Are we living in a computer simulation?

Ashutosh Chapagain
Kathmandu University Computer Club
2 min readJun 20, 2018
Neo of the movie The Matrix

Have you ever wondered that the plot of the movie ‘The Matrix’ might be real?

What if you, me, your girlfriend, everyone are characters of a great computer game? What if our whole universe is a science experiment of some junior high-school student in another universe?

We humans consider ourselves as the most intelligent species but we would be drooling, blithering idiots in our simulator’s presence. If that’s the case, we might imagine that everything in our lives is just a creation of some other entity (we may call them god) for their entertainment.

Recently a group of computer scientists concluded that the most fundamental property of matter is information (not energy). This hypothesis is quite intriguing because the more we learn about the universe, the more it appears to be based on mathematical laws, as if someone had programmed it. Other instance is our limitation. Why is our capability so limited? It’s as if someone has embedded a ceiling function in our character. Next instance is what if there is a bug in the great game our whole universe lives in? This might answer why there are some irregularities in the laws of physics.

Every fundamental object which make our universe are discrete in nature. From atoms to cells to photons, everything possess a property of atomicity. This property is very similar to the concept of bits. There is only either 0 or 1.We can be quite sure that we can never prove that our life is not a computer simulation because any evidence we get could be simulated.

So, if we think with an open mind without any skeptical thought, there is actually a possibility that we might live in a world of computer simulation.

Even if the chances that this idea turns out to be true might be “effectively zero”, imagine you are the Neo, and you are the one to save our species against bots.

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