How to write a good perspective pitch?

As an expert you can help media to bring out better insights

Soila Laivo
Published in
3 min readApr 18, 2017


You are surely discussing with your colleagues about current issues. Bring those perspectives and insights to the public with Kuka’s perspective pitch.

The perspective pitch is developed to bring experts and journalist together in a way the both can profit. On the one side, experts usually feel that journalist don’t ask the right questions, but on the other side journalists are continuously looking for new perspectives to write about. The perspective pitch is an answer to this challenge.

With perspective pitch you can tell which perspective or subject is absent and should be discussed more in ongoing media debate.

You are an expert on your research area — if you don’t share your knowledge somebody else will. And they don’t always know as well as you do.

Learn from these examples. These are some excellent pitches written in English.

How to build a perspective pitch?

1. Lenght and structure

  • Pitch is short and easy to read
  • Entails your key arguments, little bit of background and one example
  • Is short enough to raise reader’s interest to know more

2. Example

  • Pitch includes a concrete example so it will be easier to understand
  • Concrete: Tie your point to a concrete example in our society. Tell a story to demonstrate your point or give an resolution proposal to the problem.

3. Headline

  • Headline is short and catchy
  • Headline is an introduction to your pitch
  • If you ask a question in your headline you should answer it in your pitch

4. Time it right!

  • The beginning of the week and middays are best times to pitch in Kuka
  • Comment current issues right away, not after a month. This way you have a possibility to be part of the discussion.

5. Give additional information if needed

  • References: add a link to a research, a blog post or a news article for more information and to underline your point
  • In your pitch you can also mention other experts who are able to comment your pitch or issue

How to make a pitch in Kuka?

Even though Kuka is mostly in Finnish you an also pitch in English. Kuka’s users, both journalists and experts, will understand and also directly know in which language to contact you.

If you need instructions to navigate Kuka, take a look at the following picture to make a pitch:

Follow these instructions if you need help with Finnish in Kuka’s navigation.

Now, let’s pitch!



Soila Laivo

I am a creative woman of action but my life would be nothing without deep theoretical analysis of the world around us.