KubOS Hosted Apps

Marshall Culpepper
Kubos Tech
Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2019

I started developing the core thesis for Kubos in 2014, re-imagining satellites in space as a computing platform that could host multiple apps, just like our mobile phones. This idea gave birth to the open source project that became the namesake of our company: KubOS. Since then, KubOS has grown to a world wide community of over 450 aerospace and software engineers, with over 20 missions in active development.

While the most obvious use for apps on satellites was giving satellite operators a more modular approach to their payload software, and mission-specific code, there was more in store for us.

Since the beginning, KubOS has offered an SDK centered around creating mission apps that could be uploaded to an OBC or payload subsystem of a spacecraft, both during development, or during active operations in space. That last part is key.

What’s possible when a new mission app is uploaded to a satellite?

Not only can the existing satellite mission be extended or improved, but entire new missions and on-board processing algorithms can give the satellite a new purpose.

In many satellites, there can be as much as 10–15% unused CPU or payload capacity. What if we could use new apps as a way to take full advantage of the satellite’s capacity?

Announcing KubOS Hosted Apps

In partnership with our customer Fleet, who’s Centauri satellites were launched late last year running KubOS, we are announcing the private beta of KubOS Hosted Apps. Here’s what Fleet CEO Flavia Nardini had to say:

We’re thrilled to be working with Kubos to open the door to more customers on Fleet’s constellation of nano-satellites.

In addition, we have recently been awarded a grant by AFWERX to secure deployments of third-party Hosted Apps to our customer's satellites.

The benefits of the KubOS Hosted Apps platform are clear:

  • For Kubos customers who are running KubOS Linux, Kubos will work with you to purchase your under-utilized compute and payload time, offsetting the overall cost of your mission.
  • For Kubos customers who are using Major Tom to operate their missions, we can streamline and automate the scheduling of third-party apps to be executed on your mission
  • For data companies, gov’t and military institutions, and any others who can think of new or creative uses for existing payload instruments, we will certify your use case and KubOS Hosted App, and work with our customers to send your code to space in as little as 30 days.

There’s never been a better time to be a part of the Kubos ecosystem. To get started with your KubOS Hosted App, all you need to do is install the Kubos SDK, and start developing your app!

Over the rest of the year, we will be working with a few curated use cases, and fine-tune the process of certifying and validating them with our partners, with the target to make KubOS Hosted Apps publicly available in 2020.

If you are an operator interested in re-selling your unused capacity, or a developer interested in running your app on one of our customer’s satellites, please fill out our interest form, and we’ll be in touch!

Send bits, not rockets!

 by the author.



Marshall Culpepper
Kubos Tech

Entrepreneur & Software engineer. Principal Engineer @Brave, BoD @KubosTech