The advent of Whatsapp in E-business

Shanmugavadivu T
Published in
5 min readDec 6, 2022

The COVID -19 pandemic has triggered a massive boom in the digital business. Even now, the situation is rapidly changing, and many people have become engrossed in the new era of online shopping. Businesses are now more concerned with reaching their target customers easily and affordably. But do we really have a solution?

Yes, we do have WhatsApp. With over 2 billion monthly active users, WhatsApp has surpassed all other social media platforms in terms of benefits and usage. According to recent surveys, the average person spends 38 minutes per day on the app. So, if you’re looking to advance your business, WhatsApp is the way to go. Here’s everything you need to know about how the WhatsApp API can benefit your business.

1. Bulk Messages

Consider that you are hosting a webinar this week and that 400 people have registered for it. You have a change in the itinerary that you previously shared when enrolling. So, you now want to notify all 400 applicants about the new itinerary. You have customer phone numbers and email addresses. However, calling 400 applicants will consume more time, and emails have a low response rate.

WhatsApp bulk messages can be a lifesaver in this situation. You can use WhatsApp bulk messaging to send the same itinerary message to over 1000 applicants. Bulk messages will save you a lot of time and allow you to complete your work in a fraction of a second.

2. Real-time feedback

Think of yourself as the owner of an online bakery. Gathering customer feedback is essential for the development of any business. However, the likelihood of someone leaving feedback after placing an order can be 50/50.

According to a survey, only 47% of people write reviews after making a purchase. Here, WhatsApp’s quick reply options could be crucial. You can easily request feedback using these buttons. Given that it only takes a few seconds, your customers will also think it’s simple and finish it without hesitation.

3. Lead generation & Customer Acquisition

Assume you have an e-commerce website. After optimizing the website, you notice a lot of traffic but not a fair number of sales. You can now collect the details of your customers who visited your website using WhatsApp chat bubble. Typically, the chances of increased sales during the festival and offer times are high.

During the festivals, you can now contact your customers via WhatsApp and send details about your exciting deals and discounts. The average WhatsApp user is said to open the app nearly 23–25 times per day. As a result, the probability of converting them into customers via WhatsApp is greater.

4. Product Finding

Consider yourself the owner of a gift shop. When you send a catalog, it will be challenging for a customer to locate a specific product in a sea of options. Here, a product finder can lighten your load by assisting them in finding their ideal products.

Using a bot, you can create a quiz and ask several questions about the price range, recipient, type of gift, and other aspects. You can now determine your customer’s needs and assist them with a personalized catalog based on the answers received. Meanwhile, Personalized responses will help you to strengthen your customer relationship.

5. Instant Customer Service

Consider yourself a food delivery partner. Maintaining an active customer service is vital to succeed in this industry. WhatsApp can assist your customer service team in reaching out to customers rapidly and resolving issues through a website chat bot.

6. Timely Remainders

Imagine yourself as an educator who offers online courses. I’m sure you’ve noticed students drop out of the application process in the middle for various reasons. Despite sending numerous email reminders and alerts to applicants, you might have received a low response rate. Also, according to recent statistics, only 20% of candidates who initially clicked the email link clicked it again, and only 10% completed the application process.

The platform you use to communicate with applicants is now the source of your low response rate. Emails have a 22% open rate, while WhatsApp has a 97% open rate, making WhatsApp the clear winner. WhatsApp leftovers can be a great boon in terms of getting a high response rate, which results in higher overall numbers.

7. Assorted Labeling

Let’s pretend you own a pet food business. Pets come in a wide variety of varieties and sub-categories. Every day you may receive thousands of requests for product suggestions, catalogs, payment inquiries, delivery, and many other services.

After a long day, none of us wants to open a cluttered chat box. WhatsApp Labeling comes in handy in this situation. You can create various labels such as catalog, payment, delivery, and many others. Labeling can help you stay organized and save more time.

It’s now your turn to reach out to your loyal customers by making smart choices. Make your brand stand out in a competitive marketplace by choosing the ideal WhatsApp Business API engagement platform. Begin right away to reap all of the premium and tailored benefits.

