KubOS 1.6 Service Updates

Jesse Coffey
Kubos Tech
Published in
1 min readOct 1, 2018

The KubOS 1.6 release brings some much needed changes to the core Kubos services! These new changes make our services even more robust for your space applications.

File Service

The file service has been extended to support multiple client handling for those missions running multiple ground stations. It also has had several configuration options added to allow KubOS users to optimize its behavior for their radio link.

Telemetry Database Service

The telemetry database service has been massively extended. It now has a separate input method for high-rate telemetry input, it allows cleanup of the database through its GraphQL interface, and supports an alternate response method so large queries are dumped to a compressed file rather than responding with raw JSON. This should greatly improve downlink capability and give users even more control of their data.

Resource Monitoring Service

In addition to the core service updates, we’ve added a hardware service that monitors system performance, giving users a hardware service that will run in any KubOS environment (regardless of hardware).

As always, check out the changelog for the details of everything that went out with this release. Make sure to come talk to us on Slack about anything you might have questions about, and check out the community Trello board for what’s going to be in the next release!

