How to fill my Kuka profile?

Make sure that you will be found! Here you can find some tips to build up an excellent profile.

Soila Laivo
Published in
4 min readApr 18, 2017


If you want to be found as an expert, the most important feature in Kuka is your expert profile. It creates trust between the journalist and the expert as it makes your expertise more clear. The better the profile the better journalists will be able to contact you exactly in the subjects you want them to.

Our extensive research feature will analyze the profile and find you based on how you have described your expertize. Thus well built profile will also increase your research visibility. Therefore profiles without name, tittle or at least 250 characters long descriptions won’t even show up in researches.

Let’s take a look at the profile

Name, Title, Education (translation: “Nimi, Titteli, Tutkinto”)

Tells who you are and what you do and thus creates trust between you and the journalists.

Picture (translation: “Lisää kuva”)

Makes you easier to approach.

Your description (translation: “Oma kuvaus”)

Description is the most important feature of your profile. By reading your description journalists understand better your expertise and in what type of conversation you would like to take part.

To help you out, you can answer these questions in your description:

  • What do you do in your work and from what point of view?
  • What are you interested in?
  • What type of topics you would like to comment for journalists and take part of media discussion?

“My work concentrates on the role of the experts in the media and the history of campaigning. I follow and comment actively Finnish and Scottish politics. I am also popular speaker, feminist and passionate elections fan. I am happy to comment on party politics and equality in politics.”

N.B. You will be shown in the search results only if you have a name, title and description (lenght min. 250 characters).

Phone numbers and email (translation: “Puhelinnumerot, Sähköpostit”)

Add your phone number so jounalists can reach you quickly. Your username is your default email, but you can also add additional email addresses.

Reachability (translation: “Tavoitettavissa”)

When and how you can be reached? From journalists point of view, flexibility in times and means are a big plus!

Location (translation: “Sijainti”)

Where do you live? If you live in New Mexico, it might be difficult to come and air an live show on TV in Helsinki. Let journalists know it.

Languages (translation: “Kielet”)

Can you do an interview in Finnish or Swedish?

Personal Website/Blog, LinkedIn, Twitter (translation: “Kotisivut, Twitter, Linkedin”)

These web pages complete your profile by telling something more about you if somebody would like to know. But if you don’t use for example social media, don’t worry. This in totally complimentary.

Keywords (“translation: Asiasanat”)

Search for the keyword we have in our ontology and pick five that best describes your expertise.

Publications (translation: “Julkaisut”)

The publications draws more detailed picture of your expertise and lowers the barrier for the journalists to contact you.

Add titles (otsikko) and links to your most important publications or abstracts that describe best your expertize.

Save the publication from the green plus sign.

Media coverage (translation: “Mediaesiintymiset”)

Your previous media coverage gives journalist an idea about the topics you’ve already commented on, your willingness to work with media and how do you express your thoughts.

Save the media article from the green plus sign.

Save you profile and let your expertise shine!



Soila Laivo

I am a creative woman of action but my life would be nothing without deep theoretical analysis of the world around us.