

Share your Medium articles on Github profile


文章同步發表於 個人網站,之後的文章都會發布在個人網站上,再請大家多多支持啦❤️


I had introduce my side project — so-stats last time. If you are not using it, just give it a try🚀

In this article, I want to introduce another side project that also prettify your github profile — medium-story

This project uses rss to receive your recent Medium stories, and return a svg image for you to put on readme file.

Demo first


Same as so-stats, just two steps. Simple!

  1. Find out your Medium username

2. Change the ?username= value to yours.

The request url may looks like https://medium-story.vercel.app/api?username=@s09001

Paste on browser, and you’ll see the image like ⇓

Show on github profile or anywhere

Use the following markdown syntax to show your so stats card on profile.

[![My Medium story](https://medium-story.vercel.app/api?username=@s09001)](https://github.com/kurt-liao/medium-story)

Also, you can use html style.

<a href="https://github.com/kurt-liao/medium-story">

Optional Settings

There are few optional features, let’s see!

Index of articles

As I had mentioned this project uses rss to retrieve your newest 10 medium stories, so you can pass an index parameter to get specify story that you want to show, see the sample below ⇓

index 2 means the third new article

index is range from 0 to 9, 0 means the latest story, and so on.

Default is 0 if you don’t pass it.

Hide specific info

You can pass a &hide= parameter with comma-seperated values.


![My latest medium story](https://medium-story.vercel.app/api?username=@s09001&hide=img,date)
hide image and date

Get story link

You can pass a &is_link=true. Instead of return a svg image, the request will return the link of story

Use this feature on <a> tag or the link syntax in markdown to make your image clickable, sample ⇓

<a href="https://medium-story.vercel.app/api?username=@s09001&is_link=true">


[![My Medium story](https://medium-story.vercel.app/api?username=@s09001)](https://medium-story.vercel.app/api?username=@s09001&is_link=true)

At last, contributions are welcome🎉 Also⭐

🐛Issue Report & Feature Request




Written by Kurt

Technical writer & Web developer

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