KuCoin Weekly Report #9–2018/7/10

Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2018

1, Listed Projects

Listed date: 2018/07/03

Available Trading Pairs: DAG/BTC , DAG/ETH

2, Campaigns & Promos

3, Rewards Distribution

SOUL Competition Rewards Have Been Distributed

GO Competition Rewards Have Been Distributed

TMT Competition Rewards Have Been Distributed

CBC Competition Rewards Have Been Distributed

AOA Competition Rewards Have Been Distributed

4, KuCoin News

KuCoin’s Future Vision By Michael Gan

Dear KuCoin Users, I would like to share my vision with you for the future of KuCoin.

Read the original post on Michael’s official LinkedIn profile

KuCoin has been growing astonishingly in these past eight months, and since then we have been extremely busy keeping up to ensure continuous development and ultimately guarantee customer satisfaction.

With this in mind, I have come to an epiphany that progress cannot be achieved without knowing where to go. Since you, our dear users, are the very reason behind KuCoin’s continual success, then you should be at the very forefront of our journey, every step of the way.

We at KuCoin want to create a transparent relationship with our users and partner projects, and so, to kick-off my first article, I want to share with you the future roadmap of KuCoin and how these steps would make this trading platform a vital piece in my vision of a blockchain-based future.

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KuCoin aims at providing users digital asset transaction and exchange services which are even more safe and convenient, integrating premium assets worldwide.