The Rise of Minimalist Coding

Why Less Can Be More

Weave Media Team
12 min readAug 17, 2023



From the massive codebases of early computers to the streamlined solutions of today, coding has undergone a radical transformation. This metamorphosis has not been just about technology, but also about the mindset of developers.

Source: Reddit

The term ‘minimalist coding’ encapsulates this shift. It’s about achieving more with less and promoting clarity over clutter. And while the term might sound new, its roots trace back to popular software development principles like KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) and DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself). But what exactly is minimalist coding? And why should we care?

The Core Philosophy of Minimalist Coding

At its heart, minimalism is a return to essence, a stripping away of the superfluous to reveal the fundamentals. This concept has its roots deeply embedded in art and design. The famed architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s maxim, “Less is more,” encapsulates the allure of minimalism. In essence, by removing the unnecessary, what remains is often more potent and more poignant.

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

Just as a minimalist painting may rely on a few bold strokes to convey a message, so too does minimalist coding utilize brevity and clarity to achieve its objectives. This doesn’t mean that the code is ‘simple’ in terms of functionality, but that it’s free of excess — every line has a clear, discernible purpose.

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” — Leonardo da Vinci

This idea is even more pertinent in the current digital age, which thrives on complexity. As applications become more intricate and integrated, codebases can grow exponentially, leading to potential inefficiencies, errors, and challenges in comprehension. In this maze of interconnected technologies, the allure of a clean, straightforward approach becomes palpable.

Consider the success of companies like Apple. Apple’s commitment to simplicity is not just evident in the sleek design of its products but also in the underlying software that powers them. Their iOS platform, for instance, places a strong emphasis on intuitive interfaces and seamless user experiences, both achieved through a philosophy akin to minimalist coding.

Apple iOS

But it’s not just about reducing the volume of code. At its core, minimalist coding is about intentionality. It’s about asking, “What is the most direct, effective way to achieve this outcome?” And while this might lead to fewer lines of code, it also leads to more purposeful, deliberate coding practices.

This philosophy doesn’t advocate for oversimplification, but rather for thoughtful reduction. The aim isn’t to create the shortest code, but the most transparent, efficient, and maintainable one. This adaptability and clarity become invaluable assets in an era where the digital landscape is continually evolving.

Minimalist coding goes beyond philosophy; it’s about tangible efficiency in software development. Understanding its value means recognizing why concise code often outshines its verbose counterpart in computing.

1. Computational Efficiency

Every line of code consumes resources — processing power, memory, and time. By trimming down to essentials and cutting out redundancies, minimalist code eases the hardware’s load. Simplified, efficient code ensures faster algorithms, quicker data retrieval, and responsive applications, akin to a clear path leading to faster destinations.

2. Robustness of the End Product

Simplified code equals stable systems. Fewer code interactions reduce the risk of unforeseen errors. In a typical app, tweaking one part might disrupt another. But with minimalist coding’s clarity and simplicity, such unintended consequences are minimized, leading to reliable products that withstand future changes without breaking.

3. Enhancing Development Efficiency

For developers, concise code means clarity. Rather than dissecting complex structures, they can easily navigate, modify, and build on a minimalist codebase. The result? Speedier development, prompt iterations, and on-time releases. A concise codebase fosters more innovation and less deciphering.

Benefits of Minimalist Coding

I. Easier Debugging

By focusing on what’s essential and discarding the surplus, we inadvertently reduce the number of potential errors.

  1. Reduced Error Opportunities:

Each line of code is a potential point of failure. Therefore, fewer lines naturally translate to fewer places for errors to hide. By keeping code simple, debugging becomes a less daunting task.

Reduced error opportunities aren’t just theoretical. Consider UNIX’s philosophy —

“Do one thing and do it well.”

UNIX tools, like `grep` or `awk`, are compact yet powerful. Each tool focuses on a single task, making its codebase small and specific. The reduced code size minimizes the room for errors, making bugs rare and, when they do occur, easier to spot. This modular and minimalist approach is the reason UNIX commands have stood the test of time, revered for their reliability.

2. Rapid Fault Identification:

Windows XP

When examining the codebases of companies like Microsoft and Basecamp, the distinction in complexity becomes apparent. Microsoft’s Windows XP, with its extensive and layered codebase, struggled with agility, making vulnerability detection a painstaking task. In contrast, Basecamp’s code is a study of efficient simplicity. They employ a modular approach, breaking functionalities into distinct, manageable units. This ensures not just ease of understanding but also rapid problem identification and resolution. Such lean structuring, alongside consistent refactoring, underscores Basecamp’s tangible commitment to coding minimalism.


II. Enhanced Readability

The most brilliant minds often find elegance in simplicity.

“If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.” — Albert Einstein

Similarly, if a developer cannot read and understand the code effortlessly, its efficiency is questionable.

  1. Clarity over Complexity:

Just as a well-written book is easy to understand, a cleanly coded program is easy to interpret. Apple, known for its design simplicity, applies the same principle to its software. Apple’s ethos of clarity over complexity permeates its software development approach:

i) Swift Programming Language: Swift, Apple’s brainchild from 2014, stands out for its concise yet potent nature. The language promotes readability, using a clean syntax that reduces verbosity. Features like Optionals are built for safety, ensuring fewer runtime errors. Ultimately, Swift accomplishes tasks with fewer lines compared to languages like Objective-C.

ii) Developer Tools: Apple’s tools, such as Xcode, are tailored for clean coding. Xcode, Apple’s primary IDE, provides intuitive tools like the interface builder, streamlining design and minimizing code clutter. Their App Store guidelines further ensure developers maintain high coding standards for clarity and performance.

iii) Ecosystem Integration: Apple’s control over its hardware-software ecosystem ensures system-wide optimization for simplicity. Their Human Interface Guidelines cement this, offering a blueprint for harmonious design and underlying code.

2. Facilitating Collaboration:

In a team setting, code becomes a shared language. The clearer it is, the easier the communication. Twitter, for instance, saw the benefits of this firsthand. As they shifted from a monolithic architecture to a more modular one, the emphasis was on clarity and simplicity, making it easier for developers to collaborate and innovate.

Modular code by Twitter

III. Improved Maintenance

Coding isn’t just about creation; it’s also about evolution. The digital landscape is ever-shifting, and adaptability becomes key.

  1. Flexibility with Change:

With a minimalist approach, modifications and adaptability are made seamless. A concise codebase serves as a malleable foundation, adeptly responding to evolving requirements. Here’s how minimalism in coding aids flexibility:

i) Clearer Logic Flow: Minimalist code often has straightforward logic, making it easier to identify points of change without unintended repercussions elsewhere.

ii) Fewer Dependencies: By reducing code and removing redundancies, there are fewer intertwined parts. This means making changes in one section is less likely to break another.

iii) Faster Iterations: Simplified code structures allow developers to quickly make and test modifications, leading to faster iterative cycles and agile responses to feedback.

iv) Easier Scalability: Minimalist codebases, devoid of unnecessary complexities, provide a cleaner slate for scaling up or branching out, accommodating growing project needs with ease.

2. Cost-Efficiency:

Complex code is not only challenging to navigate but also costly in terms of time, resources, and missed opportunities. In contrast, minimalist coding streamlines several aspects of development:

i) Reduced Debugging Time: Simpler code inherently means fewer bugs and quicker fixes, conserving valuable developer hours.

ii) Faster Onboarding: For new team members, a clean, concise codebase is easier to grasp, leading to a quicker transition to productive work.

iii) Efficient Scalability: Minimalist code, being modular and clear, facilitates smoother expansions or modifications without the pitfalls of unintended consequences.

iv) Minimized Technical Debt: By cutting down on unnecessary complexities, minimalist coding helps reduce the future costs of refactoring and maintenance.

Minimalist Coding in Practice

Minimalist coding isn’t just a trending topic or a fleeting concept. It’s a tangible, practiced methodology that some of the most successful companies have embraced to elevate their software development process. Take a deeper dive into its real-world applications, and you’ll see its profound impact.


Apple’s Swift language stands as a testament to minimalist coding principles, distinguishing itself from other languages through its emphasis on simplicity and efficiency. Swift’s syntax is clear, omitting the need for semicolons or excessive parenthesis, thereby enhancing readability. It champions code safety, with features like Optionals to address potential `nil` values, and employs Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) for efficient memory management. Moreover, Swift minimizes boilerplate, allowing complex operations in fewer lines, and integrates functional programming elements, such as closures, promoting cleaner code structures. This design philosophy makes Swift a paragon of clarity and elegance in the coding world.

“We don’t believe in tons of documentation. Instead, focus on the code.”— Chris Lattner, primary author of Swift

How can codes be minimal?

For developers, minimalist coding is more than a philosophy: it’s a practical approach that can drastically refine the software creation process. Let’s delve into the concrete steps and deeper insights that a developer can employ to genuinely embrace and benefit from minimalism.

1. Regular Code Reviews:

At the forefront of a developer’s toolkit for minimalism is the habit of regular code reviews. By doing this:

- Pinpointing Overhead: Identifying and eliminating superfluous methods or functions that might have been useful in the past but now only add bloat.

- Pruning Libraries: Sometimes, an entire library might be included for a few functions. Code reviews can spotlight these, leading to potential refactoring where lightweight alternatives can be used, or custom, minimalist functions can be written.

“Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. So if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.” — Brian Kernighan

2. Leverage Tools:

While it’s tempting to manually oversee every line, technology can help maintain code minimalism more efficiently:

- Focused Linters: Customize linters like ESLint to flag not just errors but also overly complex structures or redundancies. For instance, functions that could be simplified using modern syntax, or repeated code blocks that could be modularized.

- Dependency Analyzers
: Tools like `dep check` can help identify unused dependencies in a project, streamlining the codebase.

3. Commitment to Refactoring:

Minimalist coding isn’t a ‘do it once and forget’ approach. As projects evolve:

- Periodic Codebase Audits: Set regular intervals, maybe every sprint or after significant feature additions, to inspect the codebase for potential refactor opportunities.

- Performance Over Premature Optimization: Always prioritize functionality and performance. Refactor not just for the sake of brevity but for genuine improvements in code execution and clarity.

Dropbox: Beyond the Interface

While Dropbox is often celebrated for its user-friendly interface, it’s the architectural decisions and coding practices behind the scenes that deserve equal recognition.

Let’s delve into one specific aspect: Dropbox’s Content hashing mechanism. Content hashing is central to how Dropbox manages and syncs files efficiently. When a file is added to Dropbox, instead of directly storing it, the system breaks down the file into chunks and computes a unique hash (a fixed-size string or number) for each chunk. These hashes act as identifiers and allow Dropbox to efficiently determine if a chunk of data already exists in its system, eliminating the need to store or transfer duplicate data.

What does this mean in terms of minimalist coding?

  1. Reduction in Storage and Transfer: By recognizing and eliminating duplicate chunks of data, Dropbox ensures that only new or unique data is stored or transferred. This significantly reduces the system’s storage footprint and network usage.
  2. Streamlined Data Retrieval: When fetching a file, the system can reassemble it by referencing the hashes, ensuring swift data retrieval without sifting through redundant information.
  3. Simpler Error Handling: If a file transfer is interrupted, Dropbox doesn’t restart the upload. Instead, it checks the hashes of chunks already transferred and resumes from where it left off. This makes error recovery simpler and more efficient.

This approach is emblematic of minimalist coding. Instead of creating intricate systems for data storage and retrieval, Dropbox uses a clean, hash-based system. It’s an elegant solution that minimizes resource usage, maximizes efficiency, and provides tangible benefits to both the system’s performance and the end-user experience.

Drop box

The Evolution of State Management in React — Transitioning from Redux

For front-end developers, especially those working with React, the state management landscape has experienced a pivotal shift over the past few years. Let’s dive deep into this evolution using a comprehensive example: the industry’s gradual move away from Redux as the de facto state management tool.

The Dominance of Redux

Upon its introduction, Redux became the darling of React developers. It addressed the complexities of managing state in large applications by offering a predictable state container. The principles of Redux — having a single source of truth, state being read-only, and changes made through pure functions — resonated with many. Brands like Airbnb, Uber, and Instagram adopted Redux, further cementing its position in the industry.

The Pinch Points

However, as applications grew and development practices evolved, some pain points emerged:

1. Boilerplate Overhead: For simple tasks, developers found themselves writing excessive amounts of boilerplate code, causing frustration and slowing down development.

2. Complexity in Asynchronous Operations: Though middlewares like `redux-thunk` and `redux-saga` enabled asynchronous actions, they introduced additional complexity and steep learning curves.

3. Difficulty in Code-Splitting: As brands aimed for faster load times and optimized user experiences, splitting code became essential. However, with Redux, dynamically loading reducers became challenging.

The Transition — Alternatives Emerge

With these challenges in mind, the community began exploring alternatives:

  1. Context API and Hooks: React’s introduction of the Context API and hooks like `useState` and `useReducer` gave developers native tools to manage state without external dependencies. They were simpler, required less code, and fit more seamlessly into React’s component structure.
  2. Brands Leading the Change: Notably, Facebook, the creator of React, migrated parts of Instagram (which it owns) from Redux to the new Context API, emphasizing its scalability and efficiency.
  3. Emergence of New Libraries: Tools like `Zustand` and `Recoil` began to gain traction. They offered minimalistic APIs, better performance optimizations, and integrated well with React’s concurrent mode.

Potential Pitfalls and Critiques

However, it’s essential to note that minimalism isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution.

  1. There’s a risk of oversimplifying. While a minimalist approach works in many scenarios, there are cases where detailed, extensive coding is required to cater to specific needs.
  2. Striking the right balance is crucial. Code that’s too terse might be confusing, even if it’s less voluminous.
  3. Minimalist coding underscores the need for comprehensive documentation. Since the code may be stripped of extra details, robust documentation ensures that developers can quickly grasp its functionality and intent.


In today’s tech-driven world, there’s a growing need for simplicity. Minimalist coding is more than just a trend; it’s about making code efficient, clear, and straightforward.

As technology continues to evolve, developers should reconsider how they code. Using minimalism can help us create better and more manageable software.

Written by: Inchara, kubo media team.


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