Top Stories published by Kubos Tech in 2018

KubOS 1.2 Expanding Services and Hardware Support

With this release, we’ve included hardware support for several devices, as well as an expanding of our core services. We’ve also done extensive documentation clean up for those of you that love documentations. Don’t worry, we love it too, and…

KubOS 1.8 Shell into your Satellite

This release of KubOS brings another round of bug fixes, new hardware support, and core service improvements! We’ve added new features to the mission application service, improved the file service, and taken another step in making KubOS the backbone that runs your…

KubOS 1.5 Send Code to Space

With this latest release of KubOS, we are excited to announce that we’ve opened our community Trello board! If you’ve been looking for how to get involved with Kubos or what we’re working on to improve KubOS, it’s the tool for you. You can see what features are landing soon…

KubOS 1.10 High Uptime Satellites

For the holidays, we wanted to make sure our users got something special. This latest release of KubOS provides some small, but impactful changes to the development and testing environment, plus a new major feature: process monitoring.

KubOS 1.9 Logs Matter

The latest release of KubOS is another important step towards total mission coverage. Logging is something that is generally ignored, until you don’t know what’s going on and it suddenly becomes the most critical part. We’ve pre-empted that panic moment and greatly improved logging on the…

KubOS 1.6 Service Updates

The KubOS 1.6 release brings some much needed changes to the core Kubos services! These new changes make our services even more robust for your space applications.

File Service