Ever Thought About Launching Exchange With a Finger Snap?

Johnny Lyu
Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2020

It’s been a while. Sorry for coming back with a hard advertisement. No need to read it if not interested in running crypto exchange.

There are a lot of verticals in the blockchain arena in which we strongly expect to see disruptive innovations that may restructure the fundamental of traditional internet and eventually reshape the life of human-being.

However, only a handful seem to have viable business models, lesser are potentially profitable, even fewer are actually generating positive money flows so far.

Crypto exchange is one of the very few cash cows.

The backbone of this cow is obviously a solid trading engine system. But it’s technically daunting and economically costly to build a secure, efficient and full functional platform.

That’s where KuCloud (provides tech solutions of KuCoin and KuMEX) stands out —with its top-tier white-label solution in exchange for your minimum input.

Advanced Technology

KuCloud offers tech solutions to build spot and derivatives trading platform covering functionalities including: high-function match-making engine (million-level TPS), multi-terminal supports like web-socket and API, level-3 data push, various order types, as well as operation-related features such as multi-language (14 different languages) support.

Instant Deployment

First mover advantage can be critical in competing local rivals, especially in a smaller market. KuCloud can significantly help with that by launching an exchange in less than 72 hours.

Adequate Liquidity

Under the circumstances that you lag behind the competitors in terms of timetable, another edge may distinguish your exchange — higher depth of market, or better liquidity. With expertise in liquidity provision and well-networked with professional market value management institutions, liquidity is the last thing to worry about.

Dedicated Service

One designated coordinator will be following up the process starting the effective date of contract. This 24/7 dedicated team member will act as the hub, making sure clients’ demands being satisfied most efficiently and properly.

Cost Free

The first step is always the hardest, both technically and financially. The white-label provider would like to minimize the difficulty by setting the slimmest upfront fee and literally zero maintenance fee, which usually is charged on monthly/annually basis beforehand.

Doing market research will lead to an observation that some white-label providers charge a fortune. No judgement, as everyone understands it’s a valuable intellectual property. But KuCloud takes different approach, it “invests” in the clients’ future — fostering when it’s little, facilitating when it’s growing, and enjoying prosperity together.

This is it, a brief introduction of KuCloud services and products. Hope it also inspires dream chasers in the new cryptocurrency era. Don’t hesitate, seize the once-in-a-lifetime chance with KuCloud’s assistance.

In return, it only asks for your trust.

For details please contact business@kucoin.com



Johnny Lyu

KuCoin Co-founder & VP, doubles the partner of KuCoin’s investment affiliate Phoenix Global Capital, blockchain frontrunner, investor and advisor.