10 Reasons to Use Snapchat Ads 📱💡

Kuku Courses Official
4 min readJul 2, 2024

Unlock the Power of Snapchat Advertising to Boost Your Brand’s Reach and Engagement

Snapchat Advertisements have been a game-changer for brands trying to reach out to a younger, more involved audience.

If you’re not using this platform yet, it’s an opportunity that you can’t afford to miss.

Here is my free course on Snapchat ads with the power of ChatGPT!

Here are ten reasons why you should incorporate Snapchat Ads into your marketing strategy.

The user base of Snapchat consists mostly of millennials and generation Z, thereby providing the best medium for targeting a youthful and vibrant audience.

This group is not only tech-savvy but also highly responsive towards new forms of advertising.

Pro Tip: Make sure your content resonates with what matters most among young users in order to maximize engagement.

Snapchat comes with various ad formats such as Snap Ads, Story Ads, Collection Ads, and AR Lenses.

These formats enable brands to create immersive and interactive experiences that catch users’ eyes.

Contrarian View:

Some marketers believe that traditional ad formats are enough; however, the innovative nature of Snapchat Ads can significantly increase user engagement and brand recall.

With an average daily time spent on the app being 30 minutes per user, Snapchat boasts impressive engagement rates.

This means there is increased activity happening hence more chances for your ads being seen or interacted with.

Actionable Advice:

Try different ad types then track which one has higher engagements among your audience members.

You can target people through their behavior patterns or interests even down to specific locations when using Snapchat Advertising; this ensures that only those relevant will see your ad at any given moment thus saving resources like time and money too!

Pro Tip: Refine Custom Audiences & Lookalike Audiences so as not just reaching more people but those who are likely interested in what you offer as well thus increasing performance levels achieved by these campaigns even further.

Snapchat Ads tend to be cheaper than other social media platforms with comparable CPMs (cost per thousand impressions).

This makes it affordable for businesses of all sizes which is really nice!

Contrarian View:

However, some argue that ROI on Snapchat may be lower than elsewhere but unique audience & engagement potential does justify the investment.

Snapchat Ads are designed to increase brand awareness through visually appealing and memorable content.

The platform’s focus on creativity allows brands to differentiate themselves from competitors and leave a lasting impression.

Actionable Advice: Use Snapchat’s creative tools for creating visually stunning ads that reflect your brand identity well.

Another great thing about Snapchat Ads is that they can effectively drive traffic towards your website or app which leads into higher conversion rates!

The swipe-up feature allows users to take immediate action thus making it easier for people interested in what you offer them click through quickly.

Pro Tip: Add clear CTAs (call-to-actions) so as not leaving room for confusion among users when they should swipe up — tell them directly what they need do next!

Detailed analytics along with reporting tools provided by Snap Inc enable marketers track their ad performance real-time basis; this therefore means one can always optimize campaigns based on data towards achieving better results faster.

Actionable Advice: Continuously review advertisement performance metrics then make necessary modifications after gaining insights gained thereby increasing return on investment within shortest time possible!

Encourage users to create and share content featuring your brand using Snapchat’s AR Lenses and Filters.

This user-generated content can enhance your brand’s authenticity and reach.

Contrary Viewpoint: Some companies may worry about losing control over messaging with UGCs but the fact remains that relatability authenticity still drives high levels of engagement among consumers today.

Be Faster than Your Competitors

Using Snapchat Ads at the beginning may provide an advantage for your brand in terms of being competitive.

The thing is that other businesses will realize this platform’s potential soon enough and if you become its first users it will make people see your brand as something innovative and future-oriented.

Pro Tip: Keep pace with industry trends and what your competitors are doing so that you can stay one step ahead of them while constantly improving on ad strategies.


There are various benefits associated with incorporating Snapchat Ads into your marketing plan such as reaching out to a youthful audience who are actively participating in the content creation process or utilizing creative forms of advertisements among others.

You just need to know how best you can work around these points thereby increasing brand visibility and driving meaningful discussions.

Your Turn: Have you tried Snapchat Ads? What results have you seen? Share your experiences and questions in the comments below!



Kuku Courses Official

AI and Digital Marketing enthusiast, and founder of Kuku Courses. Passionate about sharing knowledge and tips on a wide range of topics.