So, What Business Resolutions Are You Making For 2024?

Making a few simple changes can transform your business in the coming year.

Kuda App
Kuda Business
3 min readDec 29, 2023


If there’s anything 2023 has taught us, it’s that things can get incredibly unpredictable. The year has been a lot for everyone — with the cost of things rising, fluctuating exchange rates, and mostly how hard it is currently for businesses to stay profitable.

But with everything that has a beginning, there’s an end. To better prepare for the new year, here’s how you can do things differently:

  1. Reflect on the past.

Were there big moves you wanted to make this year but didn’t? Take a good hard look at what worked, what didn’t, and what you can do differently. Last year you probably did this manually, this year you can do it differently with the Transactions Analytics feature on Kuda Business. This helps you automatically get a report of your business cash flow in seconds!

2. Rethink the way you scout for customers.

2024 is the year to shake things up. Rethink the status quo — don’t wait for your customers to always come to you because it’s the most convenient or inexpensive way, find your way to them too. Consider pop-ups and events and bring your business along.

3. Learn how to save.

If you’re serious about making big moves next year, saving should be one of your priorities.

First, think of all the things you couldn’t do this year and what you plan to do in the new year — like saving for a bigger office space or expanding to new locations.

Another thing is knowing how to separate your savings from your main account, so you are not tempted to dig into it. You can use Sub Accounts on Kuda Business to do this easily.

Finally, allow yourself some grace. Being realistic with your savings goals is the only way to stick to them — what matters most is being consistent.

4. Do things quicker.

To do bigger things, you need to do smaller things quicker. In the new year, cut out time wasters, which are often admin tasks like paying salaries, typing out invoices, or negotiating prices.

If there’s a better way, embrace it. Kuda Business has really great tools you can use to handle routine tasks like invoicing, estimates, and payroll, so you have more time to reinvest into growing your business or maybe taking a break.

5. Prioritise self-care.

There is nothing cool about being known for overworking and never taking time off. Resolve to prioritise self-care in the new year. Give yourself some time to clear your head and relax so you can put your best foot forward and run your business better.

One more thing: Yes, New Year’s resolutions will steer you in the right direction. But, things get done, when you do them, not when you make a list.

