Diary of a 12 year old

Kucheza Gaming
Published in
1 min readApr 20, 2022

Review of DOTA Underlords

Despite the recent release of Underlords, it has already shown signs of becoming a hit game, with over one million downloads in about two months!!!! That’s tremendous for a mobile game.

The part of the game that really stands out for me is that the game takes sort of a chess like playing style, but the pieces, or in this case, monsters can move and take actions by themselves. The player has to really think outside the box to even have a chance of winning this game, it forces the player to completely change his or her mindset.

Even though the age rating is twelve plus, it seems like this game would be appealing to children of younger ages, with mystical creatures, monsters and beings battling it out to be victorious.

I personally enjoyed playing the game, however, there were some features that didn’t appeal to me such as: the multiplayer, I was looking forward to playing a match with my sibling, unfortunately, I didn’t have a steam account.

Also, my game keeps crashing when I’m playing Underlords on Huawei media pad 2. I hope that won’t become a problem later on in the future.

