An Online Tour of My Favorite Archives

I love looking at public archives on the Internet. Whether for inspiration or learning, it’s amazing how much great content is made available… if you know where to look!

Ziad Wakim
Kumbu Blog
3 min readOct 27, 2016


The internet is a great place for saving things. By turning the physical into digital, and disseminating it, we increase the chances that it won’t be lost. Throughout the world, Institutions, private companies and individuals are doing the essential work of preserving our common creations. Here are a few of my favorites.

Internet Archive Collections

First, the Internet Archive — many of you know the archive for their awesome Wayback Machine, but they also curate digital and scanned collections.

Play old school videogames

The Internet Arcade has great arcade games you can play online

Click to go to the internet arcade and play outrun — no coins needed

Explore the space program

Nasa images and videos from most Nasa missions with amazing images such as this:

Early Space Station Concept — NASA

Watch detective movies

The film noir archive, highlighting detective and noir movies as part of the amazing movie collection of the archive

Click to go and watch the Big Bluff online at internet archive

Enjoy great art

The Metropolitan museum of art images and galleries

Side note — Contribute!

Alongside Internet archive is Archive Team, an amazing team of rogue archivist, roaming the internet and archiving services before they disappear.

If you have a spare VM, help run an Archive Team Warrior. If you’re so inclined, donate to the archive’s efforts.

Other Archive Collections

I’m indebted to the amazing openculture for finding these on a day to day basis. They’re still my main source for finding new archive initiatives.

I’m in awe with what all this groups are doing to preserve our commons through time. Know of any cool public archive ? React and let me know.

In this series, I’m highlighting sources and initiatives that inspire me, and that I usually share with my team at Kumbu, where we’re building an archive for your personal stuff. If there is interest, I will share more of our inspiration over time.



Ziad Wakim
Kumbu Blog

In Paris. Building the @getkumbu Digital Souvenir Box. I also do #ECM for @EVER_TEAM. Opinions expressed here are my own.