StoreFront Mall: Building the Steady Blocks of an Ecommerce Success Story

Afua Safoa
VerifiBuy Inc
Published in
3 min readJul 7, 2020

Who was it that first said, you never know what you can do till you try? That person truly deserves a medal for this iconic statement! This is a statement so sure in its truth, you literally have to test it to realise it’s potency — Now let me pause right here, and descend into matters regarding the state of the world, I will be back to expound on this…

The times we live in aren’t normal to say the least. And everybody knows it; from kindergarteners to high school and college students, world superpowers, emerging economies, startups and established businesses alike, have all been interrupted in one shape or form by this invincible enemy!

Yes! We are still in AD 2020, and as at the 7th Month, Covid-19 has proven to be the Genghis Khan of all flu, sweeping across borders, taking territories, commanding attention, and refusing to be ignored. Show a little bit of dishonour, and you’re a goner!

For businesses especially, these are exceptionally trying times where, everything seems to be taking a nosedive. If some established businesses have taken nasty jabs they are yet to recover from, can you just imagine what’s happening to startups? Yeah! Exactly my thoughts! How about African startups? It’s getting uglier isn’t it? Well, how about a startup, whose primary target market is the retail sector, which happened to take most of the hits from Covid-19 during a month and half lockdown? Yep! If this was Mortal Kombat, it would definitely be a fatality!

Now let’s ascend for some much needed air after such morbid scenarios. Despite the dirty hits we’ve taken over the past months from the pandemic, somehow humanity always rises above the storms. And even more so for those who are willing to try!

In our last article on StoreFront, I recounted the challenges KudiGo as a startup faced. And how we had to swim against the tide, or be sucked into the abyss. Well, we found our “lifeboat” in our newest product, StoreFront Mall, an online marketplace which allows businesses, especially retailers to create their own online store, accept payments and make deliveries with no hassle. And it was all hands on deck, as we rolled out the product with all our might till it became steady!

A few weeks after StoreFront Mall became a fully fledged online marketplace, we secured a partnership with GTP — one of the biggest textile manufacturing companies in Ghana, to roll-out the 2020 Father’s Day promotional campaign. With intriguing themes around doing more than buying boxers and singlets for Father’s Day, the “#MakeHimSmile” campaign soon caught on and became super successful!

After this exceptional feat, GTP now has a web address on StoreFront Mall where buyers can directly purchase the textile brand with ease!

Who was it that first said, “You never know what you can do till you try?”

Against all odds, we managed to create an ecommerce platform that was never part of the plan in our journey to redefining consumer retail in Africa. We only tried! And not only have we succeeded, we’re still building the steady blocks of an impressive resume for StoreFront Mall, and this is just the beginning…

