Why do development frameworks exist?

So many frameworks… But why?

Weave Media Team
10 min readAug 18, 2023



Web development has continuously evolved from its early days of basic static pages. As websites became more complex and user demands grew, the need for tools to streamline the development process became evident. Enter front-end frameworks. These tools, designed to simplify web design and ensure consistency, have become essential in today’s web development landscape.

Source: MindInventory

The Rise of Front-end Frameworks

At the dawn of web development, constructing a website was fundamentally different from today’s standards. Early sites were predominantly static, built using plain HTML. The lack of standards meant that what worked on one browser often failed on another.

As websites evolved to be more interactive and dynamic, JavaScript came into the picture. However, raw JavaScript was cumbersome and inconsistent across different browsers. This inconsistency was a major pain point, giving birth to JavaScript libraries like jQuery. These libraries acted as a bridge, ensuring consistent behavior across various browsers, thus saving developers from the tedium of writing browser-specific code.

However, while JavaScript dealt with functionality, the presentation was a different challenge. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) emerged as a way to style and layout web content. Yet, the growing variety of devices and screen sizes made it challenging to create a consistent look and feel across all platforms.

This complexity paved the way for frontend frameworks like Bootstrap. But what exactly are these frameworks? Frameworks are pre-written sets of code offering common functionality that developers can use, modify, or extend, instead of writing from scratch. They encapsulate best practices, ensure scalability, and provide a consistent foundation to build upon.

Bootstrap, for instance, provided developers with a grid system, making it easier to design layouts that looked good on both mobiles and desktops. Moreover, it offered components like navigation bars, modals, and alerts, which were commonly used but tedious to code from scratch. These frameworks reduced the need for repetitive code, ensuring quicker and more consistent development.

Source: Bootstrap

The core reason behind the rise of these frameworks was efficiency.

“Our goal with Angular is to make it very easy to build web applications. An application that might take you six months to build, you might be able to build it in six days.” — Misko Hevery, the creator of AngularJS

By abstracting away the complexities and pitfalls of raw frontend coding, frameworks empowered developers to focus on what truly mattered: creating rich, interactive, and responsive web experiences.

The Role of Front-end Frameworks

The contemporary web isn’t just about information; it’s about delivering a seamless experience across an ever-expanding array of devices and browsers. This is where modern front-end frameworks shine.

Standardization and consistency across devices and browsers

Remember the days when websites had a disclaimer saying “Best viewed in Internet Explorer”? The need for such disclaimers vanished largely due to the role of front-end frameworks. Bootstrap, for instance, ensures that a button looks and functions similarly whether you’re on Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. This kind of cross-browser compatibility was a significant challenge in the early web days, and frameworks have taken that load off developers’ shoulders.

Speeding up development cycles

Today’s dynamic market demands agility. With frameworks, what once took weeks can now be prototyped in days or even hours. Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework, enables developers to construct a user interface rapidly. By using utility classes, developers can visually craft the layout, reducing the back-and-forth between writing CSS and checking its effect.

Tailwind CSS

“Good design systems help to create consistency and cohesiveness across an interface”. — Brad Frost

Enabling responsive design

With the explosion of mobile devices, the ability of a website to adapt became crucial. Responsive design ensures that whether you’re viewing a site on a 27-inch monitor or a 5-inch smartphone, the experience is optimal. Front-end frameworks facilitated this by introducing grid systems that adjust based on the viewer’s device. For example, Foundation, another prominent front-end framework, uses a flexible grid that can be nested, making it easier to design layouts that adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes.

Foundation Framework

Potential Downsides to Popular Frameworks

While front-end frameworks have reshaped web development for the better, like all tools, they aren’t without their pitfalls. Understanding these can help developers make informed choices.

The Ubiquity Problem — Homogeneity in Design

A tool is only as unique as its user. As frameworks like Bootstrap gained popularity, a visible pattern emerged. Websites started to share familiar components: the same navigation bars, modals, and buttons. The risk? A web awash with similar-looking sites.

“We’re not designing photocopies of web pages, we’re designing web pages.” — Jeffrey Zeldman

While frameworks offer templates, creativity still rests in the hands of developers.

Performance — Concerns and Clarifications

A misconception exists that by using a framework, you’re adding bloat and slowing down a website. In reality, modern frameworks are optimized for performance. Bootstrap, for example, allows for customized builds. This means developers can include only the components they need, keeping the final product lean. However, over-reliance or improper use can lead to unnecessary code, which does have the potential to hinder performance.

Over-reliance on Frameworks

Frameworks are meant to be helpers, not crutches. There’s a risk, especially for budding developers, to lean too heavily on them. This can result in a lack of understanding of the foundational principles of front-end coding. It’s like using a calculator without understanding arithmetic. For truly bespoke solutions or unique challenges, a deep understanding of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript is irreplaceable. Kyle Simpson, the author of the “You Don’t Know JS” series, once remarked, —

“There’s no shortcut to understanding… there’s no tool or plugin that makes you a better coder… but understanding the code you write makes you a better coder.”

Beyond Bootstrap: The Landscape of Alternative Front-end Frameworks

When we say “front-end frameworks,” Bootstrap often comes to mind first, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg. The diversity in the framework ecosystem is astounding, with each framework designed to cater to specific project requirements and solve unique challenges. Let’s delve deeper.

Foundation by ZURB

Much like Bootstrap, Foundation is a responsive front-end framework, but it’s explicitly crafted for advanced users. Where Bootstrap emphasizes ease of use for beginners, Foundation leans into providing powerful tools for seasoned developers. For instance, while Bootstrap uses a fixed 12-column grid, Foundation’s grid is flexible, letting developers choose the number of columns that best fit their design. This flexibility is seen in its frontend coding approach. For those who regularly tweak intricate details in layout and design, Foundation offers more hands-on control, reflecting the belief that “code knows best.”


Rooted in flexibility, Bulma stands out due to its modularity. Every element in Bulma is a modular component, meaning developers can include only what they need. This design principle not only makes the framework lightweight but also immensely customizable. A web development firm might use Bulma to create an e-commerce site with unique aesthetics, knowing that they aren’t weighed down by unnecessary code. It’s the epitome of “use what you need and discard the rest,” ensuring frontend code remains lean and purposeful.

Tailwind CSS

Unlike more prescriptive frameworks, Tailwind CSS offers utility-first CSS. Instead of predefined components, Tailwind provides low-level utility classes that enable developers to build any design, directly in their markup. This results in rapid prototyping without leaving the HTML. For developers who bemoan the detachment of styling from markup in conventional frameworks, Tailwind offers a return to the roots, merging design and code seamlessly.

“Tailwind lets you get your hands dirty with design, right within your code.” — Adam Wathan, one of the creators of Tailwind CSS

Semantic UI

The name itself is indicative. Semantic UI focuses on human-friendly HTML. It aims to make code more readable by using intuitive syntax. Instead of obscure class names, developers using Semantic UI find themselves writing code that reads like simple English. For instance, a button is coded as `<button class=”ui button”>Click Here</button>`. Such clarity ensures that even those new to front-end coding can understand the structure and intent of the design elements swiftly.

The Power of Niche and Specialized Frameworks

In an era where specialization dominates, there’s a growing realization that one size doesn’t fit all. This applies to front-end frameworks as well, as specialized sectors such as e-commerce, blogs, and enterprise solutions often have unique challenges that demand tailor-made tools.

Shopify’s Liquid

E-commerce sites require dynamic content rendering based on a plethora of variables — product availability, user preferences, and more. Shopify, a leading e-commerce platform, developed its template language called ‘Liquid’ to address these challenges. Liquid offers an array of logic statements and filters, empowering developers to customize storefronts with a depth that generic frameworks may struggle to provide. For instance, displaying discounted products can be as simple as adding a Liquid loop in the code that filters products based on price reductions.

Shopify’s Liquid

Ghost’s Handlebars.js

Blog platforms present a different set of challenges. Ghost, a blogging platform, leverages Handlebars.js for its themes. Handlebars is a minimal templating engine, letting developers control the flow of data without writing a lot of JavaScript. For bloggers, this means more interactive content with less code. A simple Handlebars script can allow for dynamically displaying the latest posts or comments, ensuring the content is fresh with minimal manual updates.

Ghost’s Handlebar.js

Material-UI for Enterprise Solutions

Large corporations often prioritize brand consistency. Google’s Material Design is a design language that’s gained traction in such settings. Material-UI, a React framework, facilitates the implementation of this design language, ensuring uniformity across web apps. For a developer working on an enterprise solution, using Material-UI can mean effortless alignment with company branding while also taking advantage of pre-built components like data grids and charts, which are commonly needed in corporate environments.

Material UI

“The web is not a platform. It’s a continuum.” — Jeremy Keith

This encapsulates why niche and specialized frameworks are invaluable. They recognize that the web is vast and diverse, and by providing specialized tools, they allow developers to tailor their code to meet specific challenges head-on.

The Future of Front-end Frameworks

Historically, the evolution of front-end frameworks has been driven by a desire to solve specific challenges faced by developers. From overcoming browser inconsistencies to facilitating responsive design, each iteration in the framework ecosystem has been a response to a pressing need. By studying this historical progression, we can glean insights into potential future developments.

From Past to Future: Drawing Parallels

1. Shift towards Component-based Architecture: Libraries like React have popularized the concept of building UIs using components. This modular approach not only promotes reusability but also streamlines the development process. As projects continue to grow in complexity, we can expect future frameworks to embrace this component-centric philosophy even more deeply.

2. Focus on Performance: With the initial versions of Angular and even jQuery, the emphasis was more on functionality than on raw performance. However, as web applications have become more intricate, there’s been a noticeable shift. Vue.js, for instance, prides itself on its lean build, optimized for maximum speed. This trend of performance-centric development is only set to intensify.

3. Server-side Rendering and Static Site Generation: Frameworks like Next.js and Nuxt.js have brought server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG) to the forefront. These techniques optimize load times and enhance SEO, and their popularity indicates a shift towards more hybrid rendering models in the future.

Emerging Patterns and Predictions

1. Enhanced Integration with AI and ML: As artificial intelligence and machine learning become more ingrained in web applications, expect frameworks to offer built-in tools and utilities to facilitate this integration. Think TensorFlow.js but more intertwined with the frontend ecosystem.

2. Greater Emphasis on Security: With cyber threats becoming more sophisticated, security will likely be at the heart of new framework developments. “The only truly secure system is powered off,” once remarked Gene Spafford, emphasizing the constant need for vigilance. Future tools might offer enhanced protection against XSS attacks, CSRF, and other vulnerabilities out of the box.

3. Decoupled Frontend/Backend Development: The rise of Jamstack architecture points towards a future where frontend and backend are developed more independently, allowing developers to choose the best tools for each job without one dictating the choice of the other.

4. Continual Adaptation to New Devices: As IoT grows and more devices become web-enabled, frameworks will need to cater to a broader range of screen sizes, input methods, and capabilities. The multi-device world is just beginning.


Front-end frameworks have undeniably sculpted the web’s landscape, evolving in tandem with technological challenges and developers’ needs. As we look ahead, it’s essential for developers not just to use these tools, but to understand, adapt, and innovate with them, ensuring the web remains dynamic, accessible, and efficient for all.

Written by: Inchara, kubo media team.


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