The Law of Prägnanz: Designing for Simplicity

The law that makes chaotic designs obey

Weave Design
5 min readMay 18, 2023


The Law of Prägnanz


Picture yourself navigating through an app on your smartphone. You’re scrolling through an assortment of features, each one cluttered with text and graphics. Suddenly, a round icon catches your attention — a camera symbol. Amidst the complex display, this simple icon offers a breath of fresh air. It’s immediately recognizable, making you feel at ease in the digital chaos. You instinctively tap on it, drawn towards its simplicity. This interaction exemplifies the Law of Prägnanz in the realm of user interface design.

The Law of Prägnanz helps users perceive complex design in simplest way

We are looking at Day 8 of “30 days UX laws and principles” and if you haven’t caught Day 7 yet, check it out before you continue. In this article we will explore :

  1. Breaking down the Law of Prägnanz
  2. The Law of Prägnanz and User Experience (UX)
  3. Real life brand examples
  4. Difficulties and limitations

Breaking Down The Law of Prägnanz

The Law of Prägnanz is a fundamental principle of perceptual organization derived from Gestalt psychology, a school of thought originating from Germany in the early 20th century. The word “Prägnanz” is German, meaning pithiness, suggesting something essential, concise, and meaningful. This principle proposes that individuals perceive complex patterns in the simplest way possible, a process our brains engage in to reduce cognitive load.

To better understand this, picture a scattered array of dots. Despite the seemingly random placement, your mind instinctively tries to organize them into a recognisable shape. You don’t see the dots as separate entities, but your brain naturally looks for the simplest interpretation — a line, a curve, or perhaps a circle. The mind’s predisposition towards simplicity and order, even in chaos, is the crux of the Law of Prägnanz.

Our brain instinctively try to recognise shapes from a random array of dots

In the late 1930s, Italian psychologist Gaetano Kanizsa started exploring this concept further through various experiments involving visual illusions. One of his most famous experiments is the “Kanizsa Triangle,” which demonstrates that our minds can perceive shapes even when they are not present.

Kanizsa Triangle

The Law of Prägnanz and User Experience (UX)

This phenomenon isn’t just limited to physical perception; it has significant implications in the field of User Experience (UX) Design as well. When designing digital interfaces, the Law of Prägnanz encourages simplicity, continuity, and coherence. Let’s illustrate this with a non-digital example.

Imagine you’re approaching an automatic door at a shopping mall. There are no handles, but there are large, horizontal bars painted on the door. Your mind, influenced by the Law of Prägnanz, simplifies the situation and concludes that pushing the bar will open the door. This intuitive design, in essence, is a practical application of the Law of Prägnanz.

Photo by Daniel McCullough on Unsplash

Now consider a news app. When you first open the app, you’re presented with a list of headlines. As you scroll down, you don’t see each headline, date, and news source as individual pieces of information. Instead, your mind naturally groups them into coherent, meaningful units, perceiving each group as one news article. This is the Law of Prägnanz in action, shaping your perception to simplify and improve your interaction with the app.

Source : Behance, Gullar Babakishiyeva

Real-life Brand Examples

Many successful brands leverage the Law of Prägnanz in their designs. Apple is a perfect example. The simplicity and intuitiveness of Apple’s product designs, from the clean lines of its devices to the user-friendly interface of its software, reflect the Law of Prägnanz. Each product is designed to be as straightforward and intuitive as possible, reducing cognitive load for users.

Photo by Saad Chaudhry on Unsplash

Nike’s iconic ‘Swoosh’ logo is another example. It’s a simple, fluid design that instantly conveys motion and agility. Despite its simplicity, or perhaps because of it, the Swoosh is instantly recognizable, demonstrating the power of simple, effective design in line with the Law of Prägnanz.

The famous “swoosh” logo

The IKEA instruction manuals with their wordless, step-by-step illustrations, are designed to simplify the assembly process. They strip down the information to its most essential, making it easier for the users to comprehend.

IKEA’S instruction manual

Difficulties and Limitations

While the Law of Prägnanz is a valuable tool in UX design, it isn’t without its challenges:

1.Oversimplification: The pursuit of simplicity can sometimes lead to overly simplified designs that lack necessary detail or functionality.

2. Individual Preferences: Personal tastes and experiences can heavily influence perception, which means a design that seems ‘simple’ to one person may not be to another.

3. Technological Constraints: The pursuit of simplicity should not compromise the technological functionalities of the design. Achieving the perfect balance between simplicity and functionality can often be a challenge.

4.Evolution of Design Trends: What’s considered ‘simple’ and ‘clean’ can shift over time with design trends, meaning designs may need to evolve to stay effective and engaging.


The Law of Prägnanz serves as a guiding principle for designers around the world, reminding us of the power and importance of simplicity in our increasingly complex world. It’s not just about making designs aesthetically pleasing. It’s about understanding the human mind, reducing cognitive load, and creating a seamless and intuitive user experience.

Applying the Law of Prägnanz is a journey of continual refinement, simplifying and clarifying while respecting individual and cultural differences. It’s a reminder that as designers, we should strive for simplicity, not for its own sake, but for the benefit of those who interact with our designs.

Weave is a Design Agency focused on building magical experiences through purpose-driven design. Our aim is to create products that people truly love. To know more visit



Weave Design

As a writer, I strive to uncover the latest trends and provide fresh perspectives on design, critical thinking, and their impact on the business world.