EcoSystem and Upcycled Factory T-shirt By Space Availib

Ignatius Sangaji
Kultur Ekstensif
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2022
Image by Space Available — Instagram

As a design studio domiciled in Bali, Space Available continues to exist in creating concepts and products that have high environmental values. This design studio founded by Daniel Mitchel acclaims the motto of “radical upcycling”, a motto which continues a matter sustainability for environmental ecosystem by reusing plastic waste to make household appliances with low environmental impact.

According to research conducted, currently, only about 10% of the 6.8 million tons of plastic produced each year is recycled. Space Available combines sustainable practices with artisanal construction techniques in all of its product designs.

Image by Space Available — Instagram

To support the sustainability of the programs and campaigns that are being promoted, Space Available created an article of clothing made from Upcycled Factory Off Cut. This t-shirt is certainly an environmentally friendly product and the result of recycling. The labels used are made of recycled plastic waste and are joined with a rope made of compostable hemp.

These staples are certainly treated with the same love to promote sustainable care. They incorporate recycled cotton waste. They know how to treat and create sustainable products that are good and right

This collection is exclusively release on Dover Street Market London ( Or you guys can just swoop to Space Available’s instagram account.

Kultur Ekstensif

Instagram | Spotify

