Introducing my new book: Healing Children

Written for every parent who wants the best care for their kids

Kurt Newman, M.D.
Kurt Newman, MD
2 min readMay 8, 2017


I’m pleased and humbled to share that my new book, Healing Children is launching on June 13.

I wrote this book to help parents get the best health care for their children. All too often children suffer because their parents just do not know what I know; that the best medicine and surgery for kids is in pediatric hospitals with doctors and nurses who do nothing else but heal children.

I learned these lessons in my journey to become a pediatric surgeon. My teachers were amazing patients, courageous parents, and inspirational mentors. I tell their stories to shed light on the priceless value of a world of medicine and hospitals focused exclusively on children.

Now as CEO of one of the nation’s leading children’s hospitals, I share insights from the front lines and scientific frontiers that are transforming the care of children. With children as our highest priority, my goal is to guide parents to make the right choices for their kids’ health as they navigate the confusion and chaos of a health system designed by adults, for adults.

Writing Healing Children has been a true labor of love — for the field of pediatric medicine, for the brave kids and families who inspire me every day, and for the mentors and friends who have guided me throughout my career.

I hope this book sparks a national conversation about what kids really need from their doctors and how parents can get the best possible care for their kids.

Healing Children is available for pre-order here, and will be in stores June 13, 2017. Proceeds will go to the Pediatric Health Opportunity Fund, a charity supporting research and innovation in pediatric medicine.



Kurt Newman, M.D.
Kurt Newman, MD

Father, Author, Pediatric Surgeon, President & CEO of Children’s National Health System