#Kural 4 — Exploring the Fourth Thirukkural: The Endurance of Virtue

Rushani Mahendran
Kural Inspired Life
6 min readJun 11, 2024

Our journey through the Thirukkural continues with the fourth couplet, emphasising virtue's enduring nature. Thiruvalluvar reminds us that the strength of virtue surpasses all worldly possessions and accomplishments.

The Fourth Thirukkural: An Introduction

The Tamil Text

வேண்டுதல் வேண்டாமை இலானடி சேர்ந்தார்க்கு
யாண்டும் இடும்பை இல

vaenduthal vaentaamai ilaanadi saerndhthaarkku
yaandum idumpai ila

Alternate English Translation

“The troubles of life do not touch those who have taken refuge at the feet of the One who desires nothing and rejects nothing.”

Deeper Explanation and Interpretation

This kural is part of the first chapter of the Thirukkural, titled “In Praise of God” (Kadavul Vazhthu). This chapter consists of 10 couplets focusing on recognising and honouring the divine as the ultimate source of all virtues and wisdom.

In this couplet, Thiruvalluvar conveys a profound message about the transcendent power of virtue. He speaks of those who align themselves with the divine, describing the divine as one who is beyond desires and aversions. Such alignment with virtue, symbolised by the divine, provides a shield against life’s hardships.

The couplet implies that those who live a life rooted in virtue and spiritual detachment, free from the turmoil of desires and aversions, find peace and stability regardless of external circumstances.

Applying the Fourth Thirukkural to Modern Life

Embracing the Endurance of Virtue
In our fast-paced, modern world, the fourth kural serves as a powerful reminder that true strength and peace come from living a life of virtue and balanced detachment from desires.

The Power of Virtue Over Circumstances
Virtue acts as an anchor that keeps us steady, no matter what challenges we face. By focusing on virtues such as integrity, compassion, and humility, we build resilience against life’s inevitable ups and downs.

How to Cultivate Endurance Through Virtue

To cultivate endurance through the virtues highlighted by the Thirukkural, consider these steps:

Practice Detachment: Learn to avoid excessive attachment to outcomes and material possessions.

Example: In a professional setting, focus on doing your best work rather than being overly concerned with promotions or recognition. This mindset can reduce stress and increase job satisfaction.

Adopt a Balanced Perspective: Avoid extremes in desires and aversions; strive for a balanced approach to life.

Example: When faced with criticism or praise, maintain a steady outlook without letting either affect your core sense of self-worth too deeply.

Seek Inner Peace: Engage in practices that promote inner calm and clarity, such as meditation or mindful breathing.

Example: Incorporate a few minutes of mindfulness meditation into your daily routine to cultivate a sense of peace and focus amidst daily chaos.

Nurture Compassion: Show understanding and empathy towards others, regardless of their actions or circumstances.

Example: If someone acts rudely towards you, respond with patience and kindness instead of reacting with anger. This fosters a more harmonious interaction and reduces conflict.

The Benefits of Living with Virtuous Endurance

Living a life rooted in virtue and balanced detachment brings numerous benefits:

Reduced Stress: Virtue and detachment help mitigate stress by reducing the emotional impact of external events.

Example: When you are less attached to the outcome of a project, you can approach it with calmness and clarity, reducing anxiety.

Increased Resilience: A virtuous mindset enhances your ability to bounce back from setbacks.

Example: In the face of personal loss or failure, a focus on virtues like perseverance and humility helps you recover and move forward more effectively.

Deeper Fulfilment: Virtue provides a sense of purpose and fulfilment beyond material gains.

Example: Engaging in community service or helping others can bring profound satisfaction and joy, more than any financial reward.

Stronger Relationships: Virtue fosters trust and respect, strengthening personal and professional relationships.

Example: Consistently acting with integrity and compassion builds deeper, more meaningful connections with friends, family, and colleagues.

Aligning Actions with Virtue and Endurance

To integrate the teachings of this kural into your daily life, align your actions with the principles of virtue and detachment:

Set Values-Based Goals: Establish goals that reflect your commitment to enduring virtues.

Example: Set a goal to practice gratitude daily, helping you maintain a positive outlook regardless of external circumstances.

Practice Mindfulness: Regularly check in with yourself to ensure your actions align with your core values.

Example: Take a few moments throughout the day to reflect on your actions and thoughts, ensuring they align with your virtues of compassion, integrity, and balance.

Cultivate Resilience: Develop habits that strengthen your emotional and mental resilience.

Example: Engage in regular physical exercise, which not only improves your health but also helps manage stress and boost resilience.

Build a Supportive Network: Surround yourself with people who encourage and uphold virtuous living.

Example: Join a group or community focused on personal growth and ethical living to share experiences and support each other’s journeys.

Practical Application

To implement the wisdom of this kural in your daily life, try this practical approach:

Identify a Source of Stress or Attachment: Reflect on a current source of stress or something you feel overly attached to. It could be a work project, a relationship, or a material possession.

Assess Its Impact: Consider how this stress or attachment affects your peace of mind and overall well-being.

Example: If you’re stressed about a work deadline, notice how it affects your sleep, mood, and interactions with others.

Reframe Your Perspective: Shift your focus from the outcome to the process and the virtues you can embody.

Example: Instead of stressing about meeting the deadline, concentrate on doing your best work with integrity and perseverance.

Take a Balanced Action: Make a small change that reflects a balanced approach and aligns with virtuous living.

Example: Set realistic milestones for the project, ensuring you work diligently while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Action Point for Readers

Choose an area of your life where you feel stressed or overly attached and consciously apply a balanced, virtuous approach to it. Focus on the process and embody the virtues of patience, integrity, and compassion. Notice how this shift impacts your peace of mind and resilience.

Join the Journey

As we explore the Thirukkural, each couplet offers deeper insights into living a successful, moral, and prosperous life. Stay connected with Kural Inspired Life to continue this journey of uncovering timeless wisdom and applying it to enrich our modern lives.

Join us on this exciting adventure as we delve into the ancient teachings of Thiruvalluvar and discover how these pearls of wisdom can transform our everyday experiences. Let’s learn, grow, and thrive together, using the Thirukkural as our guide to a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Thank you for reading. Stay tuned for the next article, where we delve into the fifth kural and its profound teachings. Let’s continue this journey of discovery and inspiration together!



Rushani Mahendran
Kural Inspired Life

Rushani is a curator of magical learning experiences both in life and in the (virtual) classroom! She is continuously looking for ways to grow and share ideas!