rust to run on browsers. Its potential was groundbreaking, but its implementation brought scrutiny. Lin Clark’s famous analogy likened Wasm to a “portable, size, and load-time efficient binary format.” However, Peter Salomone raised concerns, stating, “Wasm might make the web more complex, making it harder for junior developers to enter the field.”


Moving beyond the traditional 2D interface, WebXR encompassed APIs for both augmented and virtual reality experiences on the web. It gave birth to applications like Mozilla Hubs, where virtual meetings came alive. Yet, for every enthusiast, there was a skeptic. The criticism revolved around the need for high-end devices, accessibility concerns, and the potential for over-saturating websites with unnecessary 3D gimmicks.

Mozilla hubs

Flashback to Google’s attempt at Augmented Reality with Google Glass. It promised a fusion of the physical and digital world, an embodiment of WebXR’s potential. Yet, the product faced backlash due to privacy concerns and its “always-watching” camera. It became a stark reminder that technology, no matter how advanced, must be sensitive to societal norms.

Security and Privacy

As the digital tapestry grew denser, the undercurrents of security and privacy surged to the forefront. These weren’t just technical challenges but ethical dilemmas, shaping the contours of online trust.

Web Vulnerabilities

Websites became more interactive, but this interactivity became a double-edged sword. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) became common terms, revealing the fragility of online infrastructure.

“It’s not about preventing security breaches; it’s about managing them.” — Troy Hunt, the creator of “Have I Been Pwned”

This view contrasts with many who believe in absolute security — a dream, some argue, that’s unattainable.

The Rise of “Privacy by Design”

Ann Cavoukian’s concept of “Privacy by Design” became an imperative. It’s the idea of embedding privacy into the very fabric of technologies and operations. While GDPR in Europe championed this notion, some critics highlighted its stifling effect.

Third-party Trackers

Websites began to feel like minefields, laden with third-party trackers. Tools like Ghostery revealed the staggering number of trackers on popular sites. Yet, there was pushback. Critics argue that a “tracker-free” web might lead to a “paywall-heavy” web, restricting free content.

In 2018, the Cambridge Analytica scandal shook the foundation of online trust. Personal data of millions was harvested without consent via Facebook, underscoring the hazards of unchecked data collection. The fallout was widespread, with critics like Shoshana Zuboff arguing we had entered an era of “Surveillance Capitalism.”

Social Impact: Accessibility and Beyond

Web development is more than code and design — it’s about building bridges and tearing down barriers. As the internet evolved into the world’s primary communication medium, its responsibility to be inclusive intensified, sparking debates and driving change.

Making the Web Usable for Everyone

The significance of accessibility can’t be overstated. With approximately 15% of the world’s population experiencing some form of disability, web accessibility has become more than a good practice — it’s a moral imperative. Yet, not all celebrated this transition.

“Accessibility doesn’t restrict one’s aesthetic choices; it informs them.” — Ethan Marcotte

However, a contrarian view emerged among some developers who felt “forced” into accessibility, claiming it stifled creativity and increased developmental overhead.

Global Reach and Localization

The internet’s global reach posed unique challenges. Developers weren’t just creating for their locale but for a diverse, global audience. This led to the rise of localization — adapting a product to meet the language, culture, and other requirements of a specific target market. But here, too, criticisms arose.

In 2016, Facebook’s “Free Basics” program, aimed at providing limited internet services to underdeveloped areas, was banned in India. Critics argued that it violated net neutrality principles by providing access to only a subset of the web. It highlighted the fine line between making the internet more accessible and inadvertently creating a tiered web experience.

Opposition to Free Basics


Charting the evolution of front-end development isn’t just a tech narrative but a reflection of societal shifts.

As Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, asserted, “The web does not just connect machines, it connects people.”

Yet, as it intertwines deeper with daily life, criticisms emerge. Some, like Jaron Lanier, caution against over-reliance, warning, “We mustn’t smother the web’s potential in a quest for optimization”. Understanding the past helps us navigate the future of web development.

Written by: Inchara, kubo media team.


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