KubOS Linux!

Dave Sims
Kubos Tech
Published in
1 min readDec 9, 2016

Thanks to the awesome work of our Kubos engineering team (with a special shout-out to Catherine Freed) we’re very happy to announce the first release of KubOS Linux! This will allows us to integrate our hardware abstraction layers (HAL), middleware and developer tooling/SDK into an embedded Linux environment. Some initial features of our Linux distribution include:

  • Support for Linux 4.4
  • Small footprint, embedded customizations
  • The ability to boot on the ISIS iOBC (bootloaders, hardware watchdog, etc.)

We’ll be adding support for more CubeSat boards as well as integration with our existing HALs & middleware in upcoming releases. Feel free to take a look at the repo or chat up your friendly neighborhood Kubos developer in the #kubos channel on the OpenKosmos Slack!

