#Kural 3 — Delving into the Third Thirukkural: The Value of Virtue

Rushani Mahendran
Kural Inspired Life
5 min readMay 26, 2024

Our journey through the Thirukkural continues as we explore the third couplet, which emphasises the importance of virtue. Thiruvalluvar highlights how foundational virtues are to living a meaningful and impactful life.

The Third Thirukkural: An Introduction

The Tamil Text

மலர்மிசை ஏகினான் மாணடி சேர்ந்தார்
நிலமிசை நீடுவாழ் வார்.

malarmisai yaekinaan maanadi saerndhthaar
nilamisai needuvaal vaar

English Translation

“What use is learning if it does not lead to worshipping the feet of the virtuous, who are free from evil?”

Deeper Explanation and Interpretation

The third kural builds on the theme of the second by focusing on virtue. Thiruvalluvar highlights that learning and knowledge are futile unless they lead to the veneration of virtuous individuals. This kural stresses that the ultimate goal of knowledge should be the cultivation and recognition of virtue. Thiruvalluvar underscores that true knowledge and virtue are inseparable.

Applying the Third Thirukkural to Modern Life

Recognising the Importance of Virtue

In today’s world, this kural reminds us that knowledge alone is not sufficient. It must be paired with virtuous living to be truly valuable and impactful.

Understanding Ethics and Values in Virtue

Virtue involves adhering to ethical principles and maintaining a moral character. Values-based living means consistently applying these principles in all aspects of life.

How to Cultivate Virtue

To cultivate virtue in alignment with the teachings of the Thirukkural, consider these steps:

  1. Practice Integrity: Be honest and transparent in your actions and decisions.

Example: At work, if you realise you made a mistake on a project, own up to it immediately rather than trying to cover it up. This honesty will build trust with your colleagues.

2. Show Compassion: Treat others with kindness and empathy, recognising their inherent worth.

Example: If you see a colleague struggling with their workload, offer to help them out or simply listen to their concerns, showing that you care.

3. Pursue Justice: Strive to be fair and just in your interactions and stand up for what is right.

Example: If you witness someone being unfairly treated, whether in a social situation or at work, speak up and support them, ensuring fairness and justice.

4. Exercise Humility: Acknowledge your limitations and be open to learning and growth.

Example: When receiving feedback, instead of becoming defensive, take it as an opportunity to improve and grow, showing humility and willingness to learn.

The Benefits of Living Virtuously

Living a life grounded in virtue offers numerous benefits, such as:

  1. Inner Peace: Virtuous living fosters a sense of peace and contentment.

Example: Knowing you acted with integrity and kindness throughout your day helps you sleep better at night, free from guilt or regret.

2. Trust and Respect: Consistently ethical behaviour earns the trust and respect of others.

Example: Colleagues and friends will come to you for advice and support, trusting in your consistent honesty and fairness.

3. Resilient Relationships: Virtue strengthens personal and professional relationships.

Example: By consistently showing empathy and fairness, your relationships with family, friends, and colleagues will become stronger and more resilient.

4. Positive Influence: Living by example inspires others to pursue virtuous living.

Example: When others see you acting with integrity and kindness, they are inspired to do the same, creating a positive ripple effect.

Aligning Actions with Virtue

Once you recognise the importance of virtue, align your actions with this understanding:

  1. Set Ethical Goals: Define goals that reflect your commitment to virtue.

Example: Set a goal to volunteer at a local charity once a month, reflecting your commitment to compassion and community service.

2. Make Virtuous Decisions: Evaluate your choices based on their alignment with ethical principles.

Example: When faced with a business decision, choose the option that benefits all parties fairly, even if it’s not the most profitable.

3. Practice Self-Reflection: Regularly reflect on your behaviour and its alignment with your values.

Example: Spend a few minutes each evening reflecting on your actions during the day and consider whether they aligned with your core values.

4. Foster Community: Surround yourself with people who support and encourage virtuous living.

Example: Join a community group or online forum focused on ethical living to share experiences and support each other’s growth.

Practical Application

To implement the wisdom of this kural in our daily lives, consider the following action points:

  1. Practice Daily Acts of Kindness: Make it a habit to perform a small act of kindness or fairness each day.

Example: Compliment a colleague on their hard work, help a neighbour with their groceries, or donate to a cause you care about.

2. Engage in Community Service: Dedicate time each week to volunteer for a cause that aligns with your values.

Example: Volunteer at a local food bank, join a community clean-up event, or mentor someone in need.

3. Set Up Ethical Reminders: Use visual reminders to reinforce your commitment to virtuous living.

Example: Place quotes or notes around your home and workspace that inspire you to act ethically and justly.

Action Point for Readers

Make it a habit to practice one act of kindness regularly. This could be as simple as helping a neighbour, giving a compliment, or supporting a local charity. Small consistent actions can foster a culture of virtue in your daily life.

Join the Journey

As we explore the Thirukkural, each couplet offers deeper insights into living a successful, moral, and prosperous life. Stay connected with Kural Inspired Life to continue this journey of uncovering timeless wisdom and applying it to enrich our modern lives.

Join us on this exciting adventure as we delve into the ancient teachings of Thiruvalluvar and discover how these pearls of wisdom can transform our everyday experiences. Let’s learn, grow, and thrive together, using the Thirukkural as our guide to a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Thank you for reading. Stay tuned for the next article where we delve into the fourth kural and its profound teachings. Let’s embark on this journey of discovery and inspiration together!



Rushani Mahendran
Kural Inspired Life

Rushani is a curator of magical learning experiences both in life and in the (virtual) classroom! She is continuously looking for ways to grow and share ideas!