#Kural 1 — Delving into the First Thirukkural: The Foundation of Virtue

Rushani Mahendran
Kural Inspired Life
5 min readMay 24, 2024

Chapter Overview: In Praise of God

The chapter “In Praise of God” consists of 10 couplets, each highlighting different aspects of recognising and revering the divine. These kurals lay the groundwork for the entire Thirukkural, emphasising the importance of a strong ethical foundation.

The First Thirukkural: An Introduction

In our journey through the Thirukkural, we start with the very first couplet, a powerful introduction to Thiruvalluvar’s timeless wisdom. This kural lays the foundation for a virtuous life, setting the stage for the ethical and moral teachings that follow.

The Tamil Text

அகர முதல எழுத்தெல்லாம் ஆதி
பகவன் முதற்றே உலகு

akara muthala yeluththaellaam aathi
pakavan muthatrrae ulaku

English Translation

“A is the first of all letters; the first and eternal God is the prime cause of the world.”

Deeper Explanation and Interpretation

The first kural uses the metaphor of the Tamil alphabet, where ‘A’ is the first letter, to signify that just as ‘A’ is the beginning of all letters, the divine (referred to as God) is the beginning and the foundation of the universe. Thiruvalluvar asserts that acknowledging a higher power is essential to understanding the world and living a virtuous life.

Applying the First Thirukkural to Modern Life

Recognising the Foundation of Our Actions
In the context of modern life, this kural invites us to reflect on the fundamental principles that guide our actions and decisions. It emphasises the importance of having a strong foundational belief system or set of values that act as our moral compass.

Understanding Ethics and Values
Ethics can be thought of as the moral principles that govern our behaviour, the standards we use to judge what is right and wrong. Values, on the other hand, are deeply held beliefs that influence our choices and actions. Understanding and defining these concepts is crucial for aligning our lives with the teachings of the Thirukkural.

How to Identify Your Core Values

Identifying your core values is a crucial step in aligning your life with the teachings of the Thirukkural. Here are a few steps you can take to uncover your core values:

. Reflect on Peak Experiences: Think about times in your life when you felt truly fulfilled and happy. What were you doing? Who were you with? What values were you honouring during those moments?

. Consider Your Role Models: Who do you admire and why? The qualities you respect in others can often reveal the values you hold dear.

. Identify Your Passions: What activities or causes are you passionate about? Your passions can provide clues about your underlying values.

. Examine Your Beliefs: Reflect on the beliefs that guide your decisions and actions. Ask yourself why these beliefs are important to you.

. Look for Patterns: As you reflect on these areas, look for common themes and patterns. These will help you identify your core values.

The Benefits of Having Strong Core Values

Having strong core values provides numerous benefits in life. One of the most significant advantages is that it simplifies decision-making. When you have a clear set of values, you have a reliable framework to guide your choices. This clarity reduces indecision and anxiety because you have a clear sense of what is right for you.

Here are some specific benefits of having strong core values:

. Clarity and Focus: Core values provide a clear direction for your life, helping you stay focused on what truly matters.

. Consistency: When your actions align with your values, you live a more consistent and authentic life, building trust with others.

. Resilience: Strong values can act as an anchor during challenging times, providing the strength to persevere and stay true to yourself.

. Improved Relationships: Living according to your values fosters integrity and honesty, which can enhance your relationships with others.

. Sense of Purpose: Core values give you a sense of purpose, making your actions more meaningful and fulfilling.

Aligning Actions with Values

Once you have identified your core values, the next step is to align your actions with these values. This alignment will help you live a more consistent and ethical life. Here are some ways you can do this:

. Set Clear Goals: Define goals that are in harmony with your values. This will give you a sense of direction and purpose.

. Make Conscious Decisions: Before making decisions, ask yourself if the choice aligns with your values. This conscious decision-making will help you stay true to your principles.

. Cultivate Mindfulness: Practise mindfulness to stay aware of your thoughts and actions. This awareness will help you recognise when you are acting in accordance with your values and when you are not.

. Seek Feedback: Ask for feedback from trusted friends or mentors. They can provide valuable insights into whether your actions align with your stated values.

Practical Application

So to summarise the above, here is how we can implement the wisdom of this kural in our daily lives, consider the following action points:

  1. Identify Your Core Values: Take time to introspect and identify the core values and principles that are important to you. These could be honesty, compassion, integrity, or any other virtues that you hold dear.
  2. Align Your Actions: Ensure that your daily actions and decisions align with these core values. This alignment will help you lead a more consistent and ethical life.
  3. Reflect and Meditate: Regularly take time to reflect on your actions and meditate on your foundational beliefs. This practice can strengthen your resolve and keep you grounded in your principles.

Action Point for Readers

Once you have completed the above steps, start a daily journal where you reflect on your actions and decisions. At the end of each day, write down three instances where you acted in accordance with your core values and one area where you could improve. This practice will help you stay mindful of your principles and continuously strive to live a virtuous life.

Join the Journey

As we continue to explore the Thirukkural, each couplet will offer deeper insights into living a successful, moral, and prosperous life. Follow Kural Inspired Life to stay updated on our journey through these timeless teachings. Let’s uncover the wisdom of the Thirukkural together and apply it to enrich our modern lives.

Stay tuned for the next article where we delve into the second kural and its profound teachings.



Rushani Mahendran
Kural Inspired Life

Rushani is a curator of magical learning experiences both in life and in the (virtual) classroom! She is continuously looking for ways to grow and share ideas!