How to design a better ‘Contact Us’ page to attract queries & leads for your business

Simran Gangahar
Published in
4 min readAug 19, 2020
Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

Imagine, as a user you were never given an option to contact anyone in the virtual world. Would such a world even exist?

Communication proves our existence.

There should be a bond between any two sides to balance the flow of energy from both the ends. To maintain a bond, communication is important and it must always be both ways.

Where should the Contact Us icon be located?

After a user has hovered through the website and is ready to make some decisions, they search for the Contact Us icon.

The Contact Us page is usually ignored whereas it is one of the most important parts of any service. It must be easily accessible from the home page and the link to the same must be in a prominent place. The design should be clean and must reflect the brand’s visual identity. In most cases, it is located on the upper right corner of the website.

Users are human beings who expect a lot while exploring anything unknown but fascinating to them.

What should be inside the Contact Us link?

As soon as a user clicks on the Contact Us link, they are taken to the Contact Us page. This page usually has some basic information about the company and different options for reaching out to the company.

A two-way conversation is more fruitful than a one-way conversation. Hence, just providing the company’s email address and not asking for any information from the user’s end in return is not favorable.

Contact forms play an important role in getting information from the user, it must be simple, easy, and should not ask for much information from the user. It should ask for very basic information about the user like, name, email address, phone number, and a message box to allow the user to feel free to inquire. If the company is providing a lot of services, then it can be categorized. uses a very simple design of a contact form which also matches the brand’s visual identity. It also tells about the location of their stores.

Note: Too many questions to the users might confuse them and divert them from their goals. Only ask what is necessary.

Tips and Tricks

  1. The Team Members

Including pictures of people from the customer service team or simply introducing the team is a good way of creating a sense of trust in the user’s mind that someone real is going to respond.

2. FAQs

A link to FAQs helps the user to get answers to simple questions that can arise in a user’s mind when they are exploring your service. It also keeps the customer service team away from getting bombarded with queries. Including links to FAQs is always a good option to go with.

Location of the store, FAQs, Legal Terms and Conditions and Contact Us option is easily available under the category, “Company”, which helps the user to get to know the brand and company better.

3. Social Media Links

Social media is a good medium to interact with people. Users generally have a feeling that social media gives quick responses. It also gives the user a chance to learn more about your business.

Beardbrand provides links to their social media handle which helps them in one-on-one interaction with the users.

4. Design consistency and simplicity

Contact pages are usually not very informative and engaging and so, there must not be any sacrifices with the design. The design should be consistent throughout the website, it should match with the company branding as well. Embracing simplicity in design and content helps achieve the goal of converting visitors into leads.

5. Give Options.

Giving particular options to the users based on the services provided by the company is a great way to sort out mails.

6. “No” to CAPTCHAs!

CAPTCHAs can be irritating sometimes. Users are usually not patient enough to fill in CAPTCHAs when they are projecting their thoughts in blank space. According to a study online, turning on captchas resulted in a 3.2% loss in conversions.

Following the above mentioned simple tricks can help you -

  • Get more leads.
  • Segregate mails so that there is efficiency and reach in replies.
  • Get more insights.
  • Communicate without barriers.

A Good Design leads to better Communication and greater Conversions.

Contact Us page must be simple and quick to use as users come to that page when they have made a decision of engaging with the service. Remember, even a slight inconvenience or inconsistency can result in a loss of conversion. is one of the few top design companies who help organizations apply design principles strongly to their products and can help you in getting more queries and leads through your website design.

