Nokia is finally making news with its new UI language

The tale of Nokia’s daring comeback.

6 min readMay 2, 2023


Nokia has become known over the years for its creative ways of making user interfaces. Nokia has always put usability and looks first in its interfaces, from the early days of simple menus and icons to the new addition of Windows Phone’s unique Live Tiles. Nokia’s new Pure UI is a design language that aims to make the interface simpler and easier for users to understand.

Nokia’s new logo
Nokia’s new logo

In this piece, we’ll look at how Nokia’s interfaces have changed over time and how Pure UI is the next step in Nokia’s dedication to user-centered design. So, if you liked Nokia’s old designs or are just interested in what’s new in user interface design, keep reading to find out more about Pure UI.

In this article get ready to dive into :

  1. What is Pure UI?
  2. Elements of Pure UI.
  3. What is different?
  4. Future of Pure UI

What is Pure UI?

Nokia, once a dominant player in the mobile phone industry, has been struggling to maintain its relevance in recent years due to fierce competition and a rapidly evolving technology landscape. However, the company is now poised to make a strong comeback with its innovative new user interface design language, Pure UI.

Nokia’s new user interface language, aims to make devices easier to use. It was recently introduced to make using devices like smartphones and laptops more comfortable and more efficient for people like you and me.

It has a clean, simple look with a focus on typography, color, and other visual elements. It includes new animations and transitions, which make the user experience smoother and more enjoyable. Imagine using a device that responds to your touch seamlessly and quickly. That’s the kind of experience that Pure UI is designed to provide.

Nokia’s pure UI
source : gsmarena

However, there’s a catch. Right now, it is only available to B2B enterprise businesses. It’s not available on Nokia’s smartphones for regular consumers like you and me. But this doesn’t mean we can’t get excited about the new development in user interface design. Who knows, we might see it in the future and enjoy using devices that are even more intuitive and user-friendly.

So, if you’re someone who struggles with using technology, you can look forward to an easier and more intuitive experience. And if you’re someone who enjoys using technology, Pure UI will make your experience even more enjoyable.

Elements of Pure UI

Nokia’s Pure UI is here to simplify things for you. It’s all about the content, not the design elements. You’ll find it easy to navigate the interface and find what you’re looking for quickly, without being bogged down by too much detail. You can even customize the interface to your liking. Rearrange icons, widgets, and apps to create a personalized experience.

Nokia Pure UI dashboard
Nokia Pure UI dashboard

But that’s not all. Nokia’s Pure UI also comes with a new color scheme — “Pure Colors.” These colors are designed to be easy on the eyes, making the interface more inviting and comfortable to use.

So, whether you’re a business user or just someone who wants a simpler and more personalized user interface, Nokia’s Pure UI has got you covered. Say goodbye to clutter and confusion and hello to simplicity and customization.

What is different?

The focus of Nokia’s new design revolves around these three words — Pure, Simple and Flexible. And to ensure these in their design, they have made customization the key. Here are few ways Nokia is trying to change how people use interfaces with Pure UI.

  1. Customizable color scheme : Pure UI is designed to be customizable, allowing users to tailor it to their specific needs. One of the customizable features is the color scheme, giving users the ability to personalize the interface to their liking.
Customizable colour
Customizable colour

2. Made to move : Pure UI incorporates elegant and aesthetic animations to its design, making it more pleasing to look at. The animations breaths life into interface making it easier to interact with it.

3. Crafted icons : Pure UI’s icons are crafted with great attention to detail, resulting in a sleek and modern look. These icons are designed to be easily recognizable, making it easier for users to find what they’re looking for.

Custom crafted icons
Custom crafted icons

4. Pure typography : Pure UI focuses on typography as an essential element of its design language. The clean, minimalist look is achieved through the use of simple, easy-to-read fonts. In addition is designed to work across multiple languages, making it a versatile choice for businesses operating in diverse regions. The typography is optimized for legibility on small screens, ensuring that users can read and understand the content without straining their eyes.

typography of Pure UI
typography of Pure UI

5. Pure dashboard: Pure Dashboard is a key feature that provides a customizable and streamlined experience for users. It’s a central hub where users can access essential information and apps quickly and efficiently. Pure Dashboard is designed with a clean and minimalistic look, making it easy to navigate. Users can customize the dashboard to their liking, making it a truly personalized experience.

6. Optimised for many devices : Pure UI is designed to be optimised for touchscreens, making it easier to use on smartphones and tablets. It is also designed to work seamlessly across multiple devices, including laptops and smartwatches.

Pure UI designs are optimised for most devices
Pure UI designs are optimised for most devices

Future of Pure UI

Although Pure UI is currently only available for enterprise businesses, Nokia has indicated that it has plans to expand the interface’s reach. Nokia has stated that the design will eventually be available on other devices, including smartphones, smartwatches, and laptops. However, Nokia has not given a specific timeline for this expansion.

Nokia has also indicated that Pure UI will continue to evolve and improve over time. Nokia plans to incorporate user feedback into future iterations of the interface, ensuring that it remains relevant and useful for users. Additionally, Nokia plans to continue collaborating with enterprise businesses to develop new features and functionality for Pure UI.


In my opinion, Nokia’s Pure UI is a breath of fresh air in the realm of user interface design. Its emphasis on simplicity, customization, and uniformity across devices holds tremendous potential for enterprise users. Although Nokia’s choice to exclude Pure UI from their smartphones came as a surprise, their ambition to extend the interface to other devices is quite promising. I firmly believe that with Nokia’s dedication to refining the interface based on user feedback, Pure UI has the potential to emerge as a dominant design language for both enterprise and consumer users alike.


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As a writer, I strive to uncover the latest trends and provide fresh perspectives on design, critical thinking, and their impact on the business world.