KubOS 1.12 Winter Cleaning

Jesse Coffey
Kubos Tech
Published in
1 min readFeb 5, 2019

If you get excited about cleaning up tech debt, or if you’ve been eyeing a Python 3 package that you really want to use for your mission app…this release is totally for you.

Python 3

Since Python 2.7 is officially reaching the end of life later this year, we decided it was time to make the jump and head over to Python 3.5. If you have existing mission applications in Python 2.7, you’ll need to migrate them to Python 3.5 to use the newest Kubos Linux and app API.

Saying Goodbye to CSP

As we’ve been moving to a more native Linux microservice architecture and the world of Rust, we are slowly moving away from our roots in C and FreeRTOS. We’ve been using IP as the backbone of our communication for a while now (as you can see in our architecture doc), and we’ve finally cleaned out the last of the CSP dependencies. Thank you, CSP, for your service, and we wish you the best.

And…that’s it! As always, come talk to us on Slack or check out the community Trello board to see the exciting new features we’re working on!

