#Kural 5 — Delving into the Fifth Thirukkural: The Essence of Divine Blessing

Rushani Mahendran
Kural Inspired Life
5 min readJun 14, 2024

We now turn to the fifth couplet, highlighting the significance of divine grace and virtue. Thiruvalluvar underscores how the blessings of the divine can protect us from the dual evils of ignorance and immorality.

The Fifth Thirukkural: An Introduction

The Tamil Text

இருள்சேர் இருவினையும் சேரா இறைவன்
பொருள்சேர் புகழ்புரிந்தார் மாட்டு.

irulsaer iruvinaiyum saeraa iraivan
porulsaer pukalpurindhthaar maatdu

English Translation

“The dual deeds of darkness shall not adhere to those who delight in the true praise of God.”

Deeper Explanation and Interpretation

In this couplet, Thiruvalluvar emphasizes that those who truly praise and honour the divine will be shielded from the dual evils of ignorance (darkness) and immoral deeds. By living a life devoted to virtuous praise of the divine, one remains free from the clutches of evil and ignorance, leading a life of moral clarity and spiritual enlightenment.

Applying the Fifth Thirukkural to Modern Life

Embracing Divine Grace and Virtue

In our modern world, this kural reminds us that spiritual devotion and virtuous living are essential to overcoming the challenges of ignorance and immorality. We can lead a more enlightened and ethical life by focusing on these principles.

The Power of Praise and Devotion

Praise and devotion to the divine can provide strength and guidance, helping us navigate life’s challenges and stay true to our values. Recognising a higher power can offer a sense of purpose and direction.

How to Cultivate Virtue Through Praise and Devotion

To cultivate virtue through praise and devotion in alignment with the teachings of the Thirukkural, consider these steps:

  1. Engage in Regular Reflection: Take time each day to reflect on your actions and intentions.

Example: Set aside a few minutes each morning or evening for prayer, meditation, or contemplation on virtuous living.

2. Express Gratitude: Regularly express gratitude for the blessings in your life.

Example: Keep a gratitude journal where you write down things you are thankful for each day, focusing on the positive aspects of your life or send notes to those you are grateful for.

3. Live Ethically: Align your actions with your spiritual and moral beliefs.

Example: Make conscious decisions that reflect your commitment to honesty, kindness, and integrity.

4. Serve Others: Find ways to serve and support your community, reflecting the virtues you admire.

Example: Volunteer for local charities, help a neighbor in need, or participate in community service projects.

The Benefits of Divine Praise and Virtuous Living

Living a life grounded in divine praise and virtue offers numerous benefits:

  1. Inner Peace: Spiritual devotion and virtuous living foster a sense of peace and fulfillment.

Example: Regular spiritual practices can reduce stress and enhance your overall sense of well-being.

  1. Moral Clarity: A focus on divine praise and virtue provides clear ethical guidance.

Example: When faced with difficult decisions, your spiritual and moral principles can guide you to make the right choice.

  1. Positive Influence: Living a life of virtue and devotion inspires others to do the same.

Example: Your actions can serve as a model for friends and family, encouraging them to lead more virtuous lives.

  1. Resilience: Spiritual devotion provides strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

Example: A strong spiritual foundation can help you navigate life’s challenges with grace and perseverance.

This is not to say that sometimes it’s not OK to be fed up with life. I know all too well the times when I have been trying so hard, doing everything with good intentions and maintaining gratitude and strong devotion, only to be faced with more struggle and uncertainty. It sometimes requires us to feel through those emotions before we can come back to feeling the gratitude, but the idea is that each time, you get faster at returning back to your spirituality and gratitude so that you do not spend too long in a lower vibration.

Aligning Actions with Divine Praise and Virtue

To integrate the teachings of this kural into your daily life, align your actions with the principles of divine praise and virtue:

  1. Set Spiritual Goals: Establish goals that reflect your commitment to spiritual growth and virtuous living.

Example: Aim to engage in regular spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, or reading sacred texts.

  1. Practice Mindfulness: Stay aware of your thoughts and actions, ensuring they align with your spiritual and moral values.

Example: Throughout the day, check in with yourself to ensure your actions reflect your commitment to virtue and devotion.

  1. Cultivate Compassion: Show empathy and kindness in all your interactions.

Example: Make a conscious effort to listen to others and respond with compassion and understanding.

  1. Build a Supportive Network: Surround yourself with people who share your commitment to spiritual and moral growth.

Example: Join a community group or spiritual fellowship where you can share experiences and support each other’s growth.

Practical Application

To implement the wisdom of this kural in your daily life, try this practical approach:

  1. Daily Reflection: Set aside time each day for reflection or meditation on your spiritual and moral values. Consider how you can better align your actions with these principles.

Example: Spend five minutes each morning in quiet reflection, contemplating your intentions for the day and how you can live virtuously.

2. Gratitude Practice: Make expressing gratitude a daily habit. Each day, take a moment to thank someone in your life or acknowledge something you are grateful for.

Example: Write a thank-you note to a colleague who helped you with a project, or simply thank a friend or family member for their support.

3. Ethical Living: Make a conscious effort to ensure your daily actions reflect your values. Before making decisions, ask yourself if they align with your spiritual and moral principles.

Example: When faced with a decision at work, consider how it aligns with your values of honesty and fairness. Choose the path that best reflects these principles.

4. Community Service: Find a way to give back to your community. Volunteering your time and skills can reinforce your commitment to virtuous living and positively impact those around you.

Example: Volunteer at a local shelter, participate in a community clean-up, or mentor someone who could benefit from your experience.

Action Point for Readers

Commit to a daily practice of reflection or meditation focused on gratitude and virtuous living. This practice can help you stay connected to your spiritual values and guide your actions throughout the day.

Join the Journey

As we explore the Thirukkural, each couplet offers deeper insights into living a successful, moral, and prosperous life. Stay connected with Kural Inspired Life to continue this journey of uncovering timeless wisdom and applying it to enrich our modern lives.

Thank you for reading. Stay tuned for the next article, where we delve into the sixth kural and its profound teachings. Let’s continue this journey of discovery and inspiration together!



Rushani Mahendran
Kural Inspired Life

Rushani is a curator of magical learning experiences both in life and in the (virtual) classroom! She is continuously looking for ways to grow and share ideas!